Tuesday, December 24, 2019

12. congregation-searching 找會眾 -- Fans development through podcasting: 中文

2020/1/23 Thu


希望這次回去可能嘗試看看。  經營聊天式的「晨更五分珠」是輕鬆易行,低成本的「養羊法」之一。很容易作得比這更好。 https://youtu.be/7a1EutPc23M

  1. 避免長篇大論,寧可分小段落發表。在youtube可用 playlist 串連。
  2. 避免提供絕對的「正確答案」或「權威答案」
  3. 設定「引出疑點」、「引出謬論」 、「清理腦中倉庫」為標的
  4. 用「提問」做為「引導話題」、「解開話題」的要領
  5. 展現主持人的實力,而不是主持人當下的本事。(前提:「本是」應該會持續成長)
  6. 立即目標是造就人,副作用才是拓展知名度與人脈

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Peacemaking 01 as a way of career development - a new concept and a new project

2019/12/11 5:58
Woke up to a new concept and a whole new set of project ideas for the Gardeners of Hope as well as the people around the world.

Peace and peacemaking is the theme of the second Sunday of Advent at Taiwanese Presbyterian Church of Greater St. Louis brought up in the sermon by Rev. Aline Russell, the interim pastor since September 16, 2019. Actually the title of the sermon is "Dead Stump" which triggered a question of "why mentioning the stump" in the Wilderness Sunday School class following the worship service.

In the classroom I reply to the question and said that the stump refers to the down-falling, decaying, boring, being forgotten matters. Actually the lineage of King David started falling apart very quickly even before David died. The theology behind that prophecy of Isaiah implies that God's calling, recruitment, and implementation is not limited to the success, the good, the elite, the formal leader, the praised, etc., but even the ones going through the ditch. This is reflected in how Jesus dealt with the neglected ones, unwelcome people, the sinners and the despised.

Advent, just like every institution and festivity, has history of beginning, growing, evolution, illness, and possible extinction as hinted in the sermon. (Advent has probably been observed since the fourth century. Originally, it was a time when converts to Christianity readied themselves for baptism. https://www.infoplease.com/calendar-holidays/major-holidays/advent-dates-traditions-and-history)  
Everything that goes through routines faces the possibility of becoming boring and followed perfunctorily if special effort were not utilized in interpretation and new application. This wake-up call brings a new light in understanding and observing Advent with new extension and applications.

Now, what's the key or the theme of this revelation? It might not be by chance that my wife was sick and could not go to the church where she was scheduled to introduce the guests and the new comers. I had to fill in for her. After I introduced a couple who returned from the East, Taiwan, to support their daughter who is due to deliver her third baby on the first day of 2020 I ask for others that I might have neglected. Elder Kevin pointed to a lady away from him. This lady happened to be a returning visitor who has been worshiping with us several times and invisible in the last several week. I happened to chat to her a couple of times and added her mailbox into the mailing list of the unofficial church newsletter that I publish and maintain. After the worship service I went to apologize to her for my impromptu bunch of words about her. She smilingly said that she was surprised she was remembered.

Yesterday, I found her in the facebook and request for making friend. She accepted shortly after and I started chatting before I went to sleep. The eye-opening information from the facebook is about her college education was through majoring in human resources management. I could not help but continue the conversation that I started in the past about extending her current profession as a pet groomer into special service to the community as a hairdresser. This line of thinking has been going on in my mind and conversations for a while as an ongoing experiment of the Gardeners of Hope Foundation, which is not incorporated, not even organized, yet. This line of thinking is an extension of my previous career as an information system designer who is always requested to help re-engineering the operations that has the potential of advancing business and the value/contribution of a staff.

Spontaneously the conversation went in the direction of her previous study of human resources management. I was suddenly enlightened that human resource management could be one key element in church life simply because following Jesus implies having new life. New life normally involves new ways of behaviors, lifestyles, routine of living, and many other issues. Church life is a place that facilitate and nourish the development of new lives and new practices that advance a person's career development.

It is not by accident that I got involved in the re-engineering of some volunteering systems in the church, such as translation of the sermon, translation of the liturgy, screen-projection in the worship services, scheduling all the volunteers, etc. Now the new thoughts is about utilizing the knowledge of human resources management and the knowledge of re-engineering to facilitate the systems of volunteer services, which include getting to know the people, finding out the existing skills, finding out the potential of exploring and learning new skills, document the workloads of all involved, promoting the ideas and the value of ordinary services rather than the services of the best candidates, etc.

The key to this new thoughts is to encourage and develop the skills of chatting with strangers beyond a person's comfort zone. Every church leaders can benefit from learning to recruit volunteers.

I will continue to write about the new projects that come out of this revelation in a different blog in this series. 7:31 2019/12/11
8:48 2019/12/11
After I timestamped the ending of the first draft I realized that the peacemaking was totally missing from the first draft.

The keys to this new thoughts include the concept of peacemaking. I have heard of this term many years ago. I don't remember when I first ran across this concept. For sure the concept has not really registered in my mind nor has it affect my life and behavior until this morning. 
Peacemaking has been a low-key, and even no-action concept to me because it implies passive peace by avoiding conflict. This morning I was inspired to think about positive peace by initiating, facilitating, and nurturing peace. Suddenly it appears to me that the ability and the habit of peacemaking could be one key element in career life and career development. This means being a peacemaker is ultimately important to the work involving team work and multi-disciplinary collaboration. I lived through it in the aircraft company and kind of successfully facilitate peace in my system design that involves multiple disciplines in the company. Why did not I think of peacemaking as a career skills even after I actually practiced it as a deputy chief executive officer?

The why is not as important as how to develop, implement, and promote the concept from now on. This is the core of the new project that combine Christianity, the gospel, the church, the volunteerism, the Christian services as a way of realizing the ways of following Jesus, and the career development that helps individuals make a living through making a life.

In a simple summary, we can develop programs that help Christians and the searchers of Christian faith to have hands-on taste of following Jesus and grow from serving the Lord through serving and bring/facilitate/maintain peace to others.  9:03 2019/12/11

Friday, December 6, 2019

A collection of conversational topics 話題集 2019-

This is a place to collect the topics that might be interesting, needed, or worth pursuing to some people. The order here is not important.

  1. Hymn-study as a course of Christian education with different methods for different age groups or educational background 
  2. Hymn-singing for congregation supplemented with theology in hymns
  3. Hymn extension, including new lyrics for new needs
  4. Singing hymns with multiple languages

Informology, informeology. The science of "informing"
  1. Church information as a field of  informology (informateology) 教會資訊
  2. Church bulletin, newsletter 教會週報與通訊
  3. The methods of writing 寫作的方法
  4. The methods of speaking 傳話的方法
  5. The methods of documentation / archiving / retrieval 紀錄、存證、取擷的方法
Sightseeing in general 一般「觀光」
  1. Churchseeing as a special  field of sightseeing and ministry 教會觀光做為觀光學與牧會學的分支
The applications of behavioral knowledge - applicable in ministry and all business in general「行為知識/科學」的應用 - 在宣教事工與一般事務上的應用。
  1. The operation 操作
  2. The collaboration 合作/協力
  3. The tasks management (human resources implied) 行動/技術管理與經營(含人力資源)
  4. The strategic management 策略管理與經營
  5. The vision / value management 願景/價值的經營與管理
  6. The opinion / decision managements 意見/決斷的經營與管理
  7. The knowledge of speech 「話學」(話語的學問)
  1. The extension of sermon in ministry 宣教事工上對「講道」的延伸
  2. church idiom 教會慣用語
  3. the history of local church 地方教會的歷史
  4. The application of arts in ministry 宣教事務上的藝術應用
  5. Languages in ministry 宣教事工上的語言現象
  6. The application, promotion, and improvements of hymns and hymnals 聖詩的運用、推廣、改進 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtixkqAeFVs
  7. the application of hymns 聖詩的應用 
  8. The instrumental music in church life
  9. The vocal music in church life.
  10. music ministry 音樂宣教事工  https://tcnn.org.tw/archives/45304?fbclid=IwAR174rO3SxNOJjPsV4N3elPJExDiIninb6XDUnlCgEk8GEwM2PMS7PABfeA https://www.facebook.com/Kaiyimin/posts/10156264067599624?comment_id=10156264156589624&notif_id=1575613675493898&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic
  11. Pastor-searching, pastor-calling, congregation-searching 尋牧、聘牧、找會眾 https://hopegardening.blogspot.com/2019/12/12-congregation-searching-fans.html congregation-searching 找會眾 -- Fans development through podcasting:
  12. Human Resources development and management in a church for lay assimilation and task-management
  13. Scope of church life 
希望這次回去可能嘗試看看。  經營聊天式的「晨更五分珠」是輕鬆易行,低成本的「養羊法」之一。很容易作得比這更好。 https://youtu.be/7a1EutPc23M

  1. 避免長篇大論,寧可分小段落發表。在youtube可用 playlist 串連。
  2. 避免提供絕對的「正確答案」或「權威答案」
  3. 設定「引出疑點」、「引出謬論」 、「清理腦中倉庫」為標的
  4. 用「提問」做為「引導話題」、「解開話題」的要領
  5. 展現主持人的實力,而不是主持人當下的本事。(前提:「本是」應該會持續成長)
  6. 立即目標是造就人,副作用才是拓展知名度與人脈

Monday, October 28, 2019

20191029 church newsletter for TPCSTL

Two week in a row Pastor Aline participated in the discussion-based open study of the Wilderness Sunday School class, on the 27th. This is a new trial of English ministry -- to facilitate the usage of Gospel-through-English in the immigrants' English lives.

AS usually we shared our understanding and our extended interpretation of the sermon through a mixture of English, Mandarin, and Taiwanese. It is a beautiful scene seeing everybody tried to help one another comprehend over a "bridge of culture and language".

It was first mentioned in the previous Sunday that some kind of abstract would help receiving and processing the sermons. Here is one kind of abstract for those who want to continue the study of that sermon on the 27th. This is a conventional abstract where the concrete interpretations are summarized. Next week we might share a new kind of abstract where the ideas in the sermon might be presented (forecasted) through question-based abstract.

 Here is the outline:

  1. Apocalyptic Literature        世界末日文學
  2. All Saints Day November is All Saints Day. 再來談談「萬聖節」/111日是萬聖節(諸聖節)
  3. What Is A Saint? 麼什麼是「聖徒」呢?
  4. So who gets to be a saint? 麼什麼樣的人會成為聖人呢?
  5. So How Do We Get to Be A Saint? 們如何成為聖徒呢?Many Saints有這麼多的聖徒
  6. So Many Saints 有這麼多的聖徒
  7. What Do Saints Do For Us? 些聖徒們為我們作了什麼?
  8. How do Saints Live? 那麼聖徒們如何生活呢?

Here are a couple of quotable quotes from the sermon:

Saturday, October 26, 2019

20191027 Translation ministry

1.        Objectives & functions

1.1.       Translate the preaching for the worshippers not fluent in the language of preaching to comprehend.

1.2.       Assist the preacher adjust the oral expression to cover the worshippers with multiple cultures and languages.

1.3.       Collect and Preserve the scripts of sermon for future references, for future guest preachers and the pastors.

1.4.       Develop human resources for future implementation

1.5.       Develop systems for implementing the tasks and fulfilling the objectives and functions

1.6.       Develop other work from the sermon, such as, Abstract in questions for newsletter before sermon; Abstract in answers for newsletter after sermon; Sermonaids using quiz form for the concurrent or post-worship-service reading; other prose or poem extended from the sermons.

2.        History

2.1.       In the beginning of TPC (FCF)

2.1.1.      Preached in Taiwanese regularly

2.1.2.      preaching in English by the guest preacher – translated intermittently with the involvement of the congregation. It happened from time to time that the congregation was asked to help with the translation by the pulpit translator.

2.1.3.      At Reis Road-when preaching was by the Interim pastor who was a native English speaker the congregational volunteers rotate to study the script ahead of time and implemented interactive translation reading from his or her prepared script.

2.1.4.      At Reis Road - after Pastor Chi was in residence – equipped the radio system for concurrent translation from the office. Sometimes the preaching was translated into two languages at the same time from the pastor’s office and the general office, using FM broadcasting systems. Translators normally listen and translate on-the-fly.

2.1.5.      When English ministry had separate worship service at 11:30 only the Taiwanese sermon was translated into Mandarin on-the-fly, with pastor’s script in Chinese in hand. The translators were limited to the small number of volunteers with occasional rotation. Two-person team was tried sometimes to release the tension, without pre-arranged switching. Usually Tony played the role of the secondary and relieving translator to jump in when the primary translator appears to be nervously struggling

2.1.6.      When the English worship was reduced to once-a-month with combines worship services in most of the Sunday, the Taiwanese sermon was translated into English on the pulpit while translated into Mandarin by Mrs. Chi from the office through radio. Elder Li was expected to recruit translators for paper and radio translation on a weekly basis.

2.1.7.      Deacon Peggy Chan started organizing volunteers into a team of translator and holds meeting to work out a new system that is supposed to expand the functions and effects perpetually.

3.        Lessons learned from the past

3.1.       Principles in paper-translation

3.1.1.      Timing     The person inviting English preacher was expected to ask the preachers to provide the script for paper translation at least one week before the preaching.     The paper translation is expected to be available to the bulletin team and projection team no later than the after on Friday.

3.1.2.      Format in file     Original file for pulpit reading     original file for private reading     Work file with mixed languages in paragraph     Work file with two-column MS-word .doc     Work file with Multi-column spreadsheet, including word-count, timestamp, duration, etc.     print file for radio reading and pew reading     Slide file for projection     Spreadsheet collecting quotable quotes     Spreadsheet collecting Christian idioms Spreadsheet collecting abstracts in question forms for pre-sermon newsletter and the sermonaids Spreadsheet collecting abstracts in answer forms

3.1.3.      word , wording, sentencing     Watch for the proper nouns and idioms by searching the web and lookup the idiom list     Watch for ambiguous words, such as life, love, heart, etc.     Watch for switchable proper nouns. Sometimes the “you” refers to “I, we, or us”.     Sometimes, using the Mandarin idioms might help the listeners feel.     Sometimes, adding extra legs to a serpent might help the listeners comprehend. (Tony always bring this up with the preacher in emailing to make sure the extra legs are not twisting the original meaning.)

3.2.       Principles in oral translation

3.2.1.      Watch the tempo to accommodate listeners of all levels.

3.2.2.      Raise the pitch for clarity of enunciation, avoiding the chest voice.

3.2.3.      “Waiting for the preacher in order to translate after the preacher” is not necessary. On the other hand, read ahead of the preacher at least in the last paragraph because the preacher might rush into the prayer before the translator finish reading.

3.2.4.      In case the preacher added words on-the-fly, it is OK to skip those extra words if they cause problem in translation.

3.2.5.      In case the translator lost track of the preaching, take it easy to read through while watching the original to find where the preaching is.

4.        Current practices:

1.          The preacher works on writing the script verbatim and send the file to the session member leading the worship ministry and the person handling the first conversion, by the end of Tuesday.
2.          The session member pass the file to the involved team, including the bulletin team, the projection team, and the translation team and post the original file to the cloud, for now a google drive.
3.          One of the translation team member would convert the original file, which is for pulpit reading, including large fonts and generous white space, into a smaller file for private reading with smaller fonts and white space.
4.          One of the translation team member would convert the original file into a spreadsheet with one row for each sentence with series number along with Mandarin translated by google, manually or thru a new automated application. The app is developed by Michael Shih voluntarily, might be in service starting next week.
5.          One of the translation team member would post the spreadsheet to the cloud for co-writing among the team members.
6.          One of the translation team member would send out a message to the teammates specifying who works on what group of sentences.
7.          Each member of the team would start translating his or her share by changing the sentences translated by google and post the result to the shared file online. (Tony would work on a copy of that spreadsheet on a desktop or notebook computer and duplicate the sentences in the file on the cloud to let others know the progress.)
8.          Some members of the team might write emails to the preacher to clarify some question by showing the "translation by guessing".
9.          Some member of the team would work beyond his or her share of sentences to cover those not yet touched by others.
10.      Some member of the team would point out questionable translation for discussion and/or revision.
11.      Some member of the team would download the completed spreadsheet and convert it into a ms-word file for proofreading at the same time adjust the format for print on paper.
12.      Some member of the team might extract the quotable sentences and the ones difficult to comprehend by hearing and duplicate them in a slide set.
13.      The slide set would be forwarded to the projection team for further usages.
14.      Some member of the team might extract the special expressions and enter them into the spreadsheet of Christian Idioms for future references.
15.      Some member of the team might extract sentences for usage in the "sermonaid" to be printed out as Church bulletin inserts to help the congregation preview, compare, or review the sermon.
16.      Some member of the team might upload the finalized print copy to the cloud for future references.
17.      Some member of the team might duplicate the finalized print copy on papers to be distributed to those who need them at the church.
18.      The finalized print copy might be distributed in the church newsletter after the sermon is delivered.

20191026 church newsletter for TPCSTL

It will be the first time in my life that I hear something about the All Saints Day this coming Sunday.
It will be the first time I understand the contemporary sense of the saints.

It will be the first time we sing the old hymn about the Saints, #633. The first note of this hymn is a rest that makes it a challenge for all to sing the first sound together. The key to singing this hymn is for all to wait for the instruments, in our case a piano, to play out a loud chord which is not in the score for half-beat. The silent half-beat would provide the timing for swallow the water in the month and sing the first word.

It will be the first time that the hymn slide starts with a brief instruction on how to sing this hymn.

It is the first time that the sermon translation is done by a ministry team, rather than an individual recruited for the day, attempting to develop into a new system of ministry. For this new vision and new life of involvement the team will have the first meeting at the lunch time. Everyone is welcome to join the venture.

Here is a brief outline of the translation ministry:
  1. The preacher works on writing the script verbatim and send the file to the session member leading the worship ministry and the person handling the first conversion, by the end of Tuesday.
  2. The session member pass the file to the involved team, including the bulletin team, the projection team, and the translation team and post the original file to the cloud, for now a google drive.
  3. One of the translation team member would convert the original file, which is for pulpit reading, including large fonts and generous white space, into a smaller file for private reading with smaller fonts and white space.
  4. One of the translation team member would convert the original file into a spreadsheet with one row for each sentence with series number along with Mandarin translated by google, manually or thru a new automated application. The app is developed by Michael Shih voluntarily, might be in service starting next week.
  5. One of the translation team member would post the spreadsheet to the cloud for co-writing among the team members.
  6. One of the translation team member would send out a message to the teammates specifying who works on what group of sentences.
  7. Each member of the team would start translating his or her share by changing the sentences translated by google and post the result to the shared file online. (Tony would work on a copy of that spreadsheet on a desktop or notebook computer and duplicate the sentences in the file on the cloud to let others know the progress.)
  8. Some members of the team might write emails to the preacher to clarify some question by showing the "translation by guessing".
  9. Some member of the team would work beyond his or her share of sentences to cover those not yet touched by others.
  10. Some member of the team would download the completed spreadsheet and convert it into a ms-word file for proofreading at the same time adjust the format for print on paper.
  11. Some member of the team might extract the quotable sentences and the ones difficult to comprehend by hearing and duplicate them in a slide set.
  12. The slide set would be forwarded to the projection team for further usages.
  13. Some member of the team might extract the special expressions and enter them into the spreadsheet of Christian Idioms for future references.
  14. Some member of the team might extract sentences for usage in the "sermonaid" to be printed out as Church bulletin inserts to help the congregation preview, compare, or review the sermon.
  15. Some member of the team might upload the finalized print copy to the cloud for future references.
  16. Some member of the team might duplicate the finalized print copy on papers to be distributed to those who need them at the church.
  17. The finalized print copy might be distributed in the church newsletter after the sermon is delivered.

Friday, October 25, 2019

One day before the LNY dinner on 1-21-2017

It is one day before the big day of Lunar New Year party of the Taiwanese Association of American in St. Louis, TAA-STL.
While the inauguration of a new President of USA marks the beginning of a new era, normally with half of the population resisting, the TAA-STL also try to start a new era but with the old faces in the board of directors.
It appears to be a difficult challenge. The president, a caretaking role now, issues a chat about the dream of re-starting the non-profit organization for cultivating the Taiwanese American heritage and identify in St. Louis area. It is posted in Mandarin here.
If you need or "can offer" an English version please write or call.

謝謝董事們辛勞地籌備,讓台灣同鄉會的新春晚會再回人間聖路易。特別感謝謝昌宏董事,他挑起總策劃的重擔,雖然臨時有要事需要出國,仍然拼到最後一天。若有人願意代替他本來計畫要兼扮的財神爺,還有機會試看看。什麼話都不需要講,出現時間也自己決定,給大家、你、跟家人一個意外的驚奇。願意的人請私訊給我 (groh.hisam@gmail.com 314-488-5150)











蘇希三 3:05 1/20/2017


Friday, October 4, 2019

recording the activities of a social organization

Nowadays, recording can be done with audio-only recorder or the video recorder that captures both sound and images.

The sound recording can be monophonic or stereo. The cost of stereo recording is not any more than the mono ones. The stereo recording provide better sound quality for playing back.

The recording could be done in a studio-like environment where noise and interference can be managed and the undesirable result could be improved by doing them over, or in wherever the actions are going on and the environment might be out of control.

In the case of the live recording of an event, such as a public speech, the sound is the primary concern and the environment might be sacrificed bring the microphone as close to the source of sound as possible. This becomes a challenge when there is open discussion and the sound come from everywhere.

To maintain the quality of images it is better to place the camera firmly on something, such as a tripod.

If the speech and the content of the speech are the primary concern of the recording, minimize the scenes to maximize the lip movements that help the comprehension when listening. Of course where gestures or visual aids are important it is desirable to zoom out to capture the helpful images.

If the speaker tends to move around with gestures it is desirable to zoom out for a sufficient coverage, sacrificing the focus on lip-movements.

Avoid fast movement of the focus and the scope of view. When changing the direction is desired zoom out as the motion of changing direction is going on. Zoom in again after the changing of direction is settled. (16:16 2019/10/04)

Thursday, October 3, 2019

How the Taiwanese Americans function in social organizations - a video documentation 01 introduction

  1. Capture, preserve, and retell the stories of Taiwanese in USA. This is a historical obligation to many who are benefited from the cross-cultural experiences.
  2. Gather, collect, and extend the value of the existing recording of the lives of Taiwanese Americans
  3. Re-tell and make new senses of the stories through documentary films as well as the movies incorporating or inspired from the existing video clips.
  4. Develop future professionals with Taiwanese American background and attributes to continue the contribution of the well beings of the Taiwanese Americans through video recording and film making.
Scopes and sub-fields:
  1. Search for, gather, catalog, index, and interpret the existing recordings.
  2. Re-organize the existing clips of video recording into documentary films that make educational senses
  3. Record interviews of the related subjects and capture the interviews in new documentaries.
  4. Derive ideas from the documentaries to form story lines for movie-making
  5. Raise awareness of the value of documentaries and movies and raise funds to support continuous movie-making.
  6. Utilize the products for developing future leaders of Taiwanese Americans in social organizations, communities, and the society at large.
  7. The subjects could cover sub-topics such as The decisions to migrate and the mechanism of  migration; making a living; social lives; social organizations; advancing the career levels; balancing the multiple cultures involved, contributions to the society at large, etc.
  1. Practicum for professional skills involved, including playwright, archiving, photographing and filming, film editing, movie directing, scheduling, equipment management; human resource management; financing; accounting; supervising; contract negotiating; sales of ideas and products;  ... etc.
  2. Reference letters for all who are involved
  3. Biography services using the skills acquired from the projects.   
21:48 2019/10/3 by Tony Su (as the draft to be further developed by Sarah Chang)
The idea of documenting the lives of Taiwanese Americans must have been in the minds and the hearts of many Taiwanese Americans. There must have been many related video clips scattering around.

How could the pieces be strung together to form a big picture of how the Taiwanese survive and extend the value in the USA.

Meeting a young student majoring in cinema in college triggers the thoughts of actually merging the existing video clips and new filming to paint a big picture for extensive usages as well as serving as a practical field study that facilitate some young professionals' careers. (9:23 2019/10/3)

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

draft - Growing through TPCSTL - 20191001 - collecting the collectibles

One of latest thinking that leads to a new practice is to compile the quotable quotes that we encounter at the church. Everybody is encouraged to capture them and send to this newsletter for sharing with others. We can share whatever you consider quotable whether they are copied from other sources, from the speaker's mind, or from the above on-the-fly.

One of the common sources of the quotes is the sermon. The others are the Sunday School classrooms,  the fellowship gathering, the meal table, etc.

We will join the whole world in sharing the Holy Communion on the first Sunday of October. 

Davitt S. Bell (the late Clerk of Session and church historian at Shadyside) recalled that Dr. Kerr first conceived the notion of World Communion Sunday during his year as moderator of the General Assembly (1930).  https://www.presbyterianmission.org/ministries/worship/special-days-and-emphases/world-communion-sunday/

F:\0TPCSTL\0 sermon\2019\201910

We are in an interim period. Because we have an interim pastor leading us. This means that we are trying new thinking and new practices continuously. We have to. This is the blessed period for growing. 我們正處在過渡期。因為有一位中繼牧師在領導我們。這表示我們正在不斷地嘗試新思考與新措施。我們必須這麼作。因為這是一個蒙恩的(受祝福的)成長時期
Pastor Aline started the previous sermon with a quotable quote, "There are two streams of thought about Christianity in this country." This turns out to be an effective template for thinking and dealing with congregational life and congregational management. There are actually many types of the "two-stream" phenomena. While she pointed out the two opposite streams of "everything has to be right" versus "everything is acceptable", we can easily extend to find other "two-stream" issues such as "singing familiar songs" vs. "singing new song"; "chatting with good old buddies" vs. "chatting with new acquaintances"; "sitting at the seats of my favorite choice" vs. "sitting any place to meeting new faces", etc.
阿鄰牧師上週的講道一開就講出一句值得繼續傳講的「語錄級」的話:「在這個國家裡有兩股有關基督教的思考潮流。」這句話幾乎可以成為思考與處理「教會生活/事務」的有效範本。實際上,到處有很多「兩股潮流的現象」。她舉出「樣樣都需要正確」的律法主義思考與「 凡事想到都可接受」的包容主義思考。 我們可以很輕易地「唱老歌與唱新歌」、「找老友聊天跟找新人聊天」、「選坐在習慣的好座位與為了陪伴新人而找座位」,等等兩股逆流。
We have many unique, one of a kind, practices of a congregation that make the participation a rare opportunity of growing. Translating the sermons is one that most of the congregations around the world could not provide. We have started a new group trying to share the opportunity and advance the processes.我們教會有許多獨特(沒人有)的措施,使的參加我們教會成唯一個特殊的成長機會。翻譯講道就是其中的一項在其他教會不見得會遇到的機會。我們剛啟動一個新的群組,想要一邊分擔負荷,一邊分享改進技術與步驟。

Going through an interim period we are privileged to take risks. This is essential for us to prepare our minds for the next pastor-in-residence who is most likely to be beyond our imagination and expectation.

One of the special attributes and benefits of the interim period, having an interim pastor, is the continuous trying of new thinking and new practices. This is important because the interim pastor, by definition, is not open to serve as the next pastor in residence. In other words, he or she would not have the burden of worrying about how to continue the service by increasing the voting in favor of is or her term. This is important because the congregation would have the legitimate reasons to pick up new visions and try new practices without worrying about disturbing the vested interest.
Pastor Aline started the previous sermon with a quotable quote, "There are two streams of thought about Christianity in this country." This turns out to be an effective template for thinking and dealing with congregational life and congregational management. There are actually many types of the "two-stream" phenomena. While she pointed out the two opposite streams of "everything has to be right" versus "everything is acceptable", we can easily extend to find other "two-stream" issues such as "singing familiar songs" vs. "singing new song"; "chatting with good old buddies" vs. "chatting with new acquaintances"; "sitting at the seats of my favorite choice" vs. "sitting any place to meeting new faces", etc.
One of latest finding that leads to a new practice is to compile the quotable quotes that we receive at the church. Everybody is encouraged to capture them and send to this newsletter for sharing with others. We can share whatever you consider quotable whether they are copied from other sources, from the speaker's mind, or from the above on-the-fly.
One of the functions or effects of an interim pastor is the opportunity to learn by practice the methods of assimilation, which is essential to a congregation that commits to embrace varieties that come along with new members and visitors.  Whenever a new face shows up at the church the congregation faces a challenge of "bringing him/her in" or not and "how could we make the new person feel at home and becomes one of us". The ability actually affects the success of receiving a new pastor, which is the mid-term anticipation of a congregation under the leadership of an interim pastor. The appearance of the interim pastor gives us the opportunity to try and develop new skills of breaking-in a new pastor. Remember the demanding days in the first three months on a new job? What do you hope and expect the existing co-workers to do to us might be what we need to try to help the interim pastor to break-in and function normally. What would you feel when nobody comes to greet you and introduce the new environment to you? I had that kind of experience and left the job that the company kept increasing the offer to entice me to give up another promised job,  after 6 months.
We have many unique, one of a kind, practices of a congregation that make the participation a rare opportunity of growing. Translating the sermons is one that most of the congregations around the world could not provide.

Because we embrace people with different stages of Christian growth, background, including age, for interpreting the faith and the theology, cultural background,  languages in sharing the worship services we need to translate the sermons. By translating we gain extra layers of learning and extending what the preachers deliver to use. One of the exercises in translation is  to think about "how do I say it in my own words?" which is the foundation of "spreading the gospel". We have been changing the ways we translate over the years. We continue to explore and change the ways we handle translation. Everyone would have the opportunity to take a little piece of this particular ministry, which is also a rare opportunity to advance our career skills as well as Christian faith. Talk to Peggy Lin who volunteers to start a new system and coordinate the tasks and the volunteers. This means we will have the opportunity to observe how a professional manager works to make things happen, including how we "humbly follow Jesus".

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

draft - Growing through TPCSTL - 20190924 -first week of a new era

The first week of our interim pastor, Rev. Aline Russell.  

The sermon last Sunday is entitled "An old-fashioned word". It was one step of interpreting the concept of "providence", which is difficult to find an equivalent  Chinese term. 上主日的講道題目是「一個舊式的詞彙」

Cambridge Dictionary an influence that is not human in origin and is thought to control people's lives 天意 (will of heaven)天道 (law / road /way of heaven)天命(command / determination of heaven) 。牛津英漢字典採用天意天道天命來說明這個字的意境。
Google translate  「估哥」沒有提供中文翻譯

the protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power.
Man's worship ascends upward, and the Divine providence descends thereby.
fate / destiny / nemesis / kismet / God's will / divine intervention / predestination / predetermination / the stars / one's lot (in life) / one's portion

the capital of Rhode Island, a port near the mouth of the Providence River, on the Atlantic coast; population 171,557 (est. 2008). It was founded in 1636 by Roger Williams (1604–83) as a haven for religious dissenters.
The children-message, following the praise-n-worship, has been on-and-off several times.  This could be one of the attempt to mark a new era of our history. This is an opportunity for us to study the methods of handling children-message and learn it by trying it in the Sunday School classroom. Click here to find one tried last Sunday  Study this sermonaid and think about how you might do it differently. It was too difficult for those at the kindergarten level. Thanks to Meishi who ran around to help the young children participate in the children sermon on "growing continuosly". We all expect to see a successful execution of something and ignore the fact that we learn more from failures. 緊接在「敬拜讚美」之後的兒童講道已經試過很多次了。這也許可算是我們踏入新時代的嘗試之一。這也是讓我們「研究向兒童傳道的要領」的機會。點擊這裡好下載一篇上主日在兒童禮拜中使用的「講道助聽器」。研究這一篇好想看看你或許會用什麼樣的不同方式來怎麼處理。這一篇對幼稚園年記的兒童是太難了。謝謝玫曦姐繞場移動協助兒童參與這一場探討「不斷成長」的兒童講道。我們通常期待「成功的執行」,而忘了我們從失敗的經驗中學到更多。
 Last Sunday a meeting started on the fly. It was initiated by Peggy and attended by Michael, George, and Tony for explore the forming of a collective ministry of “sermon translation”. They decided to keep inviting new heads to join the collaborative work of “sermon translation”, which is a special challenge and opportunity to a church of immigrants. This opportunity provides opportunity to elevate the language skills as well as the levels of “theology and faith” of the immigrants. A new mission was conceived out of the meeting for start compiling a dictionary of theological and congregational idioms. While this appears to be an unique requirements in our congregation to help the new hands of sermon-translation it might be useful worldwide.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Gardeners of Hope

(Beginning this draft on 2019/8/23 at 15:30 for Rev. Aline Russell of Taiwanese Presbyterian Church of Greater St. Louis)

Derived and extended from my experiences in serving the Garden of Hope Foundation, the idea of the Gardeners of Hope is an extension of the Garden of Hope Foundation, which focuses on providing shelters to women and girls who have gone through trama.

While shelters provide places and facilities for safe living that is a foundation for those being protected to breath normally and start new lives the Gardeners of Hope is to provide manpower as well as the system of developing manpower to help people with their new lives.

The basic concepts:
  1. Human beings exist, live, and work on the foundation of hope.
  2. The human energy is utilized based on hope.
  3. While the people are endowed with hope by nature, or so-called "by the creator God" the hope might be easily lost, deprived, or stop growing and losing the function.
  4. One of the key factors in Christianity is hope and the Christians are supposed to live with hope and helping one another with hope and cultivating hope.
The basic applications of hope:
  1. People need the ability and the methods of identifying hope, the source of hope, and the roads to having, maintaining, and growing hope.
  2. People can help one another dealing with hope.
  3. Nurturing and nourishing hope is a foundation of all kinds of helping.
  4. By helping with the nourishment of hope the helpers would gain the perspectives, the strength, and the methods of dealing with his or her own hope and challenges.
  5. The Gardeners of Hope Foundation as a non-profit organization exists to study, promote, train, accompany, and cultivate the growth of hope for those in need of help by guiding them to play the roles of the gardeners of hope.
  6. The Gardeners of Hope movement invents and utilizes all kinds of methods to facilitate companionship which is essential to everyone's existence, growth,  and problem-solving.
  7. The Gardeners of Hope Foundation might raise funds to provide mechanisms that are helpful but not in existence, such as a simple acquisition/provision system for people to have some taste of managing activities and visualize the potentials both in benefits and in deficiency.
  8. Chat with individuals or groups to participate in the development of some careers.
  9. The basic actions of a gardener include 1) listening to or reading of others ideas or plan 2) raising questions to help expanding or deepening the thinking of others 3) providing sentences of encouragement, without judgment such as "good", by utilizing "I message" 4) providing ideas to help stretching the thinking 5) providing words or letters of recommendation with a special methods, using the methods of "lab report", to be disclosed in this blog.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Race between a Hare and a Tortoise 歸兔競賽

It was 2019 in Taiwan. A hare jumped up and down telling the media that he was the best and the only racer to beat the tortoise who won the world-face face or presidency of a nation that would not claim to be an independent nation. But he refused to participate in the race for nomination in his camp. He was recruited to run the race against the tortoise for the once in four year event.
Actually there was a fox that challenged the nomination by obtaining a special honorary membership of that camp and got enrolled in the race for nomination. The fox lost the race and tried to find another way to race against the tortoise for presidency ruling all species of the animals.
 The hare, mocking as a foolish fish, was feverishly campaigning with large trend-setting show in many places before the race for nomination and continue after winning the nomination and before actual enrollment for the final race against the tortoise.
The whole nation was immersed in the speculative news and talk-shows around the racers and the race. The fish and the fox, and later a white senile hare stormed the news with their joking remarks, premature judgments, and misleading gestures. The tortoise did not participate in the eye- and ear-catching news-making except continuing to announce, quietly, new policies made and new plans for leading the nation forward.
It would be a new way of testifying the theories in the stories of racing between the hare and the tortoise.
A Hare was making fun of the Tortoise one day for being so slow.
"Do you ever get anywhere?" he asked with a mocking laugh.
"Yes," replied the Tortoise, "and I get there sooner than you think. I'll run you a race and prove it."
The Hare was much amused at the idea of running a race with the Tortoise, but for the fun of the thing he agreed. So the Fox, who had consented to act as judge, marked the distance and started the runners off.
The Hare was soon far out of sight, and to make the Tortoise feel very deeply how ridiculous it was for him to try a race with a Hare, he lay down beside the course to take a nap until the Tortoise should catch up.
The Tortoise meanwhile kept going slowly but steadily, and, after a time, passed the place where the Hare was sleeping. But the Hare slept on very peacefully; and when at last he did wake up, the Tortoise was near the goal. The Hare now ran his swiftest, but he could not overtake the Tortoise in time.
The race is not always to the swift.
 A Hare was making fun of the Tortoise one day for being so slow.

“Do you ever get anywhere?” he asked with a mocking laugh.
“Yes,” replied the Tortoise, “and I get there sooner than you think. I’ll run you a race and prove it.”
The Hare was much amused at the idea of running a race with the Tortoise, but for the fun of the thing he agreed. So the Fox, who had consented to act as judge, marked the distance and started the runners off.
The Hare was soon far out of sight, and to make the Tortoise feel very deeply how ridiculous it was for him to try a race with a Hare, he lay down beside the course to take a nap until the Tortoise should catch up.
The Tortoise meanwhile kept going slowly but steadily, and, after a time, passed the place where the Hare was sleeping. But the Hare slept on very peacefully; and when at last he did wake up, the Tortoise was near the goal. The Hare now ran his swiftest, but he could not overtake the Tortoise in time.