Wednesday, February 20, 2019

How I try to sing O Sole Mio 我怎麼試著唱出「我的太陽」Góa án-chóaⁿ chhì chhiùⁿ-chhut Góa ê Ji̍t-thâu

O Sole Mio is one of the most popular songs around the world. It is rarely sung in languages other than the original Italian, based on what I heard in In 2017, I ran across a video recording . passing around in facebook, sung by a gentleman, Patrizio Buanne, and a young girl, Amira Willighagen. The gentleman sings this song in a somehow different manner from what I heard most of the other times and triggered my thought about “singing uniquely with new interpretation”. 我的太陽是全世界最風行的歌曲之一。根據我在「你管」網頁中聽到的,這首歌很少被用義大利與以外的語言唱出來。在2017年,我偶然看到一段在「廢思簿」流傳的影音記錄,是由一位年輕紳士 Patrizio Buanne, 和一位少女 Amira Willighagen.一起唱了。覺得這位紳士的唱法跟我聽過的其他人的唱法不盡相同,因而觸發了「用新的詮釋及獨特的唱法」的想法。

After some examinations, I found that the song was mostly sung by high voice singers emphasizing the high notes and led me to think about hot sun, bright sunshine. I kept thinking that the song describes the sunny environment in Italy until I studied the lyrics. 幾番嘗試檢驗歌詞之後,我發現這首歌大多是由高音歌手來唱,凸顯高音的美,使我聯想到太陽的熱及明亮的陽光。在我開始研讀歌詞之前,我持續誤以為這首歌是在描繪陽光普照的義大利的景色。

What a beautiful thing is a sunny day! 陽光的日子何其美好啊!
The air is serene after a storm, 風雨之後的空氣很安詳
The air is so fresh that it already feels like a celebration.空氣新鮮像是在慶祝什麼樣
What a beautiful thing is a sunny day! 陽光的日子多麼美好啊!

But another sun that's brighter still, 可是有另一顆太陽更亮
It's my own sun that's upon your face! 那是我在你臉上看到的太陽!
The sun, my own sun, 就是這太陽,我的太陽
It's upon your face; it's upon your face! 就在你臉上,在你臉上

Being an occasional singer without sufficient capability in the high range I started to explore the other ways of singing to reflect the other sides of this song. 身為一位在高音區有缺陷愛唱歌的人,我開始尋找呈現這首歌的其他面向的另類唱法。

I found that the lyrics were not about the sun but a person. While all the singing I heard emphasizes the high notes and how to reach the high notes I found that the structure of the melody actually exposes low notes and the paths transitioning into the low notes. I found the warmth of the low voice and relaxing atmosphere of singing down the scale might be the special side for the low and limited-range voice singer. 我發現這首歌竟然不是在描繪太陽,而是在描繪人。瞭解我聽過的唱法大多在強調高音以及達到高音的方法。我看出這首歌的結構實際上在展現低音,以及走向低音的過程。我發現,那些地因的溫暖感及沿著音階往下走的路徑所催出的放鬆感或許就是這首歌的另一個面向。

The Taiwanese singing of this version pays attention to the short vowels. Here is what’s in my Taiwanese lyrics.  我所寫的台語歌詞特別注意短母音。這裡是用英文轉述的歌詞意涵。
When the sun is shining everything looks pleasing,
The wind appears to be more and more sincere
as a storm ends and the sun is appearing,
It lets me breathe what is cool and comforting.
Under the sun, everything is good-looking.

My sun looks better than all could be seen.
What I can see on your face is what I mean.
Not less than the goodwill of the sunlight,
From all directions, everything looks right,
While your face is in my sight.

This might be one for the kind of songs I have been looking for since 2003 when I started to frame the concept of "off-stage music" and a special branch of it referred to as "bedside music" or "sickroom singing". 這或許就是我從2003年掰出「台下音樂」跟「床邊音樂」、「病房歌唱」以來所在尋找的歌曲。

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

對不起 -- 從盧縮變成盧梭

2019/2/20 15:46 然後,作為思想家,他的市場在哪裡,如何經營?

2019/4/1 22:52 盧梭傳記: 世界名人傳記系列28 Rousseau - 胡三元 - Google 圖書

2019/2/13 19:51
Clifton Lee 發文到 敎育/文創/生活
未婚妻 愛上別人~
雅克•盧梭 (1712年~1778年),法國偉大的啟蒙思想家、哲學家、教育家、文學家。是18世紀法國大革命的思想先驅者,啟蒙運動最卓越的代表人物之一。
「 怨恨是一袋死老鼠! 」
一個人的失敗,98%敗在 “脾氣”,人憤怒的那一個瞬間,智商是零,過一分鐘後恢復正常。
可見~ 說,是一種能力;不說,是一種智慧。
感謝臉友FengRan Sheu 提供短文分享🙏
(2019/02/13) GH

TSA talk on 3/22/2019

Hey all,
I am pleased to announce that our TSA-STL Talk will take place at Liberman Graduate Center DUC 300 (DUC;, Washington University Danforth campus at 6:00 pm -7:30 pm on 3/22 (Friday). We are going to have two speakers sharing their experience in certain fields. They are Miss Yu-Ning Chen (陳昱甯) and Dr. Hsin-Chen Chen (陳昕辰).

Yu-Ning Chen is a PhD student in east Asian and comparative literature department at Washington University in St. Louis. Her research focuses on modern Japanese literature and Taiwan literature. She will talk about censorship, publication, and reading in Twentieth-century Taiwan.
Hsin-Chen Chen (Humphrey) received his Ph.D. degree from the department of computer science and information engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan in 2012. Dr. Chen served as postdoctoral researcher in the department of neurosurgery at University of Pittsburgh and the department of radiation oncology at Wash U from 2012 to 2015. He then stepped into industry as a software engineer at Flightsafety International, and now an imaging engineer at Bayer Crop Science. He will share and discuss the topic, “Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Computer Vision,” in this session. He will go through the concept of AI, machine learning, and computer vision, then bring up the noticeable breakthrough since 2012 in these fields, and finally talk about applications in healthcare, image analysis, agriculture, art, music, autonomous driving, animation, etc.
陳昕辰在2012年於成功大學資訊工程所拿到博士學位,並在2012至2015年間,先後到匹茲堡大學神經外科與聖路易華盛頓大學放射腫瘤科進行博士後研究。接著進入Flightsafety International擔任視覺模擬軟體工程師,現為Bayer Crop Science的影像工程師。他將與大家分享討論人工智慧在電腦視覺的應用。在當天的討論中,他會簡短介紹機器學習與電腦視覺,以及相關領域近期的突破,並與大家分享多個實際的應用層面,如健康照護,生醫影像分析,現代化農業,藝術創作,自駕車,動畫等等。

For the parking, visitors who will be parking on campus during weekends (between 5 pm Friday and 7 am Monday) are permitted to park in yellow zones without displaying a parking permit. There are parking lots next to the Danforth University Center.
For more detail about the location, please check this out. We will be in DUC300. Just come to the 3rd floor and look for the direction.
RC ChinWen Lai

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Sociology of Taiwanese Americans Tâi-bí-jîn siā-hōe-ha̍k 台美人社會學


Chia̍h àm-tǹg ê-sî hut-jiân siūⁿ-tio̍h ē-thang thàu-kòe Choân-Bí Tâi-oân Tông-hiong-hōe thui-kóng Tâi-bí-jîn ê siā-hōe-hak kap siā-hōe kang-chok ê gián-kiù. Sûi-sî tī hun-hōe-hōe-tiúⁿ ê LINE kûn-cho͘ hun-hióng.

Tāi-seng lâi khôaⁿ ū sím-mi̍h ōe-tê thang-hó lâi pâi sūn-sū, siūⁿ chhek-lio̍k.
  1. Tâi-bí tông-hiong hōe kok-tē ê léng-tō chiá kap kàn-pō͘ ū sím-mi̍h te̍k-chit, án-chóaⁿ sán-seng, pôe-ióng.
  2. Tâi-bí tông-hiong hōe kok-tē bat the̍h-chhû sím-mi̍h ōe-tê. Kî-tiong ū siàⁿ-mi̍h chhòng-sin ê ōe-tê?
  3. Tâi-bí tông-hiong hōe kok-tē bat thê-chhut sím-mi̍h oa̍h-tāng kî-tiong ū sím-mi̍h chhòng-sin ê oa̍h-tāng á-sī sin ê oa̍h-tāng kì-su̍t?
  4. Tâi-bí tông-hiong hōe kok-tē án-chóaⁿ kap hiong-chhin pó-chhî liân-hē?
  5. Tâi-bí tông-hiong hōe kok-tē án-chóaⁿ khip-ín sin hōe-oân?
  6. Tâi-bí tông-hiong hōe kok-tē án-chóaⁿ hō͘ hiong-chhin chai-iáⁿ, chhin-kīn?
  7. Tâi-bí tông-hiong hōe kok-tē án-chóaⁿ bat chhut-hiān siáⁿ-khóan cheng-chip, án-chòaⁿ hòa-kái?
  8. Tâi-bí tông-hiong hōe kok-tē án-chóaⁿ kap taī-piáu Tâi-oân ê chèng-hú koaⁿ-oân siong-chhú?
Lú-siūⁿ ē lú-chē. Chiām-sī thêng tòa-chia.
Bîn-á-chài kái-siá chò Sam-bûn-chì. 22:59 2019/2/5

吃晚餐的時候,忽然想到可以透過全美台灣同鄉會推廣台美人的社會學和社會工作的研究。當下立即在分會長的 LINE 群組提出來。


  1. 台美同鄉會各地的領導者和幹部有什麼特質、如何產生、培養?
  2. 台美同鄉會各地曾經提出什麼話題。其中有什麼創新的話題?
  3. 台美同鄉會各地曾經提出什麼活動,其中有什麼創新的活動或是新的活動技術/技巧?
  4. 台美同鄉會各地如何跟鄉親們保持聯繫?
  5. 台美同鄉會各地如何吸引新的會員?
  6. 台美同鄉會各地如何使鄉親知道、接近?
  7. 台美同鄉會各地如何出現何種爭執、如何化解?(這一題似乎不適於公開研究、談論)
  8. 台美同鄉會各地如何跟代表台灣的政府官員相處?
越想越多。暫停在此。7:27 2019/2/6

At dinner time, some thoughts that promoting the sociology study and social work study through the Taiwanese Association of America-USA might be feasible. It was shared immediately in the LINE group of the presidents of TAA chapters

First, I would try to list the topics potentially worth studying, for lining up the priority and exploring the strategy.

  1. What are the attributes of the leaders and the cadre and how have thy emerged and nurtured?
  2. What are the subjects and topics presented in the chapters everywhere and among them what are creative?
  3. What are the subjects, techniques, and skills presented in the chapters everywhere and among them what are creative?
  4. How have the chapters everywhere maintained connected with the homeland folks?
  5. How have the chapters everywhere attracted new members?
  6. How have the chapters everywhere let the homeland folks know and become willing to approach?
  7. What sorts of and struggles have there been in the chapters everywhere and how have the struggles been resolved? (This appears to be not suitable for open study or public discussion)
  8. How have the chapters everywhere maintained relations with the officials representing the government in Taiwan?
The more I think the more subjects arise. I would stop here for now. 8:06 2019/2/6