Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Garden of Hope Foundation 2003-06-24 18:23:28 +0800 聚會中拍照

-------- Original Message --------
Tue, 24 Jun 2003 18:23:28 +0800
Sohisam netscape <sohisam@netscape.net>










Sunday, February 4, 2018


Subject: 南加州同鄉第三次發起連署聲援中研院前院長翁啟惠教授
      南加州同鄉第三次發起連署聲援中研院前院長翁啟惠教授 ,請參見下文,還有兩個附件。 我擔任聯絡人,下文是我們分發給鄉親的電郵。 如果您能夠支持,最簡單的方法就是上網連署,網站的地址在下文最後一段。謝謝!

     青志  敬上


     基於此, 南加鄉親再度發起連署支持翁前院長,並且得到美國和世界台灣人組織的支持。 詳情請見所附連署書。


您可以上網連署 (http://glycoinnovation.com/blog

或是列印出所附表格,填好後以掃描或拍照,再以電郵寄回 (edward.wung@gmail.com),或是紙本寄回下址 (TACC c/o Petition for Prof. Wong, 7838 Wilkerson Court, San Diego, CA 92111)

     謝謝您的支持! 祝您健康快樂! 也祝翁前院長早日贏回他的清白!


Saturday, February 3, 2018

2018 Lenten Devotional

From: Mei-Hui Lai <Mei-Hui.Lai@pcusa.org>
Date: 2018-02-02 17:02 GMT-06:00
Subject: 耶穌與眾先知 2018 Lenten Devotional
To: PCUSA Asian <asianpcusa@gmail.com>

Dear Friends:

It's time to order the 2018 Lenten Devotional for your church members. Let us follow each day's scripture reading, pray with all our Presbyterians members to prepare our heart for Easter.

Each copy @$2, please order ASAP. Email to me your church name, address, what language and the amount of copies. (English, Indonesian, Taiwanese, Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese) The original English Lenten Devotional will post on website everyday from Feb 14, you may read it daily for free.  https://www.presbyterianmission.org/ministries/today/

2018 Lenten Devotional from Presbyterians Today

Jesus and the Prophets

The season of Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and contemplation of the power and promise of the paschal mystery. Perhaps there are no better models of how to live Lent than the prophets.

There is a potent connection between Jesus and the prophets. The prophets communicated the word of God; Jesus is the Word of God. The prophets predicted the coming of the prince of peace; Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Not only did Jesus continue the prophetic ministry, he is the fulfillment of the prophetic mission.
The Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, PC(USA) pastor, board trustee for Union Presbyterian Seminary and director of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Office of Public Witness in Washington, D.C., has assembled a collection of challenging daily reflections, Scripture and prayers to help us on our Lenten journey. The Lenten Devotional features oil paintings by Steven Burgess, an artist from upstate New York who is a member of First United Presbyterian Church in Salem, N.Y.
The 2018 Lenten Devotional is perfect for congregations, families and individuals.

We'll have 2018 Lay training program on May 28- June 1 in Austin Seminary which is also going to celebrate its 25th Anniversary.
2018 Asian Leadership Study Program on Aug 13-17 in Columbia Seminary.
Please save the dates for the wonderful study opportunity. The registration information will be ready soon.

Mei-hui Lai
Asian Intercultural Congregational Support
Racial Ethnic and Women's Ministries
Presbyterian Mission Agency
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)


原文英語版 FEB 14起,每日可上網閱讀


馬太福音 21:10–11

耶穌進了耶路撒冷全城都轟動了, 人們問這個人是誰? , 眾人說「這就是從加利利的拿撒勒來的先知耶穌。」

路加福音 7:16

每個人敬畏不已就不住地榮耀上帝: 「我們中間興起了一位偉大的先知」又說:「上帝臨到他的子民了

約翰福音 4:19

婦人說: 「先生我看出你是先知。」

世世代代以來, 上帝差派眾先知傳達上帝的旨意: 「主上帝如此說」。




2/14-17 耶穌與眾先知

2/24    先知與耶穌的出生


3/4-10  先知與耶穌的教導

3/11-17 先知與耶穌的教導 ()

3/18-24 先知與耶穌的神蹟

3/25-31 先知與聖週

今年度全國台灣人長老教會聯合會 2018 NTPC 年會 4月9-11日將在Atlanta舉行,4月8日正逢亞特蘭大台灣長老教會舉行35週年慶,有豐富的歷史展,也有聖樂的交流,竭誠歡迎各教會組團一起來獻詩歡慶,再接續參加NTPC年會,年會後還有旅遊活動,詳請看年會簡章報名表。

三月24日在San Jose舉辦加拉太書研讀本聖經研習會,歡迎住在大舊金山地區的朋友,把握機會來參加這難得的聖經研習。詳請看附件之簡章報名表。九月初在Houston營地舉辦四天三夜的使徒行傳研習營,歡迎全國各地朋友們一起來參加。即日開始報名。


上週在 Tustin 教會舉行的"讓小孩子到我這裡來"趙孝菁老師的震撼教學,與你們分享。演講稿在附檔,請大家一起為了小孩子早日追隨耶穌,盡心力在教會內外展開這關鍵時間的事工。錄影檔盼不久可在 NTPC 網頁與大家見面!



Topics for theological study/essay - a collection for future

2018//2/3 10:10 - St. Louis
Phó͘-thong sî tú-tioh ê sîn-ha̍k á-sī sìn-giông ōe-tê siu-chi̍p tī-chia thang-hó pun-hō͘ lâng kè-sio̍k gián-kiù. 平常遇到的神學或是信仰上的話題收集在這裡好讓別人繼續研究。The topics of theology and / or faith are collected here for future studies of others.
  1. Sīu-siong ê kang-lâng. 受傷的工人  Wounded workers
  2. Ōe-sian kap soan-kàu 聊天與宣教 Chatting and Ministry
  3. Tùi-Sèng-keng thàm-thó lú-iû kap koan-kong ê sîn-ha̍k. 從聖經探討旅遊與觀光的神學 The theology of tourism and sightseeing from the Bible.
  4. Tùi soan-kàu chit-tiû siong-hāi thàm-thó sîn-po̍k ê ióng-sêng kap sîn-ha̍k-īⁿ hāu-iú tui-chong, koan-hoâi, kap ho̍k-bū ê sū-kang. 從宣教職場傷害看神樸的養成與神學院校友追蹤、關懷、及服務的事工
2018/2/3 12:56

壹、    Sīu-siong ê kang-lâng. 受傷的工人  Wounded workers

一.        論述的焦點 工傷與職傷的神學意義

1.      工廠與職場充滿危機與危險

2.       工廠或職場受傷不是「可能性」的問題而是「何時機/何情况」的問題

3.      職災與職傷的牧會關懷事工

4.      聖經裡有關工傷與職傷的記載

5.      神僕受傷後的相關事務

6.      奉差派、盡忠到死的神學

二.        研究的焦點

1.      綜合文學、歷史學、文化人類學、社工、與諮商的方法收集並改寫各種工傷與職傷的故事--不求選樣的代表性,只求案例與啟發性(因為是一個學期的工作而且是初探性質[TSU1] 

2.      闡述各種傷害的現象,包括前提、遠因、近因、情境、導火線、傷勢、預測後果(prognosis)、診斷 diagnosis)、後續(包括療程、後果、後效)、相關的人員、制度、社圈系統,等等

3.      呈現時以事件為單位而避免以個人為單位。(換句話說,若有一人經歷三件傷害事件,以三個個案呈現,而不以一個人呈現,以避免對號入座)

4.      呈現時以虛幻故事 fiction的手法處理,避免當事者被認出來。也會繼續研發相關神學所需的方法學鋪路。

5.      與既有神學論述掛勾,也提出尚未被神學界注意到的可能論述,比方說,神僕的工傷與職傷也是成全上帝旨意以及傳遞福音的方法與路徑之一。換句話說,從聖經看,受傷的神僕更具吸引力、凝具力、與說服力。

6.      提出相關的研發議題及假設作為後續研究的標的

三.        研究的方法

1.      圖書及既有訊息的查詢、重整、與註解

2.      提出疑問提出

3.      假設性的詮釋

4.      提出後續研發以及實踐上的建議

貳、    Ōe-sian kap soan-kàu 聊天與宣教 Chatting and Ministry

17:30 Feb 7, 2018

一.        論述的焦點

1.      聊天的神學意義

2.      聊天的社會意義

3.      聊天須知

4.      聊天的知識與技術

5.      聊天的故事

6.      宣教的神學意義

7.      宣教的內涵

8.       宣教的行為

9.       宣教的種類與相關的方法

10.    聊天在宣教上的應用與運用

二.        研究的焦點

1.      綜合新聞學、文學、歷史學、文化人類學、社工、與諮商的方法收集並改寫各種聊天的故事、過程、內容、效果、與效益--不求選樣的代表性,只求案例與啟發性(因為是一個學期的工作而且是初探性質[TSU1] 

2.      闡述各種聊天的現象,包括人數、遠因、近因、情境、導火線、時機、時間、語言、文化、後續(包括後果、後效)、相關的人員、制度、社圈系統,等等

3.      呈現時以事件為單位而避免以個人為單位。(換句話說,若有一人經歷三件聊天事件,以三個個案呈現,而不以一個人呈現,以避免對號入座)

4.      呈現時以虛幻故事 fiction的手法處理,避免當事者被認出來。也會繼續研發相關神學所需的方法學鋪路。

5.      與既有神學論述掛勾,也提出尚未被神學界注意到的可能論述,比方說,透過聊天傳遞上帝上帝的話、旨意、以及福音的案例。換句話說,從聖經看聊天,找出耶穌和其他聖經裡的人所運用的聊天術更具吸引力、凝具力、與說服力。

6.      提出相關的研發議題及假設作為後續研究的標的,包括新型的聊天機會與記錄、傳揚的方法及其系統構想

三.        研究的方法

1.      圖書及既有訊息的查詢、重整、與註解(碩士的研究專注於整理既有的資料與知識;不像博士的研究專注於新出土或新製成的資料、話題、或知識)

2.      提出疑問提出

3.      假設性的詮釋

4.  提出後續研發以及實踐上的建議

 [TSU1] 除非發現已有不少論述或研究(論述不見得來自第一手研究;研究也不見得涉及獨特的論述)

參、      Tùi Sèng-keng thàm-thó lú-iû kap koan-kong ê sîn-ha̍k. 從聖經探討旅遊與觀光的神學 The theology of tourism and sightseeing from the Bible.

Tùi soan-kàu chit-tiû siong-hāi thàm-thó sîn-po̍k ê ióng-sêng kap sîn-ha̍k-ī hāu-iú tui-chong, koan-hoâi, kap ho̍k-bū ê sū-kang. 從宣教職場傷害看神僕的養成與神學院校友追蹤、關懷、及服務的事工

 [TSU1] 除非發現已有不少論述或研究(論述不見得來自第一手研究;研究也不見得涉及獨特的論述)

Thursday, February 1, 2018

TSA in February -- 5:30 pm, Feb 2nd (Friday).

a message from TSA for all.
Dear friends,
I would like to invite you to attend the special event of TSA-STL (聖路易台灣學者協會) in February. Our guest speaker is Dr. Ming C. Leu 呂明全 PhD, Keith and Pat Bailey Distinguished Professor, Director of Intelligent Systems Center at Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology. He will present "3D Printing for Tissue Engineering” at Washington University medical school on 5:30 pm, Feb 2nd (Friday).

Dr. Leu (呂明全) is the Keith and Pat Bailey Distinguished Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology, where he is also the Director of the Intelligent Systems Center.

Prior to joining Missouri S&T, he was a Program Director at the National Science Foundation, 1996-1999, the State Chair Professor in Manufacturing Productivity at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, 1987-1996, and a faculty member at Cornell University.

He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of California at Berkeley, his M.S. degree from the Pennsylvania State University, and his B.S. degree from the National Taiwan University, all in Mechanical Engineering. Professor Leu has published over 400 papers in refereed professional journals and conference proceedings, as well as one e-book and 10 book chapters.

His professional awards include, among others, President’s Leadership Award from the University of Missouri System (2017), Blackall Machine Tool and Gage Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2014), Hideo Hanafusa Outstanding Investigator Award from the International Symposium on Flexible Automation (2008), Harlan J. Perlis Research Award from the New Jersey Institute of Technology (1993), Presidential Young Investigator Award from the National Science Foundation (1985), and Ralph R. Teetor Education Award from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (1985).

He was elected to a Fellow of the International Academy for Production Engineering in 2008 and to a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 1993.

He will deliver the state of art technology, 3D Printing for Tissue Engineering, and convince you that 3D organ printing, a feasible technology. The following is the abstract of his talk. There is also a report “工程系教授呂明全發願 要用3D打印做「器官」”written by 吳淑梅 at 世界日報. You can follow the link this link to read more details. https://udn.com/news/story/6813/2299863
Best regards,
Commonly known as 3D printing, Additive Manufacturing (AM) is the “process of joining materials to make objects from three-dimensional model data, usually layer by layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies.” AM holds great promise for the future as a tool-less, light-out manufacturing technology, and offers significant benefit over conventional manufacturing processes in producing one-of-a-kind parts or small batches, especially for those with geometric and/or material complexities.

This talk will first give an overview of AM technologies, including the working principles of each of seven AM categories along with their applications in the aerospace, automotive, healthcare, energy, electronics and other industries. Then, the talk will focus on the recent and ongoing research activities of the seminar speaker on 3D printing for tissue engineering. Scaffolds are fabricated from bioactive glasses by selective laser sintering and extrusion freeform fabrication of biopolymers, bioactive glasses, and stem cells, and their mechanical and biological properties are presented and discussed.
Speaker: Professor. Ming C. Leu 呂明全 Director of Intelligent Systems Center, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,Missouri University of Science and Technology
Title: 3D Printing for Tissue Engineering
Time:  Feb 2nd (Friday), 5:30 pm
Place: Farrell Learning and Teaching Center (FLTC), room 201, 520 South Euclid Ave (near the corner of Euclid and McKinley Ave), Washington University School of Medicine
Free Parking: Parking Lot F, 4510 McKinley Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110
(Entrance on S. Taylor Ave.)
1. Take exit 36A toward Kings highway Blvd. and turn left onto S. kings highway Blvd. (0.3 mi)
2. Turn right onto Barnes Jewish Hospital Plaza Rd. (0.2 mi)
3. Turn right onto S. Euclid Ave. (100 ft)
4. Turn left onto McKinley Ave. (0.2 mi)
5. Turn right onto S. Taylor Ave. The entrance of parking lot F will be on your right