Friday, October 27, 2017

PCUSA -- 歡迎訂購待降節靈修 2017 Advent Devotional

Subject: 歡迎訂購待降節靈修 2017 Advent Devotional
Date: Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 7:48 PM
From: Mei-Hui Lai




"Always with US?-What Jesus Really Said About the Poor"
去年就任之新任總書記Rev. J. Herbert Nelson II 發起的Hand and Feet運動,讓我們一起來付出行動,爭取公義和平、對抗種族歧視、經濟剝削,解決窮苦的問題。




Dear Friends:

We are the beloved!
Here's Dr. Hsin Hsin Huang's article Identity Matters just got published.

Please feel free to forward to your friends.
The piece is featured on the Presbyterian OUTLOOK website today: 

Guest commentary by Hsin-hsin Huang  “Who am I?” This question is not only asked by teenagers in search of identity, it is also asked by all of us in a world facing rapid changes. Having a clear identity anchors us in an age of diversity, enabling us to know how to be our own persons in relation to others. There are four important types of identity to consider as one pursues self-definition: Christian, personal, racial and ethnic. Christian identity As Christians, our first and foremost identity is that of a beloved child of God. We are the beloved, and God is…

2017 Advent Devotional
Published by Presbyterians Today. Dual English-Spanish edition.
Let love speak: words and actions to pave the way of the Lord
Deja que el amor hable: Palabras y acciones para preparar el camino del Señor

During this holy season of Advent, we are invited to contemplate the powerful words of the Psalms. The Scriptures — and Jesus, the Word Incarnate — impel us to speak and act in more just and loving ways, especially towards the strangers and foreigners among us.Magdalena I. García, PC(USA) minister of Word and Sacrament and hospital chaplain for Vitas Healthcare in Chicago, has put together a collection of challenging daily reflections and prayers based upon the Psalms to help us experience the promise and power of Christ’s coming.
Perfect for congregations, families and individuals, each day provides a Psalm excerpt, meditation and prayer to deepen the Advent experience.

The 2017 Advent Calendar is available for ordering now. Indonesian translation has been competed. Please pray for all other 5 languages translators, they will complete soon. We will provide Asian congregations the copies of Vietnamese, Thai, Taiwanese, Mizo, Indonesian, Chinese languages. You may download from website to print or read by yourself for free. If order paper copy from Asian office, each copy is $1.50.

Our fall retreat of Racial Ethnic & Women Ministries have read and discussed together the book:
"Always with US?-What Jesus Really Said About the Poor"
Recommend for you to read.

ST. LOUIS – Participants at Big Tent gathered July 7 to hear Denise Anderson and Jan Edmiston, the co-moderators of the 222nd General Assembly, offer their ideas on ...
 Hand and Feet News and Articles


Mei-hui Lai
Asian Intercultural Congregational Support
Presbyterian Mission Agency

Making a visitors' guide for TPC-STL and then for every church

2017/10/27 9:29
Basic principles:
  1. Visitors get to comprehend a church via literature, photographs, video, church website, or church building. 教會訪客可能透過文章、相片、影片、網站、建築物來認識或瞭解一個教會
  2. Visitors might be frequent participants trying to expand their knowledge or understanding of a church, e.g., a new officer need to advance his or her knowledge of the church to fulfill the new responsibility.訪客們可能是已經經常參加該教會但是希望進一步認識一個教會的人,比如說,新上任的教會任職者需要深入認識並瞭解教會以便履行新的任務。
  3. Visitors might have never been in any church activity or church building before and have no idea about what a church is. 訪客可能是完全沒有參加過教會活動或是踏入過任何教會一步的人,而「完全不知道教會」是什麼的人。
  4. Making a generic visitors' guide, without specific target visitors, need to consider all types of visitors and provide hints and threads for further exploration rather than containing everything at every level in one guide. 沒有特定對象而致做一般性的訪客導覽需要提供線索引人逐步探討各個特定區塊,而不是在一個導覽裡涵蓋全部細節。
  5. The first step of making a generic visitors' guide is to identify and describe the elements and key points of all that might help the visitors. 製作訪客導覽的第一步就是要列出各個覽項的基本因素、成分、與重點。
  6. Every software points need to have associated hardware points.The making of visitors' guide start with hard points as foundation to attract and facilitate the watching and studying of the software points 每一件軟體景點都有相關的硬體景點。製作訪客導覽時需要有硬體景點來引人關注軟體景點。
Basic elements (what are worth watching and studying) : 基本覽項(值得觀賞或研讀的項目)分類  
  1. Viewpoints - /the viewpoints for seeing and studying this church 用來觀察並研讀這個教會的觀點 
  2. Hardware 硬體
  3. software 軟體
  4. History 歷史
  5. Visions, feasibility, and plans - the inspiration/imagination, the prospects, and the plans for the future 願景、遠景的可行性、與計畫
Viewpoints for TPCSTL:
  1. A congregation of PC(USA) self-started by the Taiwanese immigrants 由台美移民啟動的全美長老教會的一個堂會
  2. A congregation of Taiwanese in America 由台美人經營、運用的一個堂會
  3. A congregation in St. Louis, especially, Ballwin, a spot in the West St. Louis county. 在聖路易地區,尤其是指 西郡 Ballwin 的一個堂會
  4. A congregation of multiple culture without any long-term kinship attachments 包含多種文化但是沒有「長期的親族關連」的一個堂會 
  5. A congregation of people with limited root locally.由 缺少在地紮根基礎的人所組成的一個堂會
  6. A congregation of people living at a distance from the church site. 大部分參加者沒有住在禮拜堂附近的一個堂會
  7. A congregation of people with various denominational background 參加者包含多種宗派背景的一個堂會
  8. A congregation of people with limited exposure to Christian heritage and culture. 許多參加者對基督教傳統與文化所知相當有限的一個堂會。
  9. A congregation of people with limited experiences in democracy and group living 許多參加者對民主與團體生活的經驗相當有限的一個堂會。
  10. A congregation of people accustomed to individualized efforts in advancement. 許多參加者習慣於「各自努力求進步」的一個堂會。
  11. A congregation of people who are accustomed to institutionalized education and standard answers. 許多參加者「習慣於制式教育和標準答案」的一個堂會。
  12. A church building with innovative concepts and theology designed and built by the Taiwanese in St. Louis in the early 1990's. 充滿創意與神學思考的教堂由聖路易台灣人在1990年代所設計、建築而成
The substantives on the site (living organism and Hardware) 存在現場的實體物質(生物及硬體):
  1. plants 植物
  2. living creatures 非植物性的生物
  3. Land 土地
  4. building 建築物 
  5. facility - i.e. sign, fence, poles, lighting, pavement, etc.  設施 - 如、招牌、圍籬、柱子、燈台,地面覆蓋層,等等
The interior of the building 建築物內部
  1. partition and the separated spaces 隔離設施及隔間
  2. equipment 設備
  3. decoration 裝飾
function and usages 功能與運用
  1. Gathering 聚集
  2. worship 禮拜
  3. education 教育
  4. training 訓練
  5. serving 服事
  6. testimony 見證
  7. administration and management 管理與經營
  8. maintenance 維護
partition and the separated spaces 隔離設施及隔間
  1. Entrance: gates and windows 出入口:門與窗
  2. fellowship hall as the first access point in the building 入門後的第一個接觸點就是交誼廳
  3. the sanctuary is separated from the rest with direct visibility  禮拜廳在建築物的一側,與社交場所區隔但是視線互通
  4. classrooms surround the fellowship hall providing two-way lighting and visibility with the common ground for functioning as overflow sitting areas. 教室環繞著公共區,與公共區互相提供日光與人造光,並保持雙向視線以便扮演「延伸座位」的功能。
  5. the classrooms have see-through glass on the doors to minimize blind spots that hide unmentionable scenes. 教室的門都有透明玻璃以便避免視線死角,可能降地出現「見不得人」的事情 
  6. Two of the classrooms has built-in partition for separating the room into two rooms occasionally.  One of the classroom has a separated space used as storage area for keeping the folding tables and chairs along with other stuffs.
  7. The classroom next to the kitchen also serves as a meeting room.
  8. A kitchen is close to the entrance for easy moving of supplies and serving food.
  9. The washroom is obvious recognizable by the drinking fountain and easily accessible. People can find it without asking around.
  10. There is a toddlers' washroom in the classroom.
  11. There is a shower room for occasional usage.
  12. There is a toilet in the pastor's office for easy access before the worship services or other gatherings that need the leadership of the pastor.
  13. The office has a window for observing the dynamic at the main entrance.
  14. The common area, the fellowship hall is separated from the sanctuary with see-through glass so that the area can be over-flow sitting area for the activities in the sanctuary.
  15. ....
  16. There is no visible column, nor hallway just for walking. Every space is designed to be multi-functional just like everyone in a church is encouraged to learn and do many different tasks and serve the Lord in many different ways.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Writing method for tourism, sightseeing, and visitors' guide

Here is a good example captured at 5:53 on 10/20/2017
Will be studied, analized, and elaborated regarding the principles and techniques of writing for new ways of thought-cultivation through touring guide.



說到Bundaberg就要說說澳洲有種特別的飲料Ginger Beer,這不是薑啤酒,而是薑汁汽水,而澳洲薑汁汽水最大的品牌就在邦德堡,並以邦德堡為名作為飲料的品牌。所以澳洲人不一定去過Bundaberg,但一定知道Bundaberg,若是有機會到那邊,建議可以去薑汁汽水工廠參觀走走。
我住在Bundaberg的時候並沒有喝過Ginger Beer,第一次喝是在離開邦德堡、而且已經在Caboolture採完一季raspberry之後了,從我住的share house要搬到壽司店宿舍的那個晚上,我東西搬好、人已經在宿舍門口,但是宿舍的人都還沒回來,我就一個人在暗摸摸的門口百無聊賴的等待,順便喝了從店裡拿、同事推薦的Ginger Beer。為了喝飲料而仰頭的瞬間,我在人生第一口薑汁汽水清涼刺激氣泡撞擊我口腔的剎那,無意間看到滿天繁星跟無以名狀之美的銀河;也許是當下情感上受到的震動太強烈,自此之後我就愛上了這個飲料。

追憶起我跟薑汁汽水相遇的淵源跟瞬間,是因為今天我在7-11看到了可口可樂出了薑口味的汽水,我就忍不住買了。入口的瞬間鼻腔聞到一種很學術性的薑味,舌頭沒什麼嚐到薑味,但嚥下去之後幾秒喉頭會突然湧現非常具有科技感的化學薑味。我想,可樂就喝原味的,薑汁汽水還是Bundaberg 最棒!


Saturday, October 14, 2017

A new way of using piano playing skills, video photographing skills, along with writing

From: Tai Ame Stl So <>
Date: Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 7:32 AM
Subject: {Taiwanese Americans in St. Louis} - A piano of a concert pianist - estate sale ending Saturday, the 14th
To: "Community Newsletter of Taiwanese Americans in St. Louis" <>

Write or call me for telephone number to see if the piano is still available for sale if you wanted to take a look.
A piano has been a common scene in the homes of Taiwanese Americans, new or used, large or small. How many of us have spend time and energy trying to know something about piano and piano market?

I ran across an opportunity to make a short video that might help those new to the piano market a little bit. It is a Pleyer piano in Jefferson City, listing at $15,000 in an estate sale that will end this coming Saturday, the 14th. One of the characteristics of estate sale is that the price might keep going down and very likely that every offer could be seriously considered. This particular piano was purchased, owned, and played by a concert pianist named George Exon, who left, after he passed away, two grand pianos to his brother in Jefferson City. The piano has been tuned and appears to be in good condition before the estate sale started this week.
Remember to watch and hear the sound.

Pleyel piano is the oldest piano brand. (

Here is a letter from the current owner, a son of George Exon's deceased brother. Here is a case of my new finding regarding the collecting and handling of precious pianos through documenting and passing on the relevant information and stories, and I am trying to practice and promote it as a volunteer service of Gardeners of Hope Foundation that exists to help careers at any levels and scales.

From: C Exon
Date: Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 6:04 AM
Subject: Pleyel Piano 

Mr. Su,

This is what I know of the Pleyel.

The piano was acquired in the late 1960's in Europe (Amsterdam or Paris?) by George E. Exon, an advertising executive with J. Walter Thompson in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Mr. Exon was a former concert pianist who won a piano scholarship to Yale University at the age of 16 and graduated from University of Michigan in 1950.

He retired in the late 1980's to Cannes, France where he died in 1993.  He bequeathed the Pleyel to his brother, Dr. C. Stuart Exon, who brought the piano from
Cannes to Jefferson City, Mo.

There,  it was loved and played continuously by Dr. Exon's wife, Anne Exon, a professional church musician who had gained a college scholarship by winning a statewide piano contest.

Mrs. Exon played the piano every day until shortly before her death in June of 2017.

The piano is now a part of the Anne and Stuart Exon Estate Sale in Jefferson City.

This is the story of the Pleyel as I know it.  I will send you some photos and information concerning the original owner, my uncle, George Exon.

Charles S. Exon II.
Thanks to Mr. Exon II for sharing this information. He has sent me more that can be passed on to those who might be interested. I encourage that every piano own take some similar actions by documenting and recording the actual sound and the live process of inspection and maintenance. Other than helping the resale the documentation would help appreciating the possession and taking care of the instruments.  I also encourage that professional players be invited or hired to play the instrument for recording to help potential buyers appreciate the beauty.
While old and used pianos appear to cost less than new ones some of them might actually appreciate gradually.

I happened to take some training for becoming a piano technician many years ago and have help some people select pianos in the past. I am still interested and willing to share my limited knowledge to help people find the pianos they like.

There are at least three steps involved in knowing a piano: touch the keys and play music; test the piano in ways beyond playing music; inspect the physical attributes and potential shortages.

You are welcome to reply with questions or discuss the related issues face-to-face.
This is an experiment for this newsletter to try helping individuals with their needs in marketing and/or acquisition. This is not a paid advertisement.

This is not an official newsletter of any organization but a voluntary service of the Gardeners of Hope Foundation. Volunteers welcome.
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Workshops on Study Bible 研讀本聖經研習會


Mei-Hui Lai

Attachments4:40 AM (2 hours ago)
to Mei-hui

台灣聖經公會The Bible Society in Taiwan 美國長老教會Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)主辦 (華語演講)


地點:新城歸正教會Reformed Church of Newtown
85-15 Broadway, Elmhurst, NY 11373
時間: 201711 11() ----時間快到囉!趕快報名


              151 Old Spring Street, Lexington, MA 02421
     合田事工Enharmonic Ministry 協辦

時間:201711 18()

地點:IRVINE台灣基督長老教會 (Geneva Presbyterian Church)
             24301 El Toro Rd., Laguna Hills, CA 92637 USA
時間:201712 2()

地點:聖地雅歌台灣基督長老教會 San Diego TPC     
              4426 Harbison Ave., La Mesa, CA 91942
時間:20181 20()

20183 24() San Jose -加拉太書
20184 28() Vancouver-加拉太書
20185 26() Dallas -加拉太書
20186 30() Chicago -歌羅西書
20187 21() Washington DC -歌羅西書
2018年8 25()
20189 1-3() Houston 營地-使徒行傳
20189 15() Las Vegas -加拉太書
201810 20() Seattle -歌羅西書
201811 10() New York-山上寶訓



陳美蕙 敬邀
