Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Hard to Fail culture 難倒文化 - 難不倒文化

Subject: {Taiwanese Americans in St. Louis} - special words for and in a special day - Between Commemoration and Celebration

Date: Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 12:02 AM

A new concept, with a new term, for the culture of Taiwanese Americans in St. Louis has been identified and announced today as the result of struggling in the searching for new ways of commemorating 228 and the history of March in Taiwan. 一個新的「聖路易台美人文化」概念,搭配著一個新名詞、今天」,就在尋找紀念「二二八以及台灣的三月歷史」的掙扎過程中出現並且宣示了。

It appears in the newsletter to the members of Taiwanese Association of America in St. Louis issued a little while ago. 這個宣示就出現在剛剛發出的「給聖路易台灣同鄉會會員」的電子報內。

Subject: to TAA-STL members: 二二八 敢言 -- 非官方的訊息 -- 各自又一起 發揮難倒文化
Date: 2017-02-28 21:41 GMT-06:00

又快過完台灣人一年內最不好過的一天。 Again, we are approaching the end of the most difficult day of the year among the Taiwanese.

怎麼不好過呢? ----- 稍有年紀的人都有聽過或經歷過跟二二八相關的事情。還算年輕的人沒有體驗過二二八,卻在看到/聽到大家談論二二八的時候因為不知道該怎麼找立足點,不知道怎麼擺姿勢,不知道怎麼接腔,而尷尬。 How come it is difficult to spend the day? ----- those aging Taiwanese have heard of or gone through the tough time related to 228. Those young people without real experience in 228, might feel awkward upon seeing and hearing the discussion on 228 without know where to stand, how to pose, and how to participate in the conversations.

上網一看,這真的是個新的時代,有好多在談二二八的文字、相片、與影片。到處有好多紀念二二八的活動。有人到了這一天是非談不可,也有人努力在強調不可以再談、不要再談。就好像一場籃球賽在進行拉鋸戰。有什麼事情能夠讓台灣人同步、「一起各自」又「各自一起」聚焦呢? Visiting the web, we find that we are in a new era with so many paragraphs, photographs, and videos about 228. There are activities of commemoration everywhere. Some people have to talk about 228 on this day. Other emphasize the need to stop talking about 228 and discourage the talking around it. It is like a game basket ball game with two teams in a tug of war. What are the elements that can and actually bring the Taiwanese around the world to march on the same day, pulling together-individually and separately-together, with the same focus?

在聖路易的台灣人社區裡到底要怎麼過這一天呢?帶著,有時也戴著,聖路易台灣同鄉會會長的帽子,我應該,或是不應該怎麼辦呢? How can we the Taiwanese in the St. Louis community spend the day? Carrying, sometimes wearing, the hat of a president of Taiwanese Association of America in St. Louis, what should or should not I do to handle these?

一直有人主張不可忘記歷史,一定要辦個紀念活動;有人認為「就來半個紀念活動交差吧」;有人搶著大聲說出,「什麼時代了還在撕裂族群」;當然可能有人說,「在台灣已經為二二八放假了,就當做在慶祝連假而上街晾晾吧」。有可能辦出一個能夠「滿足每個人」的活動嗎?沒有辦活動就等同於沒有紀念或慶祝嗎?只有辦活動才算在紀念或慶祝嗎? From time to time, people emphasize that we should not forget history and have to run activities of commemoration; others propose just to get it over with by having some kinds of semi-commemoration; some cut screaming "why hurting the the feeling among different groups of people in such era?"; certainly there will be voices, saying, "it is extended holiday in Taiwan nowadays, let's celebrate by getting out of the houses and have fun." Is it possible to hold activities that satisfy everybody? Would it mean that we are not commemorating nor celebrating when we do not have hold special activity? Are "special activities" the only way to commemorate or celebrate?

辦了活動,不管是紀念或是慶祝,然後呢? So what, after we commemoration or celebrate with special activities?

身為住在聖路易的台灣人,我們有什麼特別的情境讓我們發展出特抒的眼光、思考、與行徑,一方面跟過去的台灣接軌,跟各地鄉親走在一起,同時又顯出新而獨特的貢獻與價值呢? As Taiwanese in St. Louis what special context do we have for developing special insights, thoughts, and acts, to be connected with the past, with the Taiwanese around the world, and demonstrate the unique contribution from and value of being in St. Louis.

紀念與慶祝之間只能取捨嗎?紀念或是慶祝都是簡單易行的樣版活動嗎?Between commemoration and celebration do we have to pick one and give up the other? Commemoration or celebration, are they simple acts of duplicating from templates?

聽說「長話必須短說」,「公開談話要像迷你裙,越短越好」。雖然這不是同鄉會的官方宣告,只能說是個人有感而發,敢用一句話交差嗎?趕看看。Having heard to make long story short and the public speeches have to be like mini-skirt, the shorter the better, although this is not an official proclamation of the Taiwanese Association of America in St. Louis, but some kind of personal expression of being touched. Do I dare to say it in one sentence? I would try to expedite it.

願大家珍惜這一天,「一起各自」紀念或慶祝二二八,這個唯獨台灣人才會重視、珍惜的節日,好好運用這個類似一場球賽的特殊日子跟後續的季節。因為這個日子啟動,而且界定了台灣意識、台灣認同、與台灣文化 -- 新的難倒意識、難倒認同、與難倒文化。Wish you all cherish this day, "pulling together-individually and separately-together" commemorate or celebrate 228, this unique but stressed and cherished only by Taiwanese around the world, special holiday and properly utilize this ball-game-like day the the following season. This is the day that triggered and started defining the ideology, identity, and the culture of Taiwanese, It is a new and "hard-to-fail" ideology, identity, and culture. "Hard-to-fail" happens to carry the same pronunciation of "South Islands", the culture of which is commonly recognized as "spreading into the world from Taiwan", in Mandarin,

繼續在「台灣三月天」的季節裡慢慢談吧!聖路易台灣人在三月天裡慶祝台灣節、台灣歷史、與台灣新傳統。在過去這些活動會延伸到六月,相不相信?參加台灣同鄉會的精華在於董事會,而是不在於兩小時的活動。你已經錯失多少了?Let's address these, gradually, in the season of "March Days of Taiwan". The Taiwanese in St. Louis have celebrated the Taiwan and the history and the new heritage of Taiwan in March days extendable into June in the past, believe it or not. The highlight of involving the Taiwanese Association of America in St. Louis is take place in the board of directors rather than the two-hour events. How much have you missed?

這是聖路易台灣同鄉會存在的重要價值之一:提供一個平台讓鄉親實習設計、操作、經營、行銷、推動、維持一個事業的種種,包括哲理、策略、技術、方案、溝通、人際關係、等等終身受益的事業技巧。每個人都有機會練習當血汗工、當領班、當經理、當財務主管、當網管、當資訊長、當董事、當老闆、當董事長。當別人只花半小時就紀念了二二八在歷史上交差了,有人可能因為整年在想下一次怎麼紀念二二八而浸入歷史、而進步、而參加營造台灣人文化史的使命、而活出台灣人的特殊任務與價值。想想看,世界上有多少人夾雜著「難倒文化」、日本文化、「華文化」、與美國文化,而研發出新世界所需的思考、策略、與過程。暫且叫做「難倒日華美文化」可以吧? These are parts of the important value of the existence of Taiwanese Association of America in St. Louis: providing a platform for the compatriots to learn and practice the design, operation, management, marketing, promotion, everything involving the maintenance a body of business, including the philosophy, strategy, techniques, projects, communication, human relations, etc, the career skills for life. Everybody has opportunity to taste over-working, be a team-leader, a manager, a financial officer, a web-master, a Chief Information Officer (CIO), a member of the board of directors, the chairperson of the board, . While others spend two hour and complete a commemoration or celebration of 228 and get it over with, others might have spent whole year thinking about how to do it next time but getting simmered in the history and growing becoming involved in the mission of cultivating the history of Taiwanese culture and living out the special mission and value. Think about how many people have the opportunity to combine the hard-to-fail (South Islands) culture, Japan culture, Hwua culture, US culture to develop some new thoughts, strategies, and processes needed in the new world, let's call it "HTFJHU" culture for now.

這是個「有感、有敢、有趕,值得紀念、感謝、與慶祝的日子,尤其是這個七十週年的時候,因為我們在聖路易發現了「難倒文化」,並向世界傳播。This is a sensible, courageous, and in-a-hurry day worth commemorating, thanking, and celebrating, especially on the 70th anniversary because we have identified and publicize to the world the HTF (hard-to-fail, which means "South Island" culture of Taiwan.

與鄉親共愐、共勉、共冕,之之之,共想之、共享之。May this be shared for mutual commemoration, encouragement, and recognition and for thinking-enjoying-appreciating together.

蘇希三 Tony Su 6:56 - 21:40 2/28/2017
(finish translating at 23:59 可以說是一整天都在想這一篇,也是一種特殊的紀念吧? It is like spending all day thinking and trying to write this article. May this be considered a special way of commemoration)

(因為借用微軟的文書處理軟體起草而偶然間順便記錄到開始的時刻 By using the word processing Word of Microsoft I happend to capture the time when the exercise of this all-day commemoration started.)

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Saturday, February 25, 2017

TAASTL as a funding organization

Being a funding organization the board will spend time studying proposition and implementation reports rather than designing and implementing events. (2:41 2/25/2017)

A funding organization must be a leader in vision and elaboation of the good causes for fund-raising.
Here is an example of vision and visioning:


蘇希三 9:57 2/28/2017

Friday, February 24, 2017

Commemoration of Taiwanese History in March

Commemoration of Taiwanese History in March (sent to the board: Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 6:27 AM)
  • A. Purpose: Facilitate the awareness of historical methods in dealing with Taiwanese identity in the community of Taiwanese Americans in St. Louis through knowing what happened before and what are coming in the near future. 目的:透過認識「已經發生的事情」跟「不久可能發生的事情」來促進在聖路易台美人社區裡處理「台灣認同」時對於所牽涉到的歷史方法的認知。
  • B. Format: video-recording a small-scale panel discussion in casual chatting without specific appeal or amount of knowledge to be shared. 形式:透過錄影下來的「沒有特別訴求」跟「沒有特別圈定要分享的知識領域」的「小組聊天式座談」
  • C. Effect expected: entertaining, educational, easy and safe for at-home-participation by watching the video later on without specific timing, promote the openness and non-partisan nature of TAASTL 預期效益:具有娛樂性與教育性,透過可讓人輕易地透過事後在家觀看錄影而安全地參與,或「不需特約時間」的「重複觀賞」的錄影節目而推廣台灣同鄉會的「超黨派」與「開放性」
  • D. Participants in the recording: invited guests and the board members, without open invitation in the community for the recording session. Since this is the first professionally recorded session the complexity of the proceeding will be minimized. Those participated in the commemoration in the past would be invited in addition to the board members. Commitment is required.

  • E. Expenses: not expected

  • F. The event will not be open to the public. The recording will be open to the public and announced to the community when it becomes available.

  • G.Initial outline: (avoid judgmentally criticizing any of the views)

  1. The existing historical views (ideology) among Taiwanese and among those involved in the history of Taiwan.
  2. Key points in the history of Taiwan, especially the contemporary history.
  3. Rarely mentioned / under-table agenda in the history and the on-going events.
  4. What ordinary Taiwanese need to watch and be prepared for.

Outline - 2nd draft
  1. What to watch out - the study and discussion of history of Taiwan is not only controversial but also scary to some. Why is it different between the study of Taiwan history and the study of US history, or the study of other history?
  2. What can we expect to reach or achieve - the result or the effect of such discussion?
  3. What can we do to make this discussion worthwhile, interesting to watch once, worth watching repetitively? Supportive information, such as pictures, can be added to the video recording.
  4. A rare approach of utilizing and focusing on questions and questioning as a foundation of raising awareness among friends and sociable participants.
  5. Encourage the participants to try various types of questions and questionings, without nailing down on immediate answers (every answer to historical question is temporary.).
  6. Practical elements of new information of Taiwan history - encourage the participants to share information acquired in the last 12 months and discuss based on these new information
  7. Implication and new thoughts, including questions, from the questions and questioning.
  8. Summary for now, March 2017.
  • A. Types of questions:
    1. The questions that entice or block thinking/conversation
    2. The source of information
    3. The carriers of information
    4. The means of information transportation/transference
    5. The interpreter of information
    6. The framework of the interpreters (many kinds of possible bias)
    7. The evidence related to the information / judgments.
    8. The judgmental statements circulating in the market.
  • B. Types of questioning
    1. Timing - taking turns or cutting off others
    2. Timing - question after providing information
    3. Timing - question after receiving information from others
    4. Timing - start sharing information with questions
    5. Timing - question after combining information pointing to various directions.
  • C. Levels of effects from question and questioning 
    1. for facilitating discussion
    2. for curiosity
    3. for fun (entertaining)
    4. for quidelines
    5. for operation
    6. for application
    7. for management
    8. for tactic planning
    9. for strategy planning
    10. for education
    11. for further thinking, probing, summary, etc.
In other words, a discussion / chatting on the history of Taiwan among friends and for the unknown public with potential fear and conflicting interests, we need to consider making the event inspiring, encouraging friendship and continuous interactions rather than wining or losing the debates, in addition to making it fun to watch, repeat watching, and worth recommending to others.
Hisam (20:11 2/24/2017)

Revised outline. For the originally formatted version see the blog by clicking this link.

流程 program flow

1.         佈置

1.1.           事先由蘇希三清理場地

1.2.          下午兩點開場、開始場地佈置(地下室, 956 Chesterfield Villas Circle)與暖場 we will open the door for arranging the setting and warming up the talking. basement, 956 Chesterfield Villas Circle

1.3.          與談人座位:兩張會議桌在壁爐與鋼琴前面斜排與談人背對壁爐那片牆,一張桌子面向洗手間,另一張面向三人座沙發椅,提供八張合椅

1.4.          攝錄影機

1.4.1.      導演操作鏡頭-三人座沙發椅前面

1.4.2.      全程全面鏡頭-在導演左手邊

1.4.3.      全程全面鏡頭-在導演右手邊

1.4.4.      蘇希三提供一台攝錄影機及 SD 記憶卡兩張。

1.5.          清理背景

1.5.1.      移開壁爐上擺設

1.5.2.      移除鋼琴上擺設

1.5.3.      移除窗前工作桌上物件

1.6.          蘇希三提供 SD 記憶卡兩張。

2.       暖場

2.1.          提供筆記紙與筆給與談人。

2.2.        分發本要點單張

2.3.        製作人口頭說明下列數項要點

2.4.        主持人說明操作要點

2.5.        與談人提問與交消換意見Q&A among the panelists

3.       製作要點(錄存做為參考用及傳承用的附件)

3.1.          聖路易台美文化特質

3.1.1.      美國人- 多元包容、尊重、並融匯異己、

3.1.2.      台灣人-忍辱、個人個別努力、知識/技術導向、謹慎聲色

3.1.3.      聖路易- 遠離戰場,融匯「過路客」、研究開發者、冒險拓荒者與賺取拓荒財的保守商務使兩者互益

3.1.4.      聖路易台美人社區的願景:贏造新的聖路易台每人文化與傳承,包括「創新」、「融合」、「致蔭異己」、「向全世界介紹台灣及其新傳統」

3.2.        本次與談人特質

3.2.1.      專業攝錄影師兼導演

3.2.2.      長期居住聖路易的移民

3.2.3.      各有特殊經歷:寫歷史的人、專業研究員、創業並經營在地事業、台美社團領導人、多語生活

3.2.4.      歷年都參加紀念台灣三月天的活動

3.2.5.      樂於發言

3.2.6.      肯參與嘗試新方法、曝光

3.3.        本次活動特質

3.3.1.      探討、嘗試新的活動方式與技術:以非公開的活動提供從全球各地長期研讀的資訊與機會;發揮、發揚同鄉會的獨立性與中立性。

3.3.2.      預期效果與效益:找出有效的問題以及提出問題的要領;尋找引發興趣以致長期關心的談話要領,做為「復甦並永續經營」同鄉會的基礎。

3.3.3.      著重設計、準備、事後持續報導與延伸應用。建立新模式與方法給世界各地台灣同鄉會做參考。

3.4.        預設題庫(開場題庫)

3.4.1.      一年來的新資訊與新觀點(包含新解釋),比如新解密的文件、救國團跟婦聯會的歸屬及財物等新的歷史話題

3.4.2.      新的歷史方法(包括觀點),如,日本在台灣歷史探究的角色、中學生的歷史教育(課綱)、現代國民黨的歷史觀與方法。

3.4.3.      新的歷史議題

3.4.4.      新的歷史應用,尤其是在聖路易的台美人特殊需要的應用,包括「台美人如何展現哪些文化特色與貢獻,如何避免跟因應來自「新的移民措施」的困境或傷害、「如何協助第二、三代台美人以台美人身份為基礎去營造新的生活與生命」。

3.5.        與談模式(一般脫口秀的模式當中,本次預計猜用第一種模式以便促使本地鄉親樂意接近同鄉會並積極參與)

3.5.1.      由主持人公開徵求發言,引發與談人對話,分配並控制發言的時機與時間,並在必要時插話維持焦點與流程進度

3.5.2.      由主持人指定與談人就事先分配的主題發言,只由主旨持人與發言人對話

3.5.3.      主題由主持人解說後開放與談人自由插話以刺激性言論吸引觀眾

 3.6.        後製

3.6.1.      由陳維源與蘇希三剪輯成為可公開播放的影片

3.6.2.      參與者都有機會參加過濾用的各自預覽並發表意見。

3.6.3.      由蘇希三將錄影檔案擺在Youtube.com 以及 taa-stl.org 網站,並透過電子報以及平面媒體以同鄉會名義宣傳。

3.6.4.      由蘇希三提供與談人全程錄影的DVD留念。

3.7.        預算-零預算。時間、設備、材料全部由參與者捐用。

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Gardeners of Hope (Faith, and Agape)

Concepts: (added at around 13:42 on April 21,, 2017)
  1. Every individual person, group, business entity, organzation, community, government, nation, has at least one career.
  2. Every career goes through development continuously.
  3. Career is one of the most sensitively covered subject in every life.
  4. Career has been treated as personal and private not likely to be included in a conversation.
  5. Career continues to challenge everybody whether the career is successful or not.
  6. Generally people asking for help are waiting for answers, helping hands or resources, guidance, instructions, etc.
  7. Generally people helping others are trying to give hands, resources, instructions, answers, etc.
  8. Practically, the most fundamental of all helps includes helping hearts, companionship, question and questioning, and the support for the search and trial for advancement.
  9. Among all things existing in the world of mankinds, there are always happens and reasoning beyond human cognitions, knowledge, or reasoning. Among the many ways of dealoing with the unknown, the unsovlable, and the unacceptable the Gardeners of Hope Foundation is initiated and encouraged by the faith passed from and interpreted by Presbyterianism, characterized by on-going searching, interpreting, and changing by all who are involved rather than by a limited number of elite.
Basic thoughts.
  1. Based on the concept that everyone has at least one career and the continuous career development in life.  Everybody always has something to dream about or to overcome, The gardeners are needed to help watering and watching the sprouting, growing, and harvesting. 12:40 1/18/2017 (revised 2/23/2017)
  2. The Gardeners of Hope Foundation is an organization to be developed for raising awareness, willingness, and the ability of individuals and groups of people in any form,  (2/23/2017)
  3. The existing methods, including the philosophy, the approaches, the processes, the actions, the acts, the transactions, the tools,... are never sufficient for the functioning of the Gardeners of Hope Foundation. This means that the GroH, (the Gardeners of Hope Foundation) needs to explore, develop, and renew the methods involved in helping people grow and develop careers, continuously.    (14:05 2/23/2017, Central Time - US & Canada, time at St. Louis, Mo. USA)
  4. The scope of services that the GroH might be involved is unlimited. This means the technicality, philosophy, and the knowledge involved are unlimited. There must be some commonality across all the possible fields and challenges. (14:08 2/23/2017, Central Time - US & Canada, time at St. Louis, Mo. USA) 
  5. The bottom line of all the disciplines of helping is "companionship" the helpers must be willing to accompany the helpees in some ways, sociologically. This involves the two basic concept of "society" in the Hanji (so called Chinese characters in writing) . The concept of society in Chinese characters includes two concepts: "siā" 社 and "hōe" 會. While the former implies connectivity in a static sense the latter implies connectivity in actions, such as interacting, meeting with awareness of one another, or through institutionalization with written or un-written "rules".  (14:17 2/23/2017, Central Time - US & Canada, time at St. Louis, Mo. USA) 
Human Resources
  1. Paid staffs: Paid staffs are needed for running an organization efficiently. There won't be paid staffs working for this organization until the board of directors is established and fund-raising reaches certain targets. Job positions and job description will be developed after the board of directors start working. 
  2. Volunteers: Everyone providing services or receiving services of this organization is a volunteer. When the paid staffs perform beyond the paid duty they are functioning as volunteers and the work should be documented as volunteer services. The volunteers are the most important persons because they contribute to the experiences, the knowledge, and the development of the unique and creative methodology of this organization.
  3. Type-I volunteer -- people who receive help through GROH (added 22:10 2018-6-9)
  4. Type -II volunteer -- people who provide help  through companionship, consultation; actual operation of transaction, actual participation by serving as members of sub-organizations such as the board of directors or other teams defined in every project. (added 22:10 2018-6-9)
  5. Type-III volunteer -- paid staffs who work beyond the contracted scope or workload agreeing to handle the load without pay.  (added 22:10 2018-6-9)

  1. There is no limit to how this organization organizes.
  2. There would be one world-headquater, one local headquater for every manageable scope of location, one organized group for every specific project.
  3. There could be one formal board of directors for each organized unit to handle the vision, policy, strategy, and supervision.
  4. For every board of directors there could be any number of "virtual board of directors" for training and breeding future leaders.
  5. Each office/organization would have unique structure, including management units, and ordinances.
  6. Every organized unit is also a form of learning/coaching/growing for everyone involved.
  7. Everyone is welcome to initiate and start a unit at any location.

  1. Listen to individuals as companion to facilitate sharing of expression which facilitate breakthrough in thinking and feeling.
  2. Capture, document issues and experiences related to human careers, at individual, group, organizational, community, governmental level.
  3. Develop issues collected into reading material and/or other forms/media of communication.
  4. Recording conversation, without criticism, for later review by the people involved.
  5. Chat to explore opportunities in stepping outside the boxes.


  1. Individual cases
  2. Group cases
  3. Organizational cases
  4. Community cases
  5. Business unit cases
  6. Governmental cases
  7. Academic cases
  8. Methodology and training cases
  9. .....

Ruling, Rules, Regulations, & Principles

  1. Equal chances and voices
  2. Adopt the Robert's Rules of Parliament where no other agreement establishes.


Business management


STYCO, St. Louis Taiwanese Youth Chamber Orchestra, is an educational and not for profit group initiated by Dr. Jui-lin Ong and Dr. Tai Lin when they first started graduate study at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. It was the evening when they stopped by my home in Chesterifeld, caming back to St. Louis from the Summer Conference of Taiwanese Americans of the Mid-Plain areas, in Springfield, Missouri, The three of us just finished a 6-month project of an orchestral performance at the conference with some not-quite-pleasant incidences. For the summer conference, we dreamed up a unique way of forming a one-time weekend chamber orchestra by composing our own music for the unknown music players to be called. We called the piece something like "A Suite of Taiwanese Music" with Ong writing the first movement of ancient Taiwan, I , the second movement of contemporary Taiwan, and Tai, the future Taiwan, While the ancient and the contemporary Taiwan incorporates existing melodies the future depends on new tunes. We had one common rule of thumb that everyone willing to play an instrument in the orchestra we will write a part for him or her. There were four violin parts with the fourth part playing open strings only.

I was surprised to meeting them at my home and we shared an un-prepared dinner together while they brought the idea of forming a Taiwanese Youth Chamber Orchestra on the table. Ong, being a violin virtuoso, will handle the training of the strings. Tai, being flautist of the Marching Band of the National Defense Department in Taiwan, would handle the wind instruments. They invited me to the the president and the conductor of the orchestra promising to teach me how to conduct. The principle reason for me to be involved playing the role of a president was because they were new to the community and they did not have the foundation nor the time to deal with the unknown human factors in the community. I accepted the challenge of playing the role of conductor but insisted that the organization, administration be handled by a volunteer, preferably someone who is a parent of the youth members of musicians.

The group started rehearsing shortly auditing in the fall. We rehearsed at the club house of the condominium where the president Joyce Chen has a home, preparing for the first public performance in the Mother's Day of 1990.

We prepared to play classical music for the first part of the recital and the Four Seasons of Formosa in the second part of the recital. This became the model in every recital. (15:36 2/23/2017)
A playlist of STYCO recording in youtube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgY4PY6AQPzBr8EZKTaKdD4IDSiPHL1Qp
1990 http://tinyurl.com/STYCO-1-1990

  1. New World symphony https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fl7Jyt_epfc 
  2. Chatting club https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDBYOvMfzOE&t=40s


  1. Octet by Mendelssohn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMpXz_4M4mU&index=3&list=PLgY4PY6AQPzBr8EZKTaKdD4IDSiPHL1Qp
  2. Bāng lí chá kui https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJu0tGk3NLw&list=PLgY4PY6AQPzBr8EZKTaKdD4IDSiPHL1Qp&index=7
  3. Bāng chhun-hong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkGSFFKaWvY&list=PLgY4PY6AQPzBr8EZKTaKdD4IDSiPHL1Qp&index=4B
  4. 1994 Ú-iā hoe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHVU8GDP2X8&list=PLgY4PY6AQPzBr8EZKTaKdD4IDSiPHL1Qp&index=6
  5. Móa soaⁿ chhun-sek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUPXD8KsNnA&list=PLgY4PY6AQPzBr8EZKTaKdD4IDSiPHL1Qp&index=8
  6. Iô gín-á koa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hy-XNSi8ip0&index=5&list=PLgY4PY6AQPzBr8EZKTaKdD4IDSiPHL1Qp

1995 conducted by Paul Hahn

Now in 2017, a new direction to revive the STYCL, after resting for more than 10 years is to organize it, operate it, and functions in a different manner.

Instead of a a traditional fixed member ensemble one of the idea is to promote Taiwanese music by distributing sheet music world-wide to people with any background, encouraging people to enjoy Taiwanese music at home and open for any kind of proposition for public performances.

The major task include, but not be limited to, the followings:

  1. Encourage people, both professionals and amateurs, to transcribe Taiwanese melodies into computer readable form, such as the Sibelius format
  2. Support the beginning transcribers/re-arrangers with financing or loaned software and coaching.
  3. Develop amateur music transcribes by supporting them with the music notation software to transcribe or re-arrange music for music learners at various skill levels.
  4. Develop amateur music commentators/interpreters to write/talk about the collection of STYCO music.
  5. Promote 3-hand piano arrangement involving one raw-hand to play with two seasoned hands, especially as a parent-child duo.
  6. Promote mixing a Taiwanese tune with an existing world classic for promoting both and the mixture of culture as special value of immigrants' contribution.
  7. Collect and describe the arrangements for various levels of skills.
  8. Distribute STYCO collection through internet, downloadable with token cost, through website  like SMP Press - Sheet Music Plus https://smppress.sheetmusicplus.com/ 
  9. Manage social media web site, such as facebook, to communicate with fans.
  10. Keep tracks of fans, including music player and listeners.
  11. Call for comments, recording, needs for re-arrangement, proposal for performances, for sharing in the social media,
  12. Hold special parties for casual performances or formal recitals with one-time performers.
  13. Hold special competition among re-arrangement or performances.
  14. Raise and manage fund to support the related activities. (Maintain status of being a designated project of other non-profit funding organization, such as TAA-STL, whether STYCO becomes a 501(c)3 organization or not) 
  15. Before the STYCO is re-organized the matters will be handled by Tony Su as a volunteer of the Gardeners of Hope Foundation.
The revival is initiated by Tony Su as a volunteer of the Gardeners of Hope Foundation http://tinyurl.com/grohblog
This page started at 17:29 2/23/2017, St. Louis, Mo. Central Time of US and Canada