Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Hymn-briefing 0001 718 Emmaus bound on Easter Day 復活節當天去以馬忤斯

The basic of hymn-briefing 「聖詩簡介」概述
English only
中文版 Chinese version

Video demonstration 影音示範版
Here are some sample of the melody of the new hymn we will learn and sing on May 3. 2020
這裡有一些樣本可以做參考,幫助我們認識五月三日要唱的 一首新聖詩。
It is a new lyric written by Rev. Carolyn Winfrey Gillette in 2009 She also wrote other lyrics for the same tune. 這是吉立牧師 在2009年發表新歌詞。她套用這個歌曲所寫的歌詞不只這份。

O, Waly, Waly
O, Waly, Waly

It will be interesting to find out how and why the same tune can be sung to so many different lyrics with different taste, styles, and flavors. 去探討「為什麼一個歌曲可能套入那麼多不同的歌詞,唱出不同的韻味、格調、與品味。
Double click the sentence at right to see more. 點擊右邊這一句看看。 There are several issues to be watched and learned from. 這個聖詩有許多話題可咀嚼。

What are the points for a Sunday demonstration before worship service? 主日禮拜前對這一首聖詩的示範有哪些要點?
  1. The pronunciation and enunciation of Taiwanese lyrics 台語發音與咬字
  2. The basic ways of singing the Taiwanese lyrics 台語唱出來的基本模樣
  3. The overall points of faith expressed in music 音樂上整體的信仰表達
  4. The highlights of singing in Taiwanese, demonstrated in the special points of the long notes, words having more than one vowel, and the climax. 用台語唱出來的亮點,包括長音、多母音的字,高潮點。
  5. The mood of walking and pondering 行走以及沈思的情境

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Weekly briefing on hymns to be sung in the Sunday worship - a breakthrough in hymnody 華語版

每主日為禮拜中所唱的聖詩進行簡介  一項「聖詩運用」的突破
2020/4/28 9:25 英文原稿 








  1.  每首讚美詩,無論是新歌還是舊歌,都值透過解釋,示範、和演練,觸及潛在的唱者和聽者的內心和靈魂。
  2.  每一位可能使用聖詩的人,無論是否唱出聲音來、有一樣的信仰、信奉基督教、相信教會,都值得獲得機會接觸到詮釋,示範、或演練,都從聖詩詩和信奉基督教的豐富傳統獲得幫助。
  3.  一般人應該獲得機會可從精神因素、音樂因素、心理因素、社會因素、演練因素、和文字因素的組合中獲得啟發,以便可能不斷地從每首聖詩獲得的收益最大化。
  4. 聖詩使用者應該有機會受到啟發,學習聖詩的藝術和技巧,以此來提高通過讚美詩傳播福音的能力。
  5. 每個教會都有機會和責任讓『應用聖詩』以及『使用聖詩的獲益』最大化。
  6. 除了「避免遮蓋掉禮拜活動的核心」這個原則之外,聖詩簡介的表達方式可以無限地多種多樣,包括寫作、演講、座談、工作坊、視頻製作/分享,「唱前提示」等。
  7. 對於安排在禮拜儀式開始之前的聖詩簡介,無論那簡介是否代替傳統的前奏,簡介的要點可以包括「為什麼選擇在那場禮拜中唱那首聖詩或其中的某節」做為其主題之一、歌詞中的關鍵詞,歌詞的神學因素,歌曲的音樂動機和亮點,所選音節的發音,旋律中具有挑戰性的音符和音域,難過的樂段,對樂器司琴者的挑戰以及避免「在禮拜中因為聖詩而失焦」的風險等等。此條列的表需要不斷地調整。
  8.  理想情況下,如果簡報是在禮拜儀式之前進行的,或者被視為禮拜儀式的一部分,那麼將有一個編輯委員會。(如果「說教」是禮拜活動的一部分,「說詩」也可以被視為禮拜儀式的一個部分。)這意味著需要提前製作視頻,以便有足夠的時間進行審查和批准。這意味著需要提前製作影片,以便有足夠的時間進行審查和批准。
  9. 對於由「具有不同語言偏愛」的人組成的會眾來說,影片中具有多種語言的字幕是不錯(有比較好)的選擇。若是沒有多文化禮拜的直接壓力,可以用不同的口語或字幕分別製作多個影片。
  10. 聖詩簡介的影片可以永久用來當做「跟隨耶穌的命令,跨越空間、文化、和時間界限地幫助人們」的媒介(馬可福音16:15,「他對他們說:『走進世界,傳揚福音』」,徒1:8,「但是當聖靈降在你身上時,你將獲得力量;你將成為我在耶路撒冷,猶太全境和撒瑪利亞直到地極的見證。」,新的國際版本)。
    4/28/2020 10:25

Weekly briefing on hymns to be sung in the Sunday worship - a breakthrough in hymnody

2020/4/28 9:25
This  is to mark a new step in history as a positive effect of the COVID-19.
This also marks a witness of a new PHD at work. Dr. Yu Hao went through the oral defense on April 17, 2020 and received his doctorate as a PHD in education.

Having served as the founding director of the Research & Development of the Gardeners of Hope Foundation, I have been very sensitive to the contribution from all hands to the new ways and new lives.
Here is my response to a LINE message from Dr. Hosea Yu Hao this morning at 9:04

"I see. I was not thinking about a lecture but a demonstration of pronunciation and singing.

I can try to record a brief talk around the hymn to help the people get into it before trying to sing. The traditional hymn-singing during the worship services is not enough to help anybody really appreciate or get help from the hymn and the singing.

The good part of this briefing is that all languages can be covered at the same time through captions.

This is a good thinking and a big breakthrough in the history of hymnody. Thank you. I will start writing a blog to interpret and explain this new methods citing the source of innovation as Dr. Yu Hao, the newest PHD in Education."

This is how the conversation started:
Here is the first thoughts of the framework:
  1. Every hymn, new or old,  deserves interpretation, demonstration, and drills to reach the heart and the soul of the potential singers and listeners.
  2. Every potential users of hymns, singing or not, believing or not, Christian or not, church member or not, deserve the interpretation, demonstration, and drills to be benefited from the rich heritage of hymns and singing of Christians.
  3. The general public deserves the inspiration from the combination of the spiritual factors, musical factors, psychological factors, social factors, drill factors, and the literal factors to maximize the benefit of every hymn continuously.
  4. The hymn-users deserve the opportunity to be inspired and learn the art and the skills of hymn-briefing as a way to advance the ability of spreading the gospel through hymns.
  5. Every congregation has the opportunity and the responsibility of maximizing the utilization and the benefit of hymn-usage.
  6. The hymn-briefing could be in many forms and styles, including writing, lecturing, video-making/sharing, pre-singing hints, etc. without limitation except the principles of  "refraining from overshadowing the core of worship services"
  7. For a hymn-briefing immediately before the start of a worship service, whether replacing the conventional prelude or not, the main theme could be on the special reason for selecting the hymn and the verses for the given worship service, the key words in the lyrics, the theological factors of the lyrics, the music motive and the highlights of the song, the pronunciation of selected syllables, the challenging notes and ranges in the melody, the difficult passages, the challenges to the instrumentalists, the risk of straying away from worship, etc. This list would be adjusted continuously.
  8. Ideally, an editorial board would be nice to have if the briefing is right before a worship service or considered as a part of the worship service. (If "interpreting the Words" is part of the worship "interpreting the singing" could also be considered a component, too.) This means the videos need to be made in advance for enough time to review and approve.
  9. Captions in multiple langues on the video would be nice to have for a congregation consisting of people with various lingual preferences. Without the immediate pressure of a multi-cultural congregation the video could be made in different spoken language or captions.
  10. The video of hymn briefing could be utilized perpetually to help people across boundaries of space, culture, and time, as commanded by Jesus, (Mark 16:15, "He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation'"; Acts 1:8, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”", New International Version).
10:25 2020/4/28

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Learning Taiwanese with Jose -001

2020/4/25 18:35
The lessons begins after some chatting with Hose in Facebook messenger this morning and he started to write a sentence in Taiwanese. That sentence inspire me of a new way to continue the Taiwanese learning without an established course of study. The challenge is "what would he need", "What's next", and how to execute".

17:10 Hisam: "As I listened through the lessons I suddenly realized that we need to find out what you have acquired and create a new course/path/steps to help you move on. I believe that you might have acquired all the essentials in that textbook and need something more challenging.I guess you have no problem making sentences in Taiwanese to express your thoughts."

18:10  Jose: "Yes , Basic sentences hahaha"
18:12 Jose: "góa chiok tiâm góa bē khi-kun! "
18:17 Jose: "long ē-sái long  kang-koan"

"Góa chiok thiám, góa beh khì khùn!"
thiám -- Kam Jī-tián kèng-jiân bô chit jī. Che piáu-sī chem̄-sī thoân-thóng ê jī. M̄-chai sī tī-sî khai-sí ê.

音讀 thiám-thâu 
釋義 1.非常疲累。例:逐日都作穡作甲真忝頭。Ta̍k ji̍t to tsoh-sit tsoh kah tsin thiám-thâu. (每天都工作做得很疲累。) 
2.情況很嚴重。例:伊予老爸拍甲真忝頭。I hōo in lāu-pē phah kah tsin thiám-thâu. (他被他爸爸打得很嚴重。)
khì -- 11877 khì (去Khù) khì-hong, khì-hé; khì-ok kui-siān; chhut-khì. 去風, 去火; 去惡 歸善; 出去.
khun 台語 khùn   漢字 (睡Sūi[Sùi])                                             
白話字解釋: hioh-khùn, khiā-khùn, khùn pá, tsá-khùn, ài-khùn; khùn-bāng.
漢羅解釋: 歇睏, khiā睏, 睏 飽, 早睏, 愛睏; 睏夢.

Monday, April 6, 2020

New material for face mask


The imagination of a new type of material for the mouth/face mask started last night before going to bed. The idea was about using hard material to keep the mouth from touching the mask. The hard material would have micro holes to receive the form from the air and guide the foram to drop down to a ditch inside the material through down-falling microchannels while keeping the air flowing for breath through up-flowing channels. This way the mask can be re-used after traditional sanitation. The making of the two types of channels inside the material, which could be transparent or not, is imagined to be impossible.

A new idea came right before getting up from bed this morning.

Instead of going through the troubles to invent new manufacturing techniques for making materials with two kinds of inside tunnels, one turning the foam moving down and the other turning the air flowing up for breathing in, three layers of film, hard or soft, see-through or colored, to keep the flows of liquid and air separate, could make the mask practical with reusability. The external layer contains micro holes to let the foam go through. The middle layer blocks the foam and drops them down to the bottom that can be opened to release the accumulated water before sanitation. The internal layer has holes that let the air from the bottom opening between the 2nd and the 3rd layer reach the protected nose.

The medical practitioners and those people who have the need to be near the high risk or the contaminated area to wear and keep changing at certain intervals and let the masks go through the conventional sanitation repetitively.

The material might be easily manufactured by the expertise of Dr. Simon Chen who invented the special glass/film at Missouri University.

Transparent masks make it possible to show the goodwill of smiling and the cleanliness of the medical practitioners. The colored masks are made with material of lower cost for the people not directly facing the patients and their companions.

The mask that is not touching the face could receive droplets from the top gap. The one using the special material mentioned above could have soft material for sealing between the mask and the face.

17:25 2020/4/6

Sunday, April 5, 2020

What is this stuff called beyond-school 人人研究所示什麼碗糕?

What is this stuff called beyond-school (Friday, December 24, 2010)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Friday, DFriday, December 24, 2010)
This means that everybody can participate in the activities of learning.

The methods of learning include reading, studying, and exploring, rather than simply based on listening to lectures, citing and quoting, memorizing, going through formal examinations.

In a nutshell, learn for oneself, without depending on others' approval, above all the critiques from others on the results and the effect of learning.

This is a classroom without pre-requisites. This is GENERAL learning at the level of doctoral study.

Certainly, a question of the qualification of running such doctoral study programs will be raised. Wait and see.

