Tuesday, February 25, 2020

明天教會工作坊 Workshops for the churches of tomorrow (Bêng-thian Kàu-hōe Kang-chok hong)

20200214 The concepts emerged while learning about the feasibility of having a station in Taiwan and eventually fade away, due to senile disengagement, from St. Louis, Missouri. 這一套概念是月初在思考「在台灣開始一個據點,因年老而逐漸淡出美國聖路易」的時候引發的。

The ideas include designing a series of workshops for preparing the churches for the future with new methods of thinking and human/Christian development. 這些構想包括「設計出數個系列的工作坊以便協助教會預備用新的『人文/基督徒』發展方法迎接未來」

Basic principles for these workshops 這些工作坊的原則:

  1. The designed procedures and techniques are for references and trying rather than regulation. The users are expected to variate bases on the special culture of the congregation and the context. 設計出來的程序/步驟和技術是做參考與常識/練習用的,而不是規範。使用者需要各自根據各教會的文化與情境自行調整。
  2. The designed procedures and techniques are not for the congregation where the pastors are the sole authority and decision-makers. 這些設計出來的步驟與技術不適用於「牧師全權決定一切」的教會。
  3. It is better to have the pastors learn to utilize these workshops, develop lay workshop leaders in the congregation before applying these methods in the congregation. 最好是由牧師先接觸/練習帶領這些工作坊,由牧師訓練出平信徒「工作坊領導者」後才在教會裡廣泛應用
  4. The idea underlying these procedures is to encourage lay believers to explore and develop their own understanding, imagination, and skills for related matters. The lay believers' independent ability is the key to Presbyterianism and contemporary theology and democracy. 這些步驟的基本構想是要鼓勵平信徒去探討而各自發展出各自的相關理解、想像、與技巧。平信徒的獨立能力是長老會信仰/體制、現代神學、與現代民主的基礎。
  5. 2020/2/26 20:08 Question-based/oriented instructions are preferred to conventional knowledge-feeding instruction. 「基於疑問」與「疑問導/取向」更重於傳統的「灌輸知識」型的教導。

The sequence of the following list does not have special significance. 下列議題的順序沒有特殊的意義。

  1. Congregational learning of hymn-singing 會眾一起練習唱聖詩
  2. Extend the utilization of hymns and hymnals 延伸聖詩與聖詩本的用途
  3. Hymn-based home-worship 以聖詩為基礎的家庭禮拜
  4. Hymn-based Sunday congregation-worship 以聖詩為基礎的主日全教會禮拜 
  5. Notes that are taken from sermons 聽/從講道捕獲的筆記
  6. The Wilderness methods of Adult Sunday School 曠野班成人主日學
  7. Simplified methods for writing memoir 回憶錄簡易寫作法
  8. Church information 教會資訊
  9. Making life as a foundation for making a living 因為活出來而活下去
  10. Churchseeing, visitor-guidance, notes on touring and sightseeing 教會觀光、導覽、與遊記
  11. Gathering and activities of Christian fellowship 團契聚會與活動
  12. Fund-raising and financing 募款與籌款
  13. Holding meetings and the methods of group discussion/decision 開會與會議的方法
  14. chatting, the knowledge of chatting, the techniques of chatting 聊天、聊天學、聊天術
  15. Christian testimony, the knowledge of testimony, the techniques of testimony  見證、見證學、與見證術
  16. History of churches and congregations 教會歷史
  17. Pastoral search and congregational search 尋牧與尋羊
  18. 2020/3/18 11:27 Presbyterian Chorus for seasoned singers and choir directors of all seniority.
  19. 2020/11/20 聖歌隊學 choirology 
updated at 17:50 2020/2/15

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