Sunday, April 7, 2019

2019/4/13 13:30 公投自決的虛實 -- FAPAMO & TAA-STL

Speech Event: 公投自決的虛實
Speaker:  李中志 教授  Prof. Chung-Chih Li

Date: April 13, 2019
Time: 1:30 ~ 5:00 PM
Place:  Chesterfield City Hall Multi-purpose Room
  690 Chesterfield Parkway West, Chesterfield, MO 63017

1:30P  Greetings & Gathering Albert Kuo, FAPA-MO Chapter President
2:00P  Opening Remarks  Sonya Hung, TAA-STL President
2:05P  Introducing the Speaker Albert Chiu, Prof. Emeritus, St. Louis Univ.
2:10P  公投自決的虛實  Chung-Chih Li, Prof., Illinois State Univ.
3:25P  Break
3:40P  Q&A    Roger Hsieh, Treasurer, TAA-STL & FAPA-MO
4:15P  Open Discussion  Charles Tsai, Retired Pathologist
4:55P  Closing Remarks  Albert Kuo



 李中志 (Chung-Chih Li)

李中志教授出生於台南麻豆,淡江大學電子計算機系學士, 紐約雪城大學 (Syracuse University) 大學電腦科學博士,現任職於伊利諾州立大學 (Illinois State University),研究與教學領域為理論電腦。曾任兩任NATPA總會會長 (2016-2018),長期關心台灣的社會政治,評論文章散見於各論壇,涵蓋上報,極光電子報,新新聞雜誌,自由時報,蘋果日報,想想論壇,科學月刊,思想坦克,台北時報 (the Taipei Times)

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Church topics 教會話題

Chia ū chi̍t-kóa "khó-lêng tùi tng góa ēmg 'koan-kong soan-kàu ê chiân-tê' hóng-būn kàu-hōe ê sî chham-ka hap-sian ê lâng" ū pang-chān" ê ōe-tê.  Chit ê toaⁿ lāi-bīn ê sūn-sù bô te̍k-pia̍t ê ì-sù.
Here is a collection of topics possibly benefiting those who participate in the casual chatting when I visit a church with new "ministry through new tourism" in mind. The sequence in this list has no meaning.
  1. Siān-iōng, iân-iōng káng-tō 善用、延用講道 Properly utilize the sermons extensively. 
  2. Sèng-si ê èng-iōng 聖詩的應用 The applications of hymns and hymnals
  3. Éng-sòa bô-thêng ê "Sèng-si keng-êng hoa̍t" 聖歌的永續經營 
  4. Kì-li̍o̍k "Hôe-ek kàu-hōe kap kò-jîn ê sìn-gióng" ê hong-hoat 回憶(教會或個人的信仰)的紀錄法 The methods for documenting "recollecting testimonies of a church or any individuals" 
  5. Kàu-hōe ê chu-sìn 教會的資訊 The church information or the information in a church and the churches.
  6. Chi̍t-keng kàu-hōe ê le̍k-sú kap te̍k-chit 教會的歷史、特質 The history and the traits of a church.
  7. Khòng-iá pan kàu-ha̍k hoat「曠野班」教學法 The special method of teaching and learning called "wilderness method"
  8. Koan-kong soan-kau 觀光宣教 Ministry through tourism and sightseeing.
  9. Kiàn-chèng pó-khò͘ kap kò͘-sū chi̍p 見證寶庫、故事集 The treasure of testimonies and stories in a collection 
  10. Kàu-hōe koán-lí 教會管理 the management of church and churches
  11. Lêng-siu hōe, thè-siu hōe, te̍k-hōe, kî-tó hōe, kok-sek-kok-iūⁿ ê hōe (thiⁿ chī-kóa siā-hōe ha̍k ê koan-tiám) 靈修會、退修會、特會、祈禱會、各色各樣的會 (加上一些社會學觀點)Spiritual gathering, retreat, special gathering, prayer meeting, all kinds of meetings and gatherings with sociological viewpoints and understanding.
  12. Ka-têng lé-pài 家庭禮拜 In home worship services
  13. Tiúⁿ-ló Kàu-hōe sìn-gión, cheng-sîn, chok-hong, bûn-hòa,.....長老會信仰、精神、作風、文化、... The beliefs, the spirits, and the styles of Presbyterian churches.
  14. Kàu-hōe chū-jiân sī "Sū-gia̍p hoat-tián" ê hùn-liān tiûⁿ 教會自然是「事業發展」的訓練場
  15. Jīm-hô kap kàu-hōe iú-koan ê ōe-tê 任何跟教會相關的新話題。Any issues related churches.

    Koh-kòe chi̍t-han̄g, chi̍t-hāng siá chi̍t-kóa thang-hó kán-tan kài-siāu chiah-ê ōe-tē.
    Then, I will write something to introduce these topics.
    18:18 4/4/2019