From: Mei-Hui Lai <>
Date: 2018-02-02 17:02 GMT-06:00
Subject: 耶穌與眾先知 2018 Lenten Devotional
To: PCUSA Asian <>
Date: 2018-02-02 17:02 GMT-06:00
Subject: 耶穌與眾先知 2018 Lenten Devotional
To: PCUSA Asian <>
Dear Friends:
It's time to order the 2018 Lenten Devotional for your church members. Let us follow each day's scripture reading, pray with all our Presbyterians members to prepare our heart for Easter.
Each copy @$2, please order ASAP. Email to me your church name, address, what language and the amount of copies. (English, Indonesian, Taiwanese, Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese) The original English Lenten Devotional will post on website everyday from Feb 14, you may read it daily for free. https://www. ministries/today/
2018 Lenten Devotional from Presbyterians Today

There is a potent connection between Jesus and the prophets. The prophets communicated the word of God; Jesus is the Word of God. The prophets predicted the coming of the prince of peace; Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Not only did Jesus continue the prophetic ministry, he is the fulfillment of the prophetic mission.
The Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, PC(USA) pastor, board trustee for Union Presbyterian Seminary and director of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Office of Public Witness in Washington, D.C., has assembled a collection of challenging daily reflections, Scripture and prayers to help us on our Lenten journey. The Lenten Devotional features oil paintings by Steven Burgess, an artist from upstate New York who is a member of First United Presbyterian Church in Salem, N.Y.
The 2018 Lenten Devotional is perfect for congregations, families and individuals.
We'll have 2018 Lay training program on May 28- June 1 in Austin Seminary which is also going to celebrate its 25th Anniversary.
2018 Asian Leadership Study Program on Aug 13-17 in Columbia Seminary.
Please save the dates for the wonderful study opportunity. The registration information will be ready soon.
Mei-hui Lai
Asian Intercultural Congregational Support
Racial Ethnic and Women's Ministries
Presbyterian Mission Agency
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
It's time to order the 2018 Lenten Devotional for your church members. Let us follow each day's scripture reading, pray with all our Presbyterians members to prepare our heart for Easter.
Each copy @$2, please order ASAP. Email to me your church name, address, what language and the amount of copies. (English, Indonesian, Taiwanese, Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese) The original English Lenten Devotional will post on website everyday from Feb 14, you may read it daily for free. https://www.
2018 Lenten Devotional from Presbyterians Today
Jesus and the Prophets
The season of Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and contemplation of the power and promise of the paschal mystery. Perhaps there are no better models of how to live Lent than the prophets.There is a potent connection between Jesus and the prophets. The prophets communicated the word of God; Jesus is the Word of God. The prophets predicted the coming of the prince of peace; Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Not only did Jesus continue the prophetic ministry, he is the fulfillment of the prophetic mission.
The Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, PC(USA) pastor, board trustee for Union Presbyterian Seminary and director of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Office of Public Witness in Washington, D.C., has assembled a collection of challenging daily reflections, Scripture and prayers to help us on our Lenten journey. The Lenten Devotional features oil paintings by Steven Burgess, an artist from upstate New York who is a member of First United Presbyterian Church in Salem, N.Y.
The 2018 Lenten Devotional is perfect for congregations, families and individuals.
We'll have 2018 Lay training program on May 28- June 1 in Austin Seminary which is also going to celebrate its 25th Anniversary.
2018 Asian Leadership Study Program on Aug 13-17 in Columbia Seminary.
Please save the dates for the wonderful study opportunity. The registration information will be ready soon.
Mei-hui Lai
Asian Intercultural Congregational Support
Racial Ethnic and Women's Ministries
Presbyterian Mission Agency
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
歡迎早日訂購。每份@$2,請告知教會名稱、收件地址,份數, 哪一種語言。
原文英語版 FEB 14起,每日可上網閱讀
耶穌進了耶路撒冷, 全城都轟動了, 人們問: 「這個人是誰? 」, 眾人說: 「這就是從加利利的拿撒勒來的先知耶穌。」
願先知的話語再次被宣講, 以新的方式來聆聽, 它不僅為大齋節期之旅賜予力量, 同時也為我們蒙召的生命之旅賜予力量。
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今年度全國台灣人長老教會聯合會 2018 NTPC 年會 4月9-11日將在Atlanta舉行, 4月8日正逢亞特蘭大台灣長老教會舉行35週年慶, 有豐富的歷史展,也有聖樂的交流, 竭誠歡迎各教會組團一起來獻詩歡慶,再接續參加NTPC年會, 年會後還有旅遊活動,詳請看年會簡章報名表。
三月24日在San Jose舉辦加拉太書研讀本聖經研習會, 歡迎住在大舊金山地區的朋友,把握機會來參加這難得的聖經研習。 詳請看附件之簡章報名表。九月初在Houston營地舉辦四天三 夜的使徒行傳研習營,歡迎全國各地朋友們一起來參加。 即日開始報名。
今年五月底與八月中還有在Austin神學院以及Columbi a神學院舉行之研習課程,簡章報名表不久寄給大家。
上週在 Tustin 教會舉行的"讓小孩子到我這裡來" 趙孝菁老師的震撼教學,與你們分享。演講稿在附檔, 請大家一起為了小孩子早日追隨耶穌, 盡心力在教會內外展開這關鍵時間的事工。 錄影檔盼不久可在 NTPC 網頁與大家見面!
願你們在這新的一年裡,迎向生命,活出真理與正義, 滿有在主裡的喜樂與平安。
原文英語版 FEB 14起,每日可上網閱讀
馬太福音 21:10–11
耶穌進了耶路撒冷, 全城都轟動了, 人們問: 「這個人是誰? 」, 眾人說: 「這就是從加利利的拿撒勒來的先知耶穌。」
路加福音 7:16
每個人敬畏不已, 就不住地榮耀上帝, 說: 「我們中間興起了一位偉大的先知! 」又說:「上帝臨到他的子民了! 」
約翰福音 4:19
婦人說: 「先生, 我看出你是先知。」
世世代代以來, 上帝差派眾先知傳達上帝的旨意, 說: 「主上帝如此說」。
耶穌的使命和眾先知之間有著緊密的關連。先知傳達了上帝的話語, 耶穌就是上帝的話語。先知預言和平之君王的到來; 耶穌就是和平的君王。耶穌不僅繼續先知的使命; 耶穌就是先知使命的實現。
在大齋節期間, 耶穌先知性的話語將是我們的反省, 禱告和辨識的指南。
2/14-17 耶穌與眾先知
2/24 先知與耶穌的出生
3/4-10 先知與耶穌的教導
3/11-17 先知與耶穌的教導 (續)
3/18-24 先知與耶穌的神蹟
3/25-31 先知與聖週
今年度全國台灣人長老教會聯合會 2018 NTPC 年會 4月9-11日將在Atlanta舉行,
三月24日在San Jose舉辦加拉太書研讀本聖經研習會,
上週在 Tustin 教會舉行的"讓小孩子到我這裡來"
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