Saturday, February 29, 2020


2020/3/16 需要重新探討,因為是街不是路。先從地圖看那街有多長多寬。 15:46

2020/2/28 半夜之前


先想到這首套用#122 名曲的新歌(歡迎繼續修改)

平等路 nih 有七張,逐張攏 teh  chhōa 我想;

Pêng-téng lō͘ nih ū Chhit-tiuⁿ,
Ta̍k tiuⁿ lóng teh chhōa góa siūⁿ;
Thàu-kòe ōe-gú kap tô͘-iūⁿ,
Thoân hok-im tī tē-bīn chiūⁿ;
Nn̄g hāng kong-hāu góa lóng ài,
Thoân hó siau-sit ná thiⁿ-sài.

這首歌有個前提:開拓一項新的永續事工 「開發、介紹、展示七張圖」以下列構想為參考。
  1. 選定一些七張圖的領域:如,創世七日、十架七言、苦路七站、(啟示錄的)七個教會,或其他跟信仰有關的七個副題。或許可以以兩年推廣一套主題,每數年輪一趟。
  2. 鼓勵會友依照所選題庫創作繪圖或攝影(甚至徵求對外作品)。在網路上公開票選,以票數做為展出的順序。
  3. 鼓勵會友依照在網路上展出的圖撰寫介紹文,也提出在網路上票選。以票數做為展出的順序。
  4. 依照選定的順序在禮拜堂展出,每期七張(也許是室內牆壁,室內或室外活動展示牌)。定期輪換。公開昭告,邀請鄰里跟其他訪客參觀,撰寫感想投稿。收集的感想可再票選。贏造一個別緻的「永續七張圖宣教活動」,不計優劣,強調張張平等的「平信徒傳福音」信仰。這首歌就可以成為這個特殊宣教活動的宣傳歌。平等路的七張成為地方上的特殊景點。成為每一位鄰居都想帶客人來參觀的地方。當然教會又配合開發導覽志工。

拍拚犁田iā 種籽,緊慢就會puh-íⁿ,


Phah-piàⁿ lê-chhân iā chéng-chí,
Kín-bān chiū ōe puh-íⁿ,
Che sī siōng-chú só͘ kau-tāi,
Hok-im thoân-piàn sè-kài;
Bô-lūn siáⁿ-khoán ê thó͘-tōe,
Tio̍h chóng khui chhit tiuⁿ lê;
Kun-tòe Siōng-chú ê kha-pō͘,
Kut-la̍t kiâⁿ pêng-téng lō͘.

Sì-bīn lâng-lâng ta̍k sè-tāi,
Lóng sī Chú só͘ kau-tāi;
Tio̍h thoân hok-im chhōa lâng bat Chú,
Kiàn-chèng I tōa un-sù.

2020/2/29 2:28----------

Friday, February 28, 2020

Hymns - for chatting in churches

  1. Hymn-study as a course of Christian education with different methods for different age groups or educational background 以「聖詩研讀」做為多種方法、適用於不同年齡、教育背景的基督教教育
  2. Hymn-singing for congregation supplemented with theology in hymns 以唱聖詩做為對於教會會眾教導神學的補充教材與方式
  3. Hymn extension, including new lyrics for new needs 延伸聖詩,包括為新的需求撰寫新歌詞
  4. Singing hymns with multiple languages 用多種語言唱聖詩
  5. Singing hymns with various schools of methods, including "art song". (2020/2/13) 用不同的唱歌要領唱聖詩,包括藝術歌曲的唱法
Hymn-study 聖詩研讀/

  1. study the history and the development of each hymn and each hymnal
  2. study the lyrics, the involved and the related languages
  3. study the gospel, the theology and the statements of faith behind the hymns
  4. study the music, the nature as well as the expression, of the hymns
  5. study the recorded hymn singing or performances
Hymn-singing 唱聖詩
  1. The occasions and the context of hymn-singing 唱聖詩的時機與情境
  2. The purpose of hymn-singing 唱聖詩的目的
  3. The functions and effects of hymn-singing 唱聖詩的功能與效益
  4. The formats of hymn-singing 唱聖詩的方式
  5. The methods of hymn-singing 唱聖詩的方法
  6. The principles of hymn-singing 唱聖詩的要領
  7. The considerations of elevating the effects of hymn-singing 提升「唱聖詩」效益的考量
Hymn-extension 延續聖詩
  1. Use hymns as fun and social activities for Christian gathering
  2. Use hymns as private meditation and prayer
  3. Use hymns as a means to advance personal growth in the ability of artistic expression and cognition.
  4. Use hymns as a means for spreading the gospel as well as advancing the comprehension of doctrines and other basic knowledge of Christian life and living.
  5. Sing hymns as folk songs and art song
  6. Use hymns as exercises for musical instruments, including ensembles.
  7. Use hymns a mechanism for cross-cultural learning and appreciation.
  8. Revise the existing lyrics or write some new lyrics for the existing hymns.
  9. Rearrange existing music or develop new music for existing lyrics.  
Hymn-singing in multiple languages 用多語唱聖詩

hymn learning - a monthly exercise as a joint adult Sunday school program

2020/2/26 20:25 The idea started shortly before I went to Taiwan in January 2020. It was an exploration of ways to expand the repertoire of hymn-selection at the TPCSTL and advance the effect of hymn-singing in the Sunday worship services.

It is hoped that extended effects emerged continuously:

  1. some church members are inspired to learn to be leaders of such hymn-learning activities which can be continued perpetually.
  2. some members are inspired to participate in advanced individualized learning activities for personal growth leaving video recordings of singing and verbal testimony that preserve some of the church history of members.
  3. some new lyrics be developed for this particular congregation
  4. some families are willing to utilize hymn-based worship services at home as a new way of out-reaching, assimilation, and individualized spiritual growth.

Principal factors:
  1. The design and the planning for such a hymn-learning class should be adjusted, approved, and presented to the session by the pastor.
  2. The session could determine the qualification and appointment of the leaders of such sessions. 
  3. hymn-selection and hymn-application for this special learning as well as for Sunday worship services and other church activities.
  4. The theology in the hymns
  5. The artistic expression and techniques in the hymns
  6. The methods of learning and sharing
  7. The methods of remembering the hymns
  8. The methods of leading the hymn-singing
  9. The methods of advanced singing and other usages of hymns
  10. 2/28 16:30 The first season of such special learning sessions is for demonstrating the methods with a hope that others would stand up to utilize the methods to continue the development of the repertoire.
  11. The hymn selected for learning would be introduced and tried briefly for acquaintance rather than for polishment. Those who develop the desire to sing each hymn well are encouraged to schedule free private lessons for in-depth artistic singing.
  12. The maximum of 15 minutes is reserved for each hymn selected. This means at least four hymns will be introduced in each hourly session.
  13. The leader would determine the sequence of hymns to be learned in each hourly session while the congregation is encouraged to suggest, through email or other social media such as LINE,  the hymns they desire to learn in the near future, with priority given to the pastor who might select for singing in the following Sundays.
  14. The last hymn to be learned in each hourly session would be one that is worth memorizing for at least one verse or one sentence. The session would be closed with singing such verser or sentence by rote before the closing prayer.
  15. The languages used in instructions vary depending on the people participating.
The steps of learning each hymn include the followings:
  1. Open the session with a prayer.
  2. demonstrate the reading of the lyric, especially the Taiwanese for the reason that most people could not enunciate from the written Taiwanese.
  3. demonstrate the singing of the melody
  4. point out the keywords and the climax of the song.
  5. introduce the theology and the faith statements, including questions, involved
  6. repeat the difficult or the mistreated passages
  7. record the process of learning on video which is sharable, without infringing on privacy, on the web.
  8. Invite a volunteer to close the learning with a prayer.
The selection of hymns cover the following categories:
  1. The old hymns popular among the congregation worldwide.
  2. The new hymns associated with varieties of cultures
  3. The hymns that are suitable for various functions in a worship service.
  4. The hymns of various technical challenges
  5. The hymns that are suitable for singing across age groups.
  6. The hymns for momorization

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

First example of half-bucket music - Wiegenlied of Schubert (Mandarin)

第一個「半桶音樂」的例子 - 搖籃曲











Eⁿ-á eⁿ eⁿ khùn, chi̍t mê tōa chi̍t chhùn;

Eⁿ-á eⁿ eⁿ sioh, chi̍t mê tōa chi̍t chhioh;

A-bú ê chhiú iô lí chhōe hó siū,

A-pa ê chhiú sak lí peh chiūⁿ chhiū.

A-má sioh sioh, khòaⁿ sun kam-goān io;

A-kong iô iô, tán lí chhut-siaⁿ kiò.

Tsâu 巢 chiáu-siū tī chhiū-téng, chha̍t-siū, hioh ê só͘-tsāi, jī-sìⁿ, tsâu-hia̍t. 鳥岫 tī 樹頂, 賊岫, 歇 ê 所在, 字姓, 巢穴 
khang-siū TJ 空siū 巢穴 
io (育Io̍k) io-lin, io-kiáⁿ, io-kiáⁿ-bú, io i khì, hó io-chhī. 育奶, 育kiáⁿ, 育kiáⁿ母, 育 伊 去, 好 育飼.

明天教會工作坊 Workshops for the churches of tomorrow (Bêng-thian Kàu-hōe Kang-chok hong)

20200214 The concepts emerged while learning about the feasibility of having a station in Taiwan and eventually fade away, due to senile disengagement, from St. Louis, Missouri. 這一套概念是月初在思考「在台灣開始一個據點,因年老而逐漸淡出美國聖路易」的時候引發的。

The ideas include designing a series of workshops for preparing the churches for the future with new methods of thinking and human/Christian development. 這些構想包括「設計出數個系列的工作坊以便協助教會預備用新的『人文/基督徒』發展方法迎接未來」

Basic principles for these workshops 這些工作坊的原則:

  1. The designed procedures and techniques are for references and trying rather than regulation. The users are expected to variate bases on the special culture of the congregation and the context. 設計出來的程序/步驟和技術是做參考與常識/練習用的,而不是規範。使用者需要各自根據各教會的文化與情境自行調整。
  2. The designed procedures and techniques are not for the congregation where the pastors are the sole authority and decision-makers. 這些設計出來的步驟與技術不適用於「牧師全權決定一切」的教會。
  3. It is better to have the pastors learn to utilize these workshops, develop lay workshop leaders in the congregation before applying these methods in the congregation. 最好是由牧師先接觸/練習帶領這些工作坊,由牧師訓練出平信徒「工作坊領導者」後才在教會裡廣泛應用
  4. The idea underlying these procedures is to encourage lay believers to explore and develop their own understanding, imagination, and skills for related matters. The lay believers' independent ability is the key to Presbyterianism and contemporary theology and democracy. 這些步驟的基本構想是要鼓勵平信徒去探討而各自發展出各自的相關理解、想像、與技巧。平信徒的獨立能力是長老會信仰/體制、現代神學、與現代民主的基礎。
  5. 2020/2/26 20:08 Question-based/oriented instructions are preferred to conventional knowledge-feeding instruction. 「基於疑問」與「疑問導/取向」更重於傳統的「灌輸知識」型的教導。

The sequence of the following list does not have special significance. 下列議題的順序沒有特殊的意義。

  1. Congregational learning of hymn-singing 會眾一起練習唱聖詩
  2. Extend the utilization of hymns and hymnals 延伸聖詩與聖詩本的用途
  3. Hymn-based home-worship 以聖詩為基礎的家庭禮拜
  4. Hymn-based Sunday congregation-worship 以聖詩為基礎的主日全教會禮拜 
  5. Notes that are taken from sermons 聽/從講道捕獲的筆記
  6. The Wilderness methods of Adult Sunday School 曠野班成人主日學
  7. Simplified methods for writing memoir 回憶錄簡易寫作法
  8. Church information 教會資訊
  9. Making life as a foundation for making a living 因為活出來而活下去
  10. Churchseeing, visitor-guidance, notes on touring and sightseeing 教會觀光、導覽、與遊記
  11. Gathering and activities of Christian fellowship 團契聚會與活動
  12. Fund-raising and financing 募款與籌款
  13. Holding meetings and the methods of group discussion/decision 開會與會議的方法
  14. chatting, the knowledge of chatting, the techniques of chatting 聊天、聊天學、聊天術
  15. Christian testimony, the knowledge of testimony, the techniques of testimony  見證、見證學、與見證術
  16. History of churches and congregations 教會歷史
  17. Pastoral search and congregational search 尋牧與尋羊
  18. 2020/3/18 11:27 Presbyterian Chorus for seasoned singers and choir directors of all seniority.
  19. 2020/11/20 聖歌隊學 choirology 
updated at 17:50 2020/2/15

Monday, February 10, 2020


1992年,大聖路易台灣人長老教會在尋找新牧師期間由美國人牧師擔任「過度牧師」,突然有幾家庭移民到聖路易,小孩子都到教會。 那些孩子們都剛開始學英語,聽應予講道的能力有限。教會為他們設一個主日學的班,稱為「迦南班」。




  1. 找人(包含專家與業餘人士)起草「疑問題」,把疑問與展出品、位置、路線、納入疑問資料庫。
  2. 找人把疑問題依照不同的功能組成問卷。裡面可能包含對特定展品/景點的常識級疑問以及動線訊息。可以考慮包含電腦閱卷所需的要素。可能出現單項展品的問卷以及參觀路線的問卷。
  3. 把問卷擺在網際網路任人下載、列印。把印在紙上的問卷擺在入口處讓人取用。
  4. 設立紙版與電子版的問卷收集點。回答後的問卷經自動化記分之後,加入分級定期抽獎活動。
  5. 設計、執行頒獎活動以利宣導。(20200211 1:40)


2020/2/10 10:52


  1. 需要立即抓到成員的注意力與好奇。
  2. 需要深入淺出,從既有的常識到新觀念與新方法都要兼顧。
  3. 需要提供老信徒發揮的機會與空間。不可以傷到老信徒的自信心。需要讓老信徒覺得「資深」不是枉然,樂得接觸新的概念與觀念,努力練習新的方法而不失面子,同時樂得提供既有的經驗與知識。
  4. 需要按時結束,留下想像與繼續努力的空間與作業。
  5. 大約包含下列要點:熟悉的聖詩、可背誦/唱的聖詩、顯示基本信仰的聖詩、聖詩的用途(個別運用與會用運用)、聖詩的功課、唱法(個別/會眾)、司琴法、伴奏法、演唱法、練習法(個別/會眾)
  6. 雖然標題以「想」掛帥,操作上可能需要以「唱」開始並貫穿全局。「想」的細節可以考慮用文字呈現讓大家慢慢研讀。(考慮以唱一句當天唱過的聖詩最為開場白)
  7. 讓參與出聲音的人數儘量多,而且多元。鼓勵「不怕當眾錯」的精神。
  1. 唱一句當天唱過的聖詩,談「有印象」的聖詩
  2. 唱一句「好聽」的聖詩,談記得的聖詩。
  3. 再唱幾次,用不同的唱法,剛才唱過的一句,談「好在哪裡?」
  4. 談「唱得好」的意思、價值、與方法
  5. 讀剛唱過的聖詩:朗誦歌詞--基本朗讀求正確與清晰、藝術朗讀求表情、音樂朗讀求韻律、旋律、節奏、音效、吸引力與感染力
  6. 談剛剛朗誦的那首聖詩的主題、高潮、關鍵字、關鍵節奏、訴說對象、動詞、形容詞
  7. 談那首聖詩的神學(對於造物主的認識、推理、輿論述)與信仰(相信為真、為值得、為倚靠、為準則、為水準、...)
  8. 談那首聖詩的應用
2020/2/26 把過程簡化些以便配合有限的時間。
  1. 談「有印象」、「好聽」、「記得」的聖詩
    1. 唱一句「好聽」的聖詩,談記得的聖詩。
    2. 邀請個人輪流用不同的唱法,剛才唱過的一句,談「好在哪裡?」
    3. 談「唱得好」的意思、價值、與方法
  2. 談聖詩的內涵:
    1. 讀剛唱過的聖詩:朗誦歌詞--基本朗讀求正確與清晰、藝術朗讀求表情、音樂朗讀求韻律、旋律、節奏、音效、吸引力與感染力
    2. 談剛剛朗誦的那首聖詩的主題、高潮、關鍵字、關鍵節奏、訴說對象、動詞、形容詞
    3. 談那首聖詩的神學(對於造物主的認識、推理、輿論述)與信仰(相信為真、為值得、為倚靠、為準則、為水準、...)
    4. 談那首聖詩的應用
  3. 談「把聖詩唱出來」的要領
    1. 選歌
    2. 唱法
    3. 唱的時機
    4. 唱過之後--傳出去?