Friday, May 31, 2019

粽在一起之前 Before we wrap and tie together on June 1, 2019

We will wrap and tie the rice-dumplings together the day after tomorrow. I have been thinking about the need for a newsletter to come out and remind all before the event. This kind of newsletter is actually very difficult to write. On the one hand, I know that most people will not see it in time and read it carefully. (In fact, many people claim that they don't read e-mail, and they don't use social media.) On the other hand, there are thousands of things to remind and interpret. Under the principle of "simple and clear", I don't know what to write, where to start, and which details to skip. I only know it will be wrong or not good enough no matter what. 後天就是我們粽在一起的日子了。一直在構思需要有一期電子報在活動之前出來提醒,說明一番。這樣的一期其實很不好寫,一方面明明知道大部分的人不會在適當的時機看看到並且仔細閱讀。(其實也知道很多人宣稱不看電子信,更不使用社交媒體。)另一方面就是千頭萬緒,在「簡單明瞭」的前提下不知道該寫哪些,從哪裡開始,需要略過哪些細節。只知道怎麼寫都不對。

First of all, let me try to remind everyone that this kind of activity is to show the purpose of the Taiwanese Association, create opportunities for gathering folks to learn from one another, encourage one another, and promote the traditional culture of Taiwanese Americans. I hope that everyone will be inspired to learn how to introduce the culture of Taiwanese Americans to people, including the children born here, of other cultures. I remember that Taiwanese Americans are not exactly the same as Taiwanese. Therefore, the focus of the activity is not on eating a meal, but on knowing people and being recognized, exchanging experiences and learning from one another. If you expect to have a good meal, although a rice-dumpling is quite large, you will be disappointed. 首先,來試著提醒大家,辦這樣的活動是在展現同鄉會的宗旨,製造機會召集鄉親一起互相學習、互相鼓勵,好推展台美人傳統文化。期盼大家都獲得靈感,學到向其他文化的人(包括在這裡出生的小孩子們)「介紹台美人文化」的功夫。記得,台美人跟台灣人不盡相同。因此,活動的重點不在飽食一餐,而在於認識人與被認識,大家交換經驗互相學習。期待好好吃一頓的話,雖然一顆粽子相當大,一定會失望。

Next, I would remind everyone that there is no specific time scheduled for any particular activity other than the opening remarks at 6:15pm followed by the first demonstration and explanation with English translation. It's like a continuous eat-and-go. It is impossible for the store to accommodate 80 people at the same time, walking around and speaking out loudly. The opening remark, demonstration, and presentation will be recorded on video and posted on the web page to continue the sharing. After the first demonstration and explanation, it will be done again as needed. Perhaps many of the folks who have experiences in making rice dumpling would jump in to help and guide the first-time learners. Everyone has only one dumpling to practice. Maybe we need to design some different models of making rice-dumpling together in the future. At the moment, the received registration forms show that there are not many people who need to have hands-on learning. 再來,要提醒大家,除了6:15pm的開場白與第一次示範兼講解之外,並沒有其他特定的時程與節目。就像一場流水席一般。那個店面不可能同時容納80個人走來走去又通通出聲講話。開場白、示範、與講解會錄影放在網頁裡繼續分享、發酵。第一場的示範與講解之後就看著辦了。或許需要許多已經包過粽子的鄉親隨時協助指導生手。每個人只有一顆粽子的機會。也許以後需要設計合包粽子的活動。目前在報名表上打勾表示要動手的人不算很多。

We do not have 100% confidence that we can have enough rice dumplings to distribute to those completed the registration after the deadline. Since not many people filled out the form with a check mark to indicate the intention to participate in the hands-on exercise and paid in full by mail, the registration information is quite complicated and it is possible to include mistakes. 報名截止日期過後才付費完成報名的,我們沒有百分之一百的把握可以有足夠的粽子分發出去。由於很少人按照設計的方式填表郵寄報名,報名的訊息相當複雜,很可能出錯。

We have not worked out how to deal with the "overpayment of registration fee" and "those who have already paid up but cannot attend the event". Based on past experiences, it is very likely that someone will register at the scene. It must be said that everyone is welcome to show up and chat, observe or guide the hands-one exercises of others. People without advanced registration and payment in full won’t have the chance to practice hands-on will not receive the rice dumpling. (Even if some directors give up their rice dumplings, there might not be enough rice dumpling to transfer.) This activity unexpectedly received many people's responses, exceeding the expectation. Many people said they would like to participate. I don't know if any of the directors know who have mentioned that they would stay through the end to help clean up the mess. It has always been one of the traditions of the TAA-STL to have the participants work together to "clean up the mess and restore the original state". 「超付報名費」跟「已經報名而無法出席領取粽子的人」到底要怎麼處理才對,還沒有研究過。根據以往的經驗,很可能有人到現場才報名。必須說,歡迎來聊天,看看或是指導別人動手包粽子或是錯包綜子。沒有付費的人就是不參加親手練習跟不拿粽子的人。(即使有董事讓出自己的粽子也不見得夠。)這個活動意外地獲得不少人回應,超出預期效果。許多人表示要參加。不知道有誰聽到哪些人說要留下來幫忙收拾殘局。大家動手「收拾殘局,恢復原狀」一直是本地同鄉會的傳統之一。

Let’s see who are working before and behind the scenes. They will arrive at five o'clock. What happens if any one of them is missed the time? 來試看看讓大家知道幕後有哪些手腳在忙。他們五點鐘就會出現在現場動手準備了。若是任何一人臨時出狀況會出現什麼現象?
  1. Roger Hsieh would prepare tableware, including forks, plates, paper towels, bottled water, bags for carrying the rice dumplings home. (The rice dumplings made on the spot will be taken home to cook by boiling or steaming.謝昌宏要準備餐具,包括叉子、盤、紙巾、礦泉水、裝粽子的袋子(現場包好的粽子各自帶回家去煮或蒸。(只有一粒粽子可帶回家,還要避免爭粽子呢)
  2. Roger Hsieh and Leanne Chiou (a husband-wife team) would sit near the door to receive the check-in and distribute the tickets. Everyone receives rice dumpling with a ticket. 謝昌宏與邱良緣(夫婦檔)要坐鎮接受報到,分發點券。大家憑點券拿粽子
  3. James Chan volunteered to prepare sauces and dressing. 詹前昱志願準備沾醬與配料(這好像是理所當然的事情)
  4. James Chan, Meifeng Yang, and Sonya Hung volunteer to distribute the rice dumplings on the spot.詹前昱、楊美鳳、與洪尚文志願要在現場分發粽子
  5. Sonya Hung (current president) will prepare an oral presentation for the “Culture of rice dumplingat 18:15 (subject to the situation) and distribute the written introduction for the participants to take home to study in preparation for sharing the knowledge with others.洪尚文(現任會長)要為「粽文化」準備在18:15(看著辦)以口頭簡介,並分發書面簡介讓人帶回去研究以便講給別人聽。
  6. Tony Su would prepare some mp3 files of Taiwanese music for the owner of Foundry Bakery to play. He would also remind Tai Lin to bring the sound equipment and the musical instruments for playing Taiwanese music on the spot. He would also dig out the tablecloths from previous activities and bring them to the scene.蘇希三要準備一些台灣音樂的檔案讓店主播放。他還要提醒林泰攜帶音響設備及(現場看情形奏出台灣音樂所需的)樂器,並且挖出同鄉會以前用剩的桌巾帶到現場。
  7. Roger Hsieh, James Chan, and Sonya Hung will bring chairs from home to provide more than 30 chairs including the ones owned by the store. (some of the chairs might need to be placed outside) 謝昌宏、詹前昱、洪尚文要從家裡帶一些合椅總共會有30多張椅子可以使用。(有些可能需要擺到外面的走廊)
  8. Roger Hsieh and Sonya Hung would bring foldable tables from their homes. 謝昌宏和洪尚文要從家裡帶可折合的桌子。

This event continues the introduction to the cultural tradition of Taiwanese Americans, for several years, through Taiwanese food culture. What potential and meaning can be presented through the Taiwanese rice dumpling? 這次的活動延續數年來的台灣美食文化做為介紹台美人傳統的內容。到底台灣粽子由什麼潛力與意涵可以呈現呢?。看看我們在2013年怎麼介紹台灣美食
This exploration of the traditional and the new culture is expected to continue for a long time. Even if a good model with valid connotation were established, we still need to keep updating. Culture is always changing by definition. Everyone is welcome to discuss and experiment. What kind of meaning and value can we show from the culture of rice dumpling in Taiwan? This time our challenge is to "come together and do it by oneself." Although it has become popular in Taiwan to consume the ready-made, the DIY is a cultural model naturally developed in St. Louis. 這種對於傳統與新文化的探索應該會延續好久。即使已經找到好的模式與內涵,還是需要不斷更新。文化本來就是不斷改變的。歡迎大家一起來探討、實驗。從台式的粽文化我們能展現出什麼樣的意義與價值呢?這回我們的挑戰是「一起來;各自動手」。雖然在台灣已經流行「買便的」,這「各自動手」是在新路意自然出現也必須發展的文化模式。

Some people say that the old tradition of the Taiwanese people include "work hard by oneself and avoid cooperation". Although this time, the wrapping and tying of the rice dumpling is not “cooperation through an assembly line", we still can't imagine what would happen to this "coming and working together." We can't imagine how many people will be on the scene at what moments, and we can't imagine how to make everyone happily carrying the single rice dumpling home to cook. (All plans need to be prepared for constantly buzzing comments and instructions on the scene.) 有人說台灣人的舊傳統包含「各自鑽營避免合作」。這次一起包粽子雖然沒有動用到裝配線的合作手法,我們還是無法想像這個「一起來」會出什麼狀況。我們是至無法想像什麼時候會有多少人在現場,無法想像如何讓大家高高興興地動手包一粒粽子帶回去煮。(一切的計畫都需要考慮到現場會有評論與指導不斷)。

In fact, the Taiwanese have the ocean culture of the islands on our back. On the one hand, it has the characteristics of adapting to the instantly changing of natural phenomenon, at the same time it also has the all-encompassing nature of the ocean. Change and transcend the ancient methods should be our strength.其實,台灣人背負著是小島的海洋文化,一方面有應付自然現象自然瞬息萬變的特質,同時也有海洋包羅萬象的能耐。變化與超越古法應該是我們的本錢。

Before going out in the afternoon the day before yesterday, I hurriedly put a personal check that was an entrusted registration fee for this coming event, into a plastic bag. I couldn't find the bag and the check all day yesterday. Not only scared, but I was also actually preparing to cover the loss. Fortunately, I found it out in the back pocket of my pants before going to bed and released the alarm. In the past few years, the TAASTL, Taiwanese Association of America in St. Louis, has lacked new members and new directors. You are welcome to study the reasons and what can be done about it. Would it be helpful if the burden of the directors were alleviated? I have heard since childhood that "Big things had better be converted to small things. Small things had better be converted to nothing. Nothing is the best." Do you believe that the TAASTL need to go by this? 前天下午出門以前匆匆地把一張受委託繳付報名費的支票放進一個塑膠袋子裡面。昨天一整天找不到那個袋子跟支票。不僅嚇壞了,還準備要認賠了。幸好,睡前在後褲袋中摸出來,解除警報了。同鄉會近年來缺乏新會員,更缺乏新董事,歡迎大家來研究到底是什麼原因,有什麼辦法可以克服。若是能夠減輕董事的各別負擔會不會有幫助呢?從小就聽說,「大事化小事。小事化無事。沒事最好。」你相信同鄉會需要這樣嗎?

Back when TAASTL was a chapter of the TAAUSA, Taiwanese Association of America in USA, those who participated in the operations, other than the president, are called “officers”. Later, when it became a registered independent company as a non-profit charitable foundation, by the State laws, it must have a board with at least three directors, including a chairperson of the board. This means that participating in the operation of the Association will have the opportunity to gain experiences and the perspectives of running a company and advance career skills by playing the various roles of directors and the chairperson. In recent years, we have rotated the chairpersonship of the board by drawing. One of the basic tasks is to write and study the meeting minutes in English. This is worthy of internship for everyone who wants to develop careers here, practicing as a secretary, as a financial manager, as moderator of a meeting, and the chairperson of the corporation called TAASTL. We have an unwritten agreement that the annual property and financial flows be kept at no more than 50,000 US dollars within a fiscal year, in order to avoid overloading the board.以前成立為全美同鄉會的分會時除了會長之外參加操作的人都叫做「幹事」。後來,立案成為獨立的基金會型的公司就必須有董事,而會長兼扮演「董事長」了。這表示參加同鄉會的經營就有機會實習、體驗公司的營運,練習扮演董事跟董事長。近年來,我們用抽籤的方式輪流當董事長。最基本的功夫之一就是用英文寫跟讀會議記錄。這值得每一位想要在這裡發展事業的人來實習,練習當書記、當財管、當會議主席、當董事長。我們有個不成文的約定,就是每年的財產與金流都不超過五萬美元,好避免財物作業超載。

This year, improving the management of the the website and the cloud information library is in our long-term agenda. Of course, it might improve the processes registration and payment in the future. Of course, the thinking of "why do we come together and get busy" is always a challenge.今年,有想要好好經營網站與雲端資訊庫。當然可能牽涉到更方便的報名及付費方法。當然,「所為何來」、「為何而忙」永遠是個挑戰。

Thursday, May 30, 2019


To purchase bread while attending the activity one needs to order and pay online.

We will wrap and tie the rice-dumplings together the day after tomorrow. I have been thinking about the need for a newsletter to come out and remind all before the event. This kind of newsletter is actually very difficult to write. On the one hand, I know that most people will not see it in time and read it carefully. (In fact, many people claim that they don't read e-mail, and they don't use social media.) On the other hand, there are thousands of things to remind and interpret. Under the principle of "simple and clear", I don't know what to write, where to start, and which details to skip. I only know it will be wrong or not good enough no matter what.

First of all, let me try to remind everyone that this kind of activity is to show the purpose of the Taiwanese Association, create opportunities for gathering folks to learn from one another, encourage one another, and promote the traditional culture of Taiwanese Americans. I hope that everyone will be inspired to learn how to introduce the culture of Taiwanese Americans to people, including the children born here, of other cultures. I remember that Taiwanese Americans are not exactly same as Taiwanese. Therefore, the focus of the activity is not on eating a meal, but on knowing people and being recognized, exchanging experiences and learning from one another. If you expect to have a good meal, although a rice-dumpling is quite large, you will be disappointed.

Next, I would remind everyone that there is no specific time scheduled for any particular activity other than the opening remarks at 6:15pm and the first demonstration and explanation with English translation. It's like a continuous eat-and-go. It is impossible for the store to accommodate 80 people at the same time, walking around and speaking out loudly. The opening remark, demonstration, and presentation will be recorded on video and posted on the web page to continue the sharing. After the first demonstration and explanation, it will be done again as needed. Perhaps many of the folks who have experiences in making rice dumpling would jump in to help and guide the first-time learners. Everyone has only one dumpling to practice. Maybe we need to design some different models of making rice-dumpling together in the future. At the moment, the received registration forms show that there are not many people who need to have hands-on learning.






1.          謝昌宏要準備餐具,包括叉子、盤、紙巾、礦泉水、裝粽子的袋子(現場包好的粽子各自帶回家去煮或蒸。(只有一粒粽子可帶回家,還要避免爭粽子呢)
2.          謝昌宏與邱良緣(夫婦檔)要坐鎮接受報到,分發點券。大家憑點券拿粽子
3.          詹前昱志願準備沾醬與配料(這好像是理所當然的事情)
4.          詹前昱、楊美鳳、與洪尚文志願要在現場分發粽子
5.          洪尚文(現任會長)要為「粽文化」準備在18:15(看著辦)以口頭簡介,並分發書面簡介讓人帶回去研究以便講給別人聽。
6.          蘇希三要準備一些台灣音樂的檔案讓店主播放。他還要提醒林泰攜帶音響設備及(現場看情形奏出台灣音樂所需的)樂器,並且挖出同鄉會以前用剩的桌巾帶到現場。
7.          謝昌宏、詹前昱、洪尚文要從家裡帶一些合椅總共會有30多張椅子可以使用。(有些可能需要擺到外面的走廊)
8.          謝昌宏和洪尚文要從家裡帶可折合的桌子。





Saturday, May 25, 2019

G001 story management 01 Introduction (Writing in general) (English)

2018/9/17 10:11

The least desirable class hours in my college days were the first hour of every course of "Introduction",  They were boring and difficult to understand. It always took a few weeks before I begin to appreciate the "introduction."

In a study course outside the framework of a college, is it necessary to start with the introduction at the beginning? In fact, especially in an experimental course, you can try many different ways. For example, start a course of study with the followings alternative ways:
  1. Talk about the conclusions of the whole course, including the benefits, shortcomings, uses, usages, etc. of the knowledge. Hold any of the content of the course temporarily to generate curiosity. 
  2. Start with just one point in the introduction, just any point, as a beginning, instead of the whole bird's view.
  3. List the outline and ask students to voluntarily propose any topic that they want to know first to start talking about the introduction. (The key is to invite students to participate in the context of the introduction through participation)
  4. Utilize some forms that are easy and accessible, such as stories, questions, news, history, movies, jokes, and so on. The key is to touch and stop at one point, and it is not necessarily in every detail with perfect thoroughness. Take "lead to some doubts and topics with questions hanging" as the main function of the introduction. (The key is to generate learning motivation through the introduction.) This party may include the use of right and wrong questions (or multiple choice questions) to present the focus of the introduction, that is, including some wrong statements, inviting students to correct or choose.
It seems that I can use these temporary methods to draft this introduction. The key is "not necessarily complete, not necessarily correct." This can be said to be the cornerstone of the entire "methodology of story management" 10:25 2018/9/17

2018/9/18 11:25 (drafted in Chinese)

This title is written as "Introduction to Writing." In fact, at the beginning of a program and training course, we need to introduce the whole activity to let everyone know the scope and the outline to cover, and whether the learners satisfy enough conditions to participate in the whole process. In an activity outside the school system, there is a good chance that someone will not be able to complete the process or miss some process. Therefore, there is also a need to mention remedies for those who might miss some points in the process. (translated 23:19 2019/5/25)

Ok, now I would try to draft a brief overview.

  1. [Yes/No] The method of this activity is very rigorous and you must not mess up any steps.
    (This activity is always an experiment perpetually, even if it is a step of exercise already repeated several times, it can not exist without the attributes of an experiment. Everyone is expected to think about the nature of "experiment", some simple rules whether right, wrong, or reasonable. Write them down quickly and share them with one another generously.)
  2. [Yes/None] In order to avoid wasting everyone's time, the exercises should be written very carefully and carefully proofread before they can be raised.
    "Write it down quickly and share it generously" is one of the main characteristics of this activity. "Try and error" is the oldest and most important basic method of learning and that of science. On the other hand, this activity must try to prevent "value judgment" on any person and any matter, that is, to avoid saying "good" or "not right", etc.

  1. [是/非] 這個活動的方法很嚴謹,絕對不可弄錯任何步驟。
    [是/非] 為了避免浪費大家的時間,練習題要很認真寫,仔細校對才可提出來。

  2. 「快速地寫下,大方地分享。」是這個活動的主要特質之一。「嘗試與錯誤」是最古老的,也是最主要的基本學習法與科學方法。相對地,本活動必須設法防止對任何人、任何事情的「價值判斷」,也就是說要避免講出「講得好」、「不對」,那類的話。
  3. [是/非] 學習的順序很重要,若是跳過某個步驟可能前功盡棄。

  4. [是/非] 老師,或是這個活動的帶領人在講話時絕對禁止插嘴。等到開放發言時才可提出問題。

  5. [是/非] 寫故事是專家在作的事情。
  6. [是/非] 有些事情沒有市場,不值得寫
  7. [是/非] 寫出來的文字被修改是「見不得人」的事情。
  8. [是/非] 寫故事一定要文筆流暢
好,暫停在此。以後伺機補充、修改。這是寫作練習的基本原則之一。不必要求「一步登天」、「一槍斃命」、「立竿見影」11:53 2018/9/18

2018/10/08 3:30 開始寫講義:




  • 請學員們在三分鐘內各自寫下故事的用途,天花亂墜不必擔心寫錯。
  • 三分鐘後輪流講出每個人寫出來的用途,即使別人已經講過也沒關係,都要用自己的話講出來。(這是第一次的方想訓練,記得不必計較對錯、好壞。養成習慣才是重點。)實際所需的時間因學員數字而異。上課前既然已經知道學員數就要先估計三分鐘是否太長。(若人數多,也可考慮事先公告這個練習,讓大家在上課前就寫好,舖上網,或是現場提交紙本。方式不拘,關鍵在於打造出一個放心分享的環境)
  • 不必作出有關故事用途的結論。事後彙整公告在網頁或是佈絡閣裡。若沒有佈絡閣,可以把副本張貼讓大家看。這些故事用途可能在事後改寫成衣篇文章投稿。可以鼓勵大家彙整後各自投稿。當作練習。
  1. 怎麼解釋「什麼是寫作」,現場有哪些不大一樣的定義。談談不同的定義可能產生什麼不同的效益。
  2. 請一、兩位學員志願舉例說明寫作
  3. 「寫作的必要條件」
  4. 「寫作的核心條件」
  5. 「寫作的充分條件」
  6. 「寫作的邊際條件」(不在邊界內就不算是寫作了)
  7. 什麼看似寫作其實不是。
  8. 辨識得出「是不是寫作」有什麼用?(避免無謂的失望、洩氣)


      4:01 2018/10/8



      0. 為什麼要談揮棒(11:55 2019/Jun/05)






      1.      揮棒的動作


      2.      揮棒的行動


      3.      揮棒的行為


      4.      揮棒的原因

      • 依照規定,每個球員輪流上場打擊。打擊過程中可能出現揮棒的行動。也可以完全不揮棒。
      • 揮棒的主要目的在於擊球,以便上壘而後得分。
      • 揮棒的主要原在於對方投手把球投出了,而且被擊球者判斷為可以打的球。
      • 另一個原因是打擊方的教練沒有發出「別揮棒」的命令。
      • 還有一個原因是擊球員被騙以為是可以打的球。
      • 另有一個原因是要消耗投手體力與自信心。即使是很不好打的好球也要揮棒把他打成界外球。

      5.      揮棒的理由

      6.      揮棒的動機

      7.      揮棒的目的

      8.      揮棒的功能

      9.      揮棒的功用

      10.  揮棒的結果

      11.  揮棒的後果

      12.  揮棒的效果

      13.  揮棒的效益

      14.  揮棒的決斷

      15.  揮棒的練習

      16.  揮棒的訓練

      17.  揮棒的時機

      18.  揮棒的時間

      19.  揮棒的速度

      20.  揮棒的過程

      21.  揮棒的種類

      22.  揮棒的好處

      23.  揮棒的壞處

      24.  揮棒的得失

      25.  揮棒的風險

      26.  揮棒的紀錄

      27.  揮棒的挑戰

      28.  揮棒的姿勢

      29.  揮棒的姿態

      30.  揮棒的觀察

      31.  揮棒的欣賞

      32.  揮棒的策略

      33.  揮棒的戰略

      34.  揮棒的戰術

      35.  揮棒的技術

      36.  揮棒的技巧

      Thursday, May 16, 2019

      Spring Nostalgia 思春曲

      Spring Nostalgia 春思曲 By Huang Zi 黄自

      This is one of the oldest art songs in Chinese. It has become a classic that almost every female voice student has to learn. The lyric is in archaic Mandarin that nobody could comprehend the meaning by simply listening to the enunciation.
      Unusually, it uses the lower registers of a soprano singer. Changing the keys could be a good exercise for developing the sense of melodies. Both are challenging technically.
      The backdrop of the lyric is a quite common scene of a husband away from home alone in ancient society.
      I believe this Westernized melody is considered a recognizable Chinese style. One of the main characteristics perhaps is in the smooth movement between notes that carry the same words. The sudden drop down one octave could be considered a highlight that vividly displays the passivity of the whole song and the mood change – without an onlooker, why bother to look attractive?
      The simple runs of 6 16th-note, imitating the string instrument of Pi-pa, provide some hints about the potentials of joy and hope given the described scenes encountered, leading to some unrealistic ideas of actions.
      Overall, it is supposed to be dreamy, powerless, without any hope for fact-changing decision. Generally, it reflects and illuminates the traditional Chinese sense of hopelessness and helplessness.
      To some people, this is not supposed to be sung with power or joy, but with some taste of complaints and passive anger, which also characterizes the Chinese moods conventionally.

      The sound of rain dropping on the front steps
      along with the cool bed and lone pillow
      have kept me awake all night
      In the mirror this morning
      My hair must look lazily lining
      my shallow dimples without makeup.
      Alone in the house, I must avoid the view next to the drapes
      of the birds in the trees.
      The naive chatting of a couple of swallows in front of the garden rails
      triggers my jealousy.
      By now my love one has been away for a year.
      Why couldn't I turn into a bird
      to peck on him and nag him to come back soon
      (to quickly fix the horse-riding whip for coming home soon).

      瀟瀟夜雨滴階前,寒衾孤枕未成眠。今朝攬鏡應是梨渦淺,綠雲慵掠,懶貼花鈿。小樓獨倚,怕睹陌頭楊柳,分色上簾邊;更妒煞無知雙燕,吱吱語過花欄前。憶個郎遠別已經年,恨只恨,不化成杜宇, 喚他快整歸鞭
      Xiāo xiāo yè yǔ dī jiē qián,
      hán qīn gū zhěn wèi chéng mián.
      Jīn zhāo lǎn jìng yīng shì lí wō qiǎn,
      lǜ yún yōng lüè, lǎn tiē huā diàn.
      Xiǎo lóu dú yǐ, pà dǔ mò tóu yáng liǔ, fēn sè shàng lián biān;
      gèng dù shā wú zhī shuāng yàn, zhī zhī yǔ guò huā lán qián.

      Yì gè láng yuǎn bié yǐ jīng nián, hèn zhǐ hèn, bù huà chéng dù yǔ, huàn tā kuài zhěng guī biān

      拼音--拼音: pin yin 注音: ㄆㄧㄣ ㄧㄣ, a phonetic transcription; to combine sounds to form words or syllables; to pronounce a word by following its phonetic symbols
      注音--拼音: zhu yin 注音: ㄓㄨˋ ㄧㄣ [Phonetics] a phonetic notation; a phonetic transcription is the dictionary used here.
      1. 瀟 拼音: xiao,the sound of beating rain and whistling wind; the roar of a strong wind 
      2. 夜 拼音: ye, night or evening  
      3. 雨 拼音: ye, rain  
      4. 滴 拼音: di, a drop; to drip
      5. 階 拼音: jie, steps; stairs; rank
      6. 前 拼音: qian, front; forward; former; ago; before; the preceding; the foregoing
      7. 寒 拼音: han, cold; poor; needy
      8. 衾 拼音: qin, a large coverlet or quilt; garments or dress for the deceased
      9. 孤 拼音: gu, [Formal] (of a child) fatherless; an orphan; solitary
      10. 枕 拼音: zhen, to use sth. as a pillow; to pillow; a pillow
      11. 未 拼音: wei, not or not yet; the eighth of the twelve Earthly Branches used by the ancients to denote years, months, or days in combination with the ten Heavenly Stems
      12. 成 拼音: cheng, to accomplish; to succeed; to complete; to become; to achieve; completed; accomplished; fixed; settled; all right; acceptable; able; capable; one-tenth
      13. 眠 拼音: mian, sleep; dormancy
      14. 今 拼音: jin 注音: ㄐㄧㄣ, the present, contemporary or modern, now
      15. 朝 拼音: zhao 注音: ㄓㄠ, morning; a day
      16. 攬 拼音: lan 注音: ㄌㄢˇ, to take or bring to oneself or one's side; to grasp; to monopolize; to take on
      17. 鏡 拼音: jing 注音: ㄐㄧㄥˋ, a mirror; a lens
      18. 應 拼音: ying 注音: ㄧㄥ, should; ought to; need
      19. 是 拼音: shi 注音: ㄕˋ, [Formal] that; correct; right; am, is, or are
      20. 梨 拼音: li 注音: ㄌㄧˊ, a pear; 
      21. 渦 拼音: wo 注音: ㄨㄛ, a whirlpool; a vortex; a dimple
      22. 淺 拼音: qian 注音: ㄑㄧㄢˇ, shallow; superficial; not deep
      23. 綠 拼音: lV 注音: ㄌㄩˋ, green
      24. 雲 拼音: yun 注音: ㄩㄣˊ, to say; cloud 
      25. 慵 拼音: yong 注音: ㄩㄥ, [Formal] lethargic
      26. 掠 拼音: lVe 注音: ㄌㄩㄝˋ, to plunder; to pillage; to sack; to sweep past; to brush past; to graze; to skim over a long stroke; to the left in Chinese calligraphy
      27. 懶 拼音: lan 注音: ㄌㄢˇ, lazy; lacking energy
      28. 貼 拼音: tie 注音: ㄊㄧㄝ, to paste or stick on; to stay close to; a subsidy; an allowance
      29. 花 拼音: hua 注音: ㄏㄨㄚ, a flower or anything resembling one; a design; a pattern; colorful; variegated (of vision) blurred; (of handwriting) too fanciful; to spend (money or time)
      30. 鈿 拼音: dian 注音: ㄉㄧㄢˋ, [Dialect] a coin; money; (Wikipedia: decoration articles with gold and silver jewels, shells, etc., used on people or objects.)
      31. 小 拼音: xiao 注音: ㄒㄧㄠˇ, small; little; briefly; for a short while; the young; (polite speech) my; our
      32. 樓 拼音: lou 注音: ㄌㄡˊ, a multi-story building; a story (or floor) in a multi-story building
      33. 倚 拼音: yi 注音: ㄧˇ, to lean against; to rely on
      34. 怕 拼音: pa 注音: ㄆㄚˋ, to fear; to be afraid; to think that; to suppose that
      35. 睹 拼音: du 注音: ㄉㄨˇㄝ, to see; to observe; to notice
      36. 陌 拼音: mo 注音: ㄇㄛˋ, a path between fields; a road; a street
      37. 頭 拼音: tou 注音: ㄊㄡˊ, head; hair or hairstyle; the top; the end; beginning or end; a stub; remnant; a stump; end; head; chief; boss; side; aspect; first; leading
      38. 陌頭 拼音: mò tóu 注音: ㄇㄛˋ ㄊㄡˊ 拼音: mo4 tou2 相似詞: 1.街頭
      39. 1.路旁。唐.王昌齡〈閨怨〉詩:「忽見陌頭楊柳色,悔教夫婿覓封侯。」Similar words: 1. Street; Roadside. Tang. Wang Changling's poem: "I suddenly see the color of the roadside willow, and regret that I encouraged my husband to work on becoming a government officer." Unfamiliar)
      40. 楊 拼音: yang 注音: ㄧㄤˊ, poplar
      41. 柳 拼音: liu 注音: ㄌㄧㄡˇ, a willow (tree)
      42. 楊柳 拼音: yang liu 注音: ㄧㄤˊ ㄌㄧㄡˇ, willow; poplar and willow
      43. 分 拼音: fen 注音: ㄈㄣ, to divide into parts; to separate into parts; to allot; to distribute; to distinguish; one-tenth (of something); a unit of length equal to one-third centimeter; a unit of area measurement equal to one-third square meters; the smallest Chinese money unit; a minute
      44. 色 拼音: se 注音: ㄙㄜˋ, color; facial expression
      45. 上 拼音: shang 注音: ㄕㄤˋ, above; on top of; up; upper; previous; preceding; superior; better; to go to; to install; to forge ahead
      46. 簾 拼音: lian 注音: ㄌㄧㄢˊ, a screen; a curtain; (bamboo) blinds; a shop-sign flag
      47. 邊 拼音: bian 注音: ㄅㄧㄢ, a side; the edge; rim; a border; a boundary; a limit
      48. 更 拼音: geng 注音: ㄍㄥˋ, still more; even more
      49. 妒 拼音: du 注音: ㄉㄨˋ, envy; jealousy; to be envious; to be jealous of
      50. 煞 拼音: sha 注音: ㄕㄚ, to stop; to close; to halt; to check; to bring to a close; to brake; to tighten; to bind;to weaken; to reduce; to abate; to offset; to mitigate; in the extreme; exceedingly;
      51. 拼音: sha 注音: ㄕㄚˋ, an evil spirit; an goblin; a fierce god; a malignant deity; [Informal] very; extremely; to bring to an end; to conclude
      52. 無 拼音: wu 注音: ㄨˊ, without;nil; nothing
      53. 知 拼音: zhi 注音: ㄓ, to know;to be aware of;knowledge
      54. 無知 拼音: wu zhi 注音: ㄨˊ ㄓ, ignorant; innocent; illiteracy; to keep sb. in the dark (about sth.)

      Wednesday, May 15, 2019

      社工文學 / 助人文學 Social Literature / Literature of Helping

      2019/5/16 0:54


      1. 引言 -- 為什麼要談社工與助人文學?
      2. 種類(含書信文學:助人/社工的特殊文學--公開信與私訊)
      3. 寫作情境
      4. 題材
      5. 內容來源
      6. 儲存
      7. 管理
      8. 取擷
      9. 應用
      10. 寫作方法
      11. 寫作過程
      12. 寫法
      13. 功能與應用
      14. 訓練
      一、引言 -- 為什麼要談社工與助人文學?




      可以說,研發社工/助人文學有可能提升助人者的技術、功能、功效,甚至以寫作這樣的文學方法做為助人的方法與策略。(2019/5/16 01:53)

      Saturday, May 4, 2019

      A new model of Christian fellowship gathering 基督徒團契聚會的新模式 Ki-tok tô͘ thoân-khè chū-chōe ê sin bô͘-sek

      5/4/2019 4:22 PM
      There have been many models of gathering for Christian fellowships. Everyone has some merits that bring people to the gathering and some shortages that discourage people. It would be interesting and beneficial to study how some fellowship groups succeed and others cease to function.

      Among the Christian fellowships of Taiwanese, one common burden is the inclusion of refreshment that becomes the major concern of the participants. At the same time, the burden of providing materials for study and spiritual growth demands time and energy of the leaders.

      To improve the fellowship gathering, especially for perpetuation, we have to come up with something to address the issues.

      The latest idea is to utilize the existing sermons as material along with the new concepts of Christian learning and growing. In the Wilderness Sunday School class of the Taiwanese Presbyterian Church of Greater St. Louis we realized several key points that release us from the burden.

      1. Theology and Christian faith are continuously changing. Nobody could claim that he or she has acquired the totality of the truth and no longer need the input from God that triggers some changes in their theology or faith.
      2. Since there is no ending point of Christian learning and growth there is no required tempo of the growth. Some people grow faster than others at certain points in their lives. Most people have experienced changes in their tempo in learning and growing.
      3. Because of biological age and the entry points in life, there is no need to expect that everybody reaches the same level of maturity at the same time.
      4. Christian education should not depend on a fixed textbook, nor a fixed time table.
      5. ....
      The new idea is to utilize the existing sermon as raw material for continuing study with many variant ways of processing. 這個新的構想是要運用既有的講道稿做為素材,配合多樣的處理方法來發揮學習的功能。
      The source: 素材來源
      1. the live recording of the sermons 講道的實況錄音或錄影
      2. the manuscripts of sermons 講道稿
      3. the notes that have been taken from sermons 聽講道的筆記
      4. the published sermons, on paper or online. 出版的講章,紙版或是電子檔
      5. It is assumed that most of the preachers would be glad to release their manuscripts for study and the extension of their effort in preparing them. 假設大部分的講員樂於分享他們的講章讓人繼續咀嚼而使他們投入的精力繼續延伸功用
      6. It would be a very precious treasure to collect and utilize the sermons of the deceased preachers. 已經回天家的講員的講章可能是很有價值的收藏品。並繼續運用、發揮效益可能是一件美事。
      The process:
      1. Some people might enjoy re-writing the sermon, in full or in parts, to help others study. The re-writing might involve the levels of intelligence, the styles of speech, the languages, the length, changing between colloquial and reading, the sizes of the audience, etc.
      2. Everybody involved would be benefited by re-preaching the sermon, re-written or not. In a fellowship gathering, it is advisable to distribute the opportunity of speaking in public equally to all the participants, not limited to one single gathering.
      3. The re-preaching could be done with one short message, one paragraph, one citation, or one key point, to ease the nervousness of the new participants.
      4. The re-preaching could be recorded for future private review for improvements.
      5. The re-preaching could be followed immediately with group discussion to exchange the comprehension, without criticism or judgment. The paraphrasing could be continued among the participants to facilitate the learning and remembering the lessons.
      6. It might be interesting, more fun, or more challenging for the participants to be selected and assigned a paragraph by drawing and do it impromptu.
      7. The exercises should always be closed with somebody\s summary for the lessons learned both in spiritual growth and the ability to spread the words.
      The risks: to be elaborated.

      步驟 (過程):
      1. 「重講」可以是局部的,就是透過其中的一個短短的訊息,一個段落,一個引用的論述或情節,或一個關鍵點來完成,以便促使新參與者的緩解緊張情緒。
      2. 可以把「重講」的經歷記錄下來,供將來的私人回顧做為改進的基礎。
      3. 「重講」可以是局部的,就是透過其中的一個短短的訊息,一個段落,一個引用的論述或情節,或一個關鍵點來完成,以便促使新參與者的緩解緊張情緒。
      4. 可以把「重講」的經歷記錄下來,供將來的私人回顧做為改進的基礎。

      1. The re-preaching could be followed immediately with group discussion to exchange the comprehension, without criticism or judgment. The paraphrasing could be continued among the participants to facilitate the learning and remembering the lessons.
      2. It might be interesting, more fun, or more challenging for the participants to be selected and assigned a paragraph by drawing and do it impromptu.
      3. The exercises should always be closed with somebody\s summary for the lessons learned both in spiritual growth and the ability to spread the words.