Monday, March 30, 2020

No good deed goes unpunished 好心沒好報

Are we expecting rewards for what we are doing? 我們是不是在期待從我們的為獲得報償?

The English title is a popular but tricky expression, whether the originator is recognized or not. Try this: "No Good Deed" Goes Unpunished. 這個英文標題有點詭異。試著這樣讀看看「『沒有善行』就不會被罰」。

From the ancient era, religions, the man-made doctrines, have been considered social institutions to promote good deeds. They all have bosses to rule and judge the deeds. 從亙古以來,宗教,那些人造的教條,一直是被期待是用來鼓吹善行的「社會制度」。那些「宗教」都有老闆在規範甚至裁決「行為」。

----- 這是昨天的講道的最後一段:
但是無論如何,我們可以確信,就像保羅在羅馬書8章中所說的那樣:「 28 我們知道,上帝使萬事互相效力,叫愛上帝的人─就是他按照自己的旨意呼召的人都得益處「 (第28節)
This is the ending paragraph of the sermon delivered virtually yesterday.
All the growth and achievements came from uncomfortable experiences. 人間的一切成長與成就都是從痛苦而來的。)
[What About Us?]
One thing we learn from this story is that, like Jesus, our good deeds may not be appreciated by everyone. We too might face criticism and rejection. Sometimes we might deserve it. If we are prayerfully trying to walk with God, hopefully those times are few.
But no matter what, we can be confident that, as Paul says in Romans 8, “28 We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” (vs. 28)
This does NOT mean that bad things don’t happen to good people. It means that whatever happens, we can trust God through it, and God will somehow make it serve God’s purposes for us and for the world, just as God uses the crucifixion.
This is a difficult thing to hold onto today, with the fear of Covid 19 dominating our lives. However, the wonderful work of your leaders to continue the work of this church even in difficult circumstances is evidence that the Holy Spirit is working powerfully through us, and within other churches here and around the world.
We are connecting with one another in beautiful new ways, and the Holy Spirit is more obvious than ever! Suffering will continue, but hopefully, God’s people will continue to support others both within and outside their communities of faith. Let us continue to pray for God’s help, strength, and guidance not just for ourselves, but for all.
end of the sermon ------
How blessed we are to witness the largest and widest wars against the micro-beings and who-know-what! Have we conceived the messages from the above? 我們何等有幸參與/見證到史上最大的「莫名其妙」戰爭,跟看不見的微生物以及不知道是「誰在哪裡」的敵方打戰。我們已經從上主接收到什麼訊息了嗎
From: Bulletin TPC <>
Date: Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 4:48 PM
Subject: March 29 TPC Bulletin Announcements

Dear All,

We continue to lift up everyone's health and the ongoing pandemic in our prayers. Surely some of us are feeling overwhelmed by the information overload in the last few weeks. The Lord says in quietness and trust is our strength. We encourage you all to set aside a few moments of quietness each morning to find the daily strength we need from our loving Father.



God Bless You,

Taiwanese Presbyterian Church of Greater St Louis  
542 Ries Rd • Ballwin, MO 63021 / 636.546.7022 

Let me talk to you about my story -- a key in pastoral care

Telling personal stories to the pastor is one of the keys to facilitate the successful ministry of pastoral care. Not knowing the parishioners' life and history it is not easy for the pastor to get inspired not even mobilized. 「把自己的故事講給牧師聽」是促成「牧會/牧育成功」的關鍵之一。不曉得會友的生命跟生活史,很不容易引發牧師的靈感與動力。
Try to re-write the story:

Three days before Christmas Eve, the priest noticed at the flea market a beautiful tablecloth, ivory-colored, with a large cross embroidered in the middle. The doily was just enough to cover the peeling paint on the church wall.

He bought the doily and went back to the church.

At this time it was snowing in the sky. An old lady came across the street to take a bus, but failed to catch up. The next bus will have to wait for 45 minutes, so the priest invites the old lady to wait in the church to avoid the snow and snow, and to be warmer.

The priest started to move the ladder and hung the big tablecloth that he had just bought to the wall, just covering the peeling place. "Thank you! It's perfect!" The priest looked at the hanging tablecloth with satisfaction!

Suddenly, he noticed that the old woman came to the front, staring at the doily, her face pale. "Pastor, where did you get this doily?" The old lady asked. The pastor explained to her the cause and effect.

"Can you see if the lower right corner of the tablecloth is embroidered with EBG?" The old woman asked with a trembling voice. This is the abbreviation of the old lady's name. The priest checked the lower right corner of the doily and it turned out that these words appeared. Doily was embroidered by the old lady 35 years ago in Austria.

The old lady told the pastor, "Thirty-five years ago, my husband and I lived in Austria and we were rich. After the Nazis came, we were forced to leave. I went first, and my husband left after a week, sent to the concentration camp, never saw my husband again, and never went home again, "she said.

The priest listened and wanted to return the tablecloth to the old lady, but the old lady asked the pastor to keep it for the church. The priest insisted on driving the old lady home, thanking her for the doily.

A few days later, the church smoothly reopened on Christmas Eve. The whole church is almost full, and the music and atmosphere are very good. Many people say that they will come back next Sunday. The worship was over, and a old gentleman from the neighborhood keep sitting without showing the intention of leaving, and the priest recognized him.

"Pastor, where did you get this tablecloth?" The old man asked. "When I lived in Austria before the war, my wife embroidered a tablecloth like this. It is amazing that there are actually two identical tablecloths in the world!" He told the priest that thirty-five years ago he and his wife were separated because of the Nazi invasion of Austria. He asked his wife to leave first, and then he left. Unexpectedly, he was arrested later. He never went home and never saw his wife again.

The priest froze. "May I drive you for a ride?" Asked the old pastor. "Okay! Let me talk to you about my story, if you are interested." The old man answered.

The priest drove the car to an apartment on Staten Island, where he only brought the old lady back three days ago. He helped the old man to climb the three-story stairs and rang the bell on the old lady's door. The priest witnessed a touching Christmas reunion.

553 words

改寫看看:2020330 18:27












Wednesday, March 25, 2020

corporate worship services Lé-pài 禮拜

Christians, like ordinary people, have many levels of worldly considerations:

When I was young, I inevitably had to watch "May I?" It means "Is it prohibited, opposed, stopped anyone ?" I often heard discussions such as "May we watch movies?" "Is it OK to fall in love?" in the church fellowship of the young people.

During puberty, whatever opposed and banned by anybody, the more I wanted to see or try it.

Then, after joining the workforce and experiencing the thinking of "burden", I might think "is it cost-effective?"

With the experience of middle and upper management, the need for "coordination/balance" will be considered.

After becoming a manager that has to watch the Return of Investment, there will also be added considerations such as "risk", "benefit", "perpetuation", "legacy", etc.

The church provides a variety of layers of learning and growth through various ministries, activities, mistakes, and governance laws. The Biblical documentation and teachings seem to be so multileveled and multifaceted. Even with the essence of "simultaneous equations"--multi-variate consideration.

The straight-line "one-variable equation" thinking is the way to go when we are a child, and it is also the method you must go beyond and leave behind.

Lé-pài 禮拜 corporate worship services


小時候,難免要看「可不可以?」。 意思是「有沒有人禁止、反對、制止」。小時候常聽到青年團器在討論「可不可以看電影、談戀愛」這類的話題。





直線式的「一元一次方程式」思考是小時候必經之路,也是必須超越的方法。2020/3/25 13:33

我們現在的教堂禮拜內涵,不外是聖言、聖禮、或聖頌的禮拜。在禮拜堂禮拜,特別依據以賽亞書「6:1 當烏西亞王死彼年,我看見主坐佇高高的寶座。伊的衣服垂落滿殿。6:2 佇伊的頂面有西拉兵跟隨徛,各有六個翅:用二個翅遮面,二個翅遮腳,二個翅飛;6:3 此個唱彼個和講:聖哉!聖哉!聖哉!萬軍的耶和華;伊的榮光充滿全地!」是在聖殿中與神相通,唱詩信仰告白、與領受上帝聖言。

但是在特殊狀態,也有在異象中來進行神人相通與聖言或是在居住地向神祈禱禮拜。以西結書「1:1 當三十年四月初五,我佇迦巴魯的河邊受掠的人的中間,彼時天開,我看見上帝的異象、、1:3 佇迦勒底人的地、迦巴魯的河邊,耶和華的話刁持臨到布西的子,祭司以西結;佇遐耶和華的手下佇伊的身上。」而但以理則在自己住屋進行禮拜,「6:10 但以理知此個詔已經簽字,就到伊的厝,(伊房內的窗開向耶路撒冷),一日三擺,跪佇伊的上帝的面前,祈禱感謝,及平日無各樣。」可見,與神相通與領受聖言,也可在異象中與住家裡進行。異象vision,加個遠距tele,就成了television,就是電視。其實在空中本就可充滿諸多影像與聲音,只是對神的影音,過去只有特別有心的先知可以感受。今天,通過天線,一般人都可接收到空中影音。教會確實可以通過直播與電視傳遞對神禮拜與上帝聖言。信徒也可以在家禮拜,甚至劃撥奉獻。不會用3c的,也可給年輕人個機會來服務年長的。

至於戴口罩,看到有信徒或牧者為展現信心,冒險不戴口罩。但出埃及記記載「34:28 摩西及耶和華佇遐四十日四十暝,無食餅無飲水。伊將此個約的話,就是十條誡,寫佇二塊碑。34:29 摩西落西奈山的時伊的手提二塊約碑,伊落山的時伊的面因為耶和華及伊講話就射出光摩西家己呣知。34:30 亞倫及以色列眾人看見摩西的時,看啊,伊的面射出光in就驚呣敢倚近伊、、、34:35 以色列人看見摩西的面,摩西的面射出光。摩西閣用帕罩面,聽候到伊入去及耶和華講話帕就掀起來。」看來,在聖會中戴口罩也非見不得人或沒信心的表現。有時是很榮光,所以需要戴好戴滿,甚至變成面罩。

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

非營利機構的網管 Web management for non-profit organizations 01 web pages

  1. The outlines and the content of the 
  2. 下載這個 home page (主導網頁)到你的電腦上的一個特定資料夾裡面
  3. 用 Word 打開這個剛剛下載的檔案看看,找出可以置換的文字部分,跟不能輕易改變的圖檔。
  4. 改變幾個字,然後在Word裡面看看結果。
  5. 點擊 Introduction 看看裡面也什麼內容。
    • 此類推,看遍每一個區塊,找出須要更新的地方。
  1. 網頁跟網站有何不同?
  2. 保管密碼須要採用什麼策略?單人保管或是多人保管?
  3. 內容以及更新的時機由誰決定?
  4. 看看 的網站 密碼另外從別的管道傳遞。

17. Presbyterian Chorus for seasoned singers and choir directors of all seniority.

2020/03/31 12:00 starting writing as prose:

Singing has been an important part of Christian life and church life. Singing loudly in unison or harmony is also a special attribute of Christianity. Christian churches have been attracting people who like to sing regardless of their belies. Most of the congregations struggle to maintain choirs of several kinds. Many music professionals admit their musical headstart in the church singing.

But, as the singers grow both in physical age and musical skills there is a tendency for the seasoned singers to leave the church choir behind, for tightness of available time squeezed by the activities of making-a-living and also for the increasing pickiness of the singing partners and the choir directors.

The on-going church choir is trapped and handicapped by the weekly performance, short hours reserved for rehearsal, "no one rejected", limited budget that could not attract seasoned choir directors, etc.  The time-consuming development of voice blending and tacit understanding, depending also on attendance, are likely missing from church choirs where most of the time is spent in singing correctly as the foundation of group-singing.

The whole world of singing lacks the opportunity for the seasoned singers to advance in chorus-singing and enjoy the challenges of difficult pieces without long term commitment of a conventional choir.

Ideally, the Presbyterian chorus is designed to overcome those issues and keep the seasoned singers growing with increasing opportunity to serve the churches at larger scope beyond one congregation.

The P-chorus would be volunteered from congregations in the commutable distance rather than a limited neighborhood. The directors are volunteered with proposed song-selection, schedules and location. The sheet music could be provided by the proposing directors free of charge or at a price paid by the singers. The proposing directors would negotiate for the rooms for rehearsals. The particular interpretation of the music and the strategy of rehearsing would be an attraction to recruit singers. The singers sign up for any given schedules. There is no limit to the number of concurrent rehearsals at any different locations. The singers only need to commit to the scheduled rehearsals and performances if any. The rehearsals and the performance could be recorded for further study or publications. The potential directors could plan to meet the needs of any special event. Every church at every level might have unlimited resources for a special choir for special events if planned properly.

The singers would vote to produce managing officers to lead a group of volunteer administrators, including journalists and promotion-executors.

I recommend that the ministry team of "The Dismantling Racism and Privilege (DRAP) Ministry Team" be the managing unit of the Presbytery as the project appears to be a practical means to promote equality and opportunity spontaneously, especially in the opportunity to learn and appreciate church music of others' cultures. 2020/3/31 14:51
The scenarios of Christian singing in the churches so far:
  1. Small congregations maintain church choir differently from large congregations where paid singers are the key member.
  2. The paid singers make it easier for rehearsal because there are leading voices to follow.
  3. The small congregation can not afford to hire singers as leading voices and the ordinary choir members tend to have limited capability for challenging songs. The seasoned singers in a small congregation tend to avoid the burden of singing in the choir for the lack of fun/challenge and, perhaps, the lack of time for commitment/
  4. The choir directors everywhere lack the opportunity to observe how others lead the rehearsal and learn from one another.
  5. The denomination lacks the high-grade choir to lead the worship of special events.
  6. A special chorus across congregation could be developed and maintained to facilitate the advancement as well as the basic training across the congregations.
A new form and format is worth-trying:
  1. A church choir across parishes and congregation without fixed membership, fixed directorship, fixed accompanist, fixed schedules for rehearsal or performance.
  2. potential directors present plans that include selections of songs, locations of rehearsals, designated or openly invited accompanist, plans for recording with a schedule to the managing council, which consists of volunteers across the congregation. A template of such a schedule and plan would be developed and attached.
  3. The schedules would be publicized to the churches involved and accessible to the potential singers.
  4. The singers would sign up for the schedules of their choices with limited commitment specified in the schedules.
  5. Every schedule could include different numbers and names of the singers.
  6. A method of maintaining the managing council would be developed at the beginning. It could be revised continuously, jointly by the Presbytery and the participating members. The mechanism of revision would be further developed.
  7. Recording of the rehearsals and the performance, if any, is recommended as souvenirs of the participants, as well as the collection of the Presbytery, and the material for future study that helps the potential directors.
  8. Every participant has the opportunity to volunteer as director, accompanist, solo singer, composer, video/audio recorder, etc.
  9. The writing along with the recording will become the treasure of the Presbytery as the testimony of presbyterianism and the presbyterian life that benefit all the congregation.
  10. some volunteers are needed to capture the schedules and the actual implementation of the activities for history's sake and for the promotion to recruit new members as well as spreading the methods beyond the Giddings-Lovejoy Presbytery. The documentation would also serve as the report to the Giddings-Lovejoy Presbytery to be shared with all in the Presbyter1:y. (2020/3/31 10:46)
The organization, components, and the roles: (2020/3/31 10:46)
  1. Groups of singers - whole chorus, parts of voices, territorial groups, ad hoc assemblies, voting members,  
  2. Administrators - elected officers including the president, the secretary, and the treasurer, volunteers of non-singing members
  3. Representatives from the Presbytery - to be appointed by a ministry team
  4. General members - sign up voluntarily to receive notifications and newsletters.
  5. Voting members - commit to the management of the organization by signed agreement and a token fee paid, to be determined by the steering committee.
  6. Bylaws - to be ratified by the voting members and accepted by the Presbytery


「引敵入關」算何罪?2020/3/18 6:1









----- 先看看有沒有回應,再來繼續談這三史。6:40

Monday, March 16, 2020

非營利機構的網管 Web management for non-profit organizations

These thoughts might be applicable to all not-for-profit organizations, including churches. 11:23
The the board of directors could not address the guidelines for exposures in the official web pages the operation webmaster would become very conservative to avoid arrows from all directions. Whatever publicized are subject to objections and criticism. 11:25

2020/3/16 12:50 a draft for the workshop on the coming Thursday for the board members of TAA-STL.

The original thoughts for this draft are for the preparation of the workshop that is a path to establish a healthy and perpetuating management of websites of TAA-STL. I need some reasons and reasoning to design a flow of hands-on activities for sharing the experiences and visions of web management.

Web management has suddenly become practically real because of the Coronavirus-2019 that blocks all kinds of real activities of in-person participation. Web publication has become one of the basic elements to demonstrate to the world that the organization is alive, functional, beneficial to the world, and worth-supporting. 網際網路應用的「經營管理」在19年級武漢冠狀病毒肆虐「逼停各樣的親身實體群聚」的時代裡突然變成顯學,因為大家都須要靠網際網路生存。網頁出版成為一個組織實體向世界證明一息尚存而且還在發揮功能,值得支持,的基本管道與平台。

Practically, I need to jump right into the flows of the workshop process to meet the needs on the19th, Thursday. 針對現實的須要,我須要儘速跳入工作坊的流程以便滿足十九號晚上工作坊的需求。The one through 這個流程就須要是個透過下列考量而進行的,
  1. Opening with the hands-on views of the as-is situations, showing the advantages and the disadvantages of the hosting service as well as the web site, which is the visible side of the site to the world.  There are portions of the site not visible to the outsiders. 用親自動手觀察事實存在的情境,顯示目前網站與網頁的優缺點。網頁是外界看得到的網站(還有其他普通人看不到的部分)。
  2. 14:00 The site, the pages, and the functionality of the site. 14:02 網站、網頁、及其他網站具有的功能。
  3. Show the tools available most practical to the NPO, Non-profit Organization, that depends on volunteers, explaining why the NOP should not depend on professional our-sourcing alone. 展示各樣「倚靠志工的非營利團體」適用又實用的工具,說明為什麼非營利團體不宜全盤委託付費服務的專家。。
    1. The professionals need to utilize the tools they feel comfortable with and use the site for their professional reference more than for the benefit of the organization. Whenever the web-operator changes it is likely that the tools and the styles would be changed. 13:02 When the site-owner demands urgent operation without sufficient lead-time it might be against the operators' personal benefit, 業網頁操作員通常須要使用他們最熟悉,最得心應手的工具,而且通常須要把「所操作的網頁做為他們專業能力的證據」看得比「委託的業者」所需更重要。當業者要求緊急、快速操作而不容許足夠的時間採用「慢工細活」時,通常對他們個人不利。
    2. 13:48 The webWork involves three levels of concerns just like all other kinds of business: operations, management, and strategy. When all three functions and responsibilities are handled by one person the risk is perpetuation is in view. The operation involves immediate satisfaction while the strategy involves perpetual benefits. 網站的工作跟一般的商務一樣,牽涉到三個層次:「操作」、「經營」、「策略」。當這三層考慮交誼一個人處理時,風險會顯然持續存在。「操作」千設立及效果與業績,策略牽涉永續的效益應收益。
    3. To the NPO the images and the impression associated with the official web pages are more important than the immediate functionality of the pages.對於非營利團體而言,官網所牽連的形象與印象比各個網頁的立即效果更重要。
    4. Tools everybody could easily own, the tools that the hosting service company provides, and the tools sold by independent vendors. 工具:私人擁有的、網服務公司所提供的、專業人士各自擁有的
    5. The functions and the dis-functions of the current pages., the site, and the hosting services. Maximizing what we have is more than the never-ending pursuit of the best available.目前網頁、網站、以及網站服務公司的功能與副作用
  4. The vision and the management of our site. 我們目前網站的願景及經營
  5. division of work: updating, creating new functions, Develop Human Resources. 分工:更新訊息與內容、增加新的功能、開發後續的人力資源。
  6. New functions needed: archiving, ... 所需的新功能:保存歷史、...

Monday, March 9, 2020




  1. 找出一首歌的高潮、音樂重點、詞義與詞境的重點、不同語言歌的比較。不同編曲的比較。
  2. 由參與者提出不同的唱法與不同的詮釋。
  3. 示範「速練法」(這是為了吸引各地合唱指揮者而進行的)
  4. 模擬發聲法
  5. 相反詮釋的唱法
  6. 個人或小隊的片段演唱錄影
  7. 每節練唱的入門:利用選取的片段進行暖聲、認譜、背唱,摸索表情,一舉四得。
  8. 休息時間的節目製造機會互相認識
  9. 每節練唱的結尾,留下引人回來參加的魅力。
  10. 輪流獨唱,尤其是邀請「不可能被期待獨唱的人」的獨唱
  11. 邀請大家講出鼓勵的話。用正向的與詞講評。
  12. 當眾引導「音不準的人」練習。
  13. 多格調地朗讀歌詞。
  14. 該改歌詞
  15. 從結尾句開始練新歌。其次是開頭句。再來是難唱句。跳過容易唱的句子。
  16. 臨時改變速度、大小聲、表情,逼唱者看指揮。
  17. 由參與者,包括錄影者,分享唱/聽的感想,尤其是對歌曲內容的感想。16:31
  18. 由參與者輪流指揮
  19. 投票選擇下一首練唱的歌
  20. 若是教會聖歌隊則由參與者志願朗讀相關的經句,帶領開始與結束的禱告。 16:35

2020/3/9 4:53












  1. 注重並聚焦於參與者的相關成長與樂趣
  2. 沒有絕對的是非對錯。合唱是進行中的會議。每個人的發言機會均等
  3. 指揮是扮演協調者、整合者角色的會議主席
  4. 合唱活動花在練習的時間多於表演
  5. 強調練唱的樂趣。苦練也可能是好玩的。
  6. 示範並演練「快速訓練法」克服大部分指揮者抱怨的「時間不夠的障礙」
  7. 可嘗試遠距參與克服出席率的問題。
  8. 可由專業導演/導播指導增加「可看度」
  9. 公開招募參加練唱的人使出席率維持最高。
  10. 深入實驗創意的練習法,包括流程。(「唱對」可以是跟隨「唱得爽」自然出現的)
  11. 人人都受鼓勵提出詮釋與方法
  12. 人人都有機會獨唱、指揮
  13. 人人都有機會在鏡頭前表演留念,傳給親友做為紀念品
  14. 合唱人數無限,看場地的限制。可無限量增加場次
  15. 人人可提選曲嚐試製作一些單元
  16. 製作錄影集跟錄音集鼓勵參加者購買,甚至用個別的引言或旁白客製成贈品。
  17. ⋯⋯ 6:37

Sunday, March 8, 2020

17. Tomorrow churches - Pastoral search and congregational search 尋牧與尋羊

2020/4/17 18:27
A new task from the first virtual meeting : design a table with list of members' names and the categories of representation to be addressed; a table of members' names for the nomination committee members to keep track of how many are known to the nomination committee; a table of members of the nomination committee for the members to check off those they have connections.

2020/4/17 12:11

The nomination committee-2020 will have the first meeting this after at 4:15 I need to speed up with the drafting of some basic issues involved.

The latest thoughts is about the qualification and the preferred attributes of the members of the pastoral search committee members.

I guess that
  1. out of the two possible ways of selecting the members to serve the pastoral search committee, the Presbyterian church emphasizes the representation more than the ability of the potential candidates. Nobody can practically and correctly judge the ability of a church member. The knowledge, attitudes, and the skills of the nomination committee can and need to be developed by the church. Also, a  congregation should be able to develop the ability of the members continuously rather than comparing people with their judged ability at certain point of time. Jesus didn't select people based on their previous performance appraisals.
  2. One of the foundation for selecting the candidates to serve the pastoral search committee is the knowledge of "how every potential candidate know the needs, the disadvantages and the advantages of the congregation". In other words, the nominating committee needs to find out how much we know the candidates to be nominated.
  3. The church should provide written statements of mission as well as the requirement for the pastor search committee. The advantage of written statement over the oral statement is the consistence source of information everybody receives.
If the session could not provide the statement of mission and requirements to guide the pastor search committee, its committee members, and the nomination committee that select the members to serve the search committee should the nomination committee go ahead to draft one for the session to approve? (15:18 2020/4/17)

to be continued.....

2020/3/8 20:01
The title is quite ambiguous at this time. I believe it can be clarified easily.
The pastors are constantly looking for the next congregation and they obviously have to turn down the calling from some congregations. There are reasons and reasoning involved.

Congregations are constantly looking for the next pastor and they obviously have to turn down the suggestions from some sources. There are reasons and reasoning involved.

In my previous experiences in search committees and based on what I heard about how my father responded to callings, I thought some joint workshops bringing the experiences from both side might be feasible.

What kinds of pastors might openly share their thoughts about selecting congregations and communicating with the pastor-search committees? What should we be aware of and preparing for when we invite pastors to the workshop? 2020/3/8 20:07

I would start the exploration with the mission and the tasks of the pastor-search committees.
At the same time privately ask the pastors who care to share anonymously about what they are looking for about the congregations for decision-making as well as for preparation for responding to callings.

  1. Qualification of the pastor required by the denomination and the flexibility involved.
  2. While age should not be on the table the potential years of services might be brought up under the table.
  3. The special challenges and the experiences of dealing with the challenges in ministry.
  4. The attitudes toward, and the experiences in handling,  new challenges and bringing the congregation forward.
  5. .... to be continued 20:35 
2020/3/10 6:28
The missions of pastoral searching:
  1. Study and interpret the mission and the vision statements provided by the session in manners accessible and comprehensible to the potential candidates as well as the supervising Presbytery.
  2. Report to the supervisory Presbytery the plan and the status of the progress and to assure the proper methods are applied.
  3. Respond to the session and the supervisory Presbytery entities regarding suggestions received. 
  4. Implement some processes of pastoral searching in order to present candidates, one at a time, to the session for voting by the congregation.
  5. Maintain the minutes of decisions made in meetings. Supply the minutes content, skipping the personal information of the candidates being discussed, to the session as subpenaed, including the ruling decisions about the date for demolishing the confidential records. 
  6. Determine the basic principles of pastoral searching, report to the session and the other supervisory entities, including the mode of searching: USA way or Taiwanese way, and the methods of maintaining confidentiality. (The USA way keeps the names and the related information confidential among the committee members while the Taiwanese way spreads the words around to solicit information about the candidates being considered without letting the candidates know.)
  7. Determine the moderator, the secretary, the rules and methods of confidentiality, the quorum of the regular meetings, and the rules on acting moderators. 6:19