Monday, September 23, 2019

Gardeners of Hope

(Beginning this draft on 2019/8/23 at 15:30 for Rev. Aline Russell of Taiwanese Presbyterian Church of Greater St. Louis)

Derived and extended from my experiences in serving the Garden of Hope Foundation, the idea of the Gardeners of Hope is an extension of the Garden of Hope Foundation, which focuses on providing shelters to women and girls who have gone through trama.

While shelters provide places and facilities for safe living that is a foundation for those being protected to breath normally and start new lives the Gardeners of Hope is to provide manpower as well as the system of developing manpower to help people with their new lives.

The basic concepts:
  1. Human beings exist, live, and work on the foundation of hope.
  2. The human energy is utilized based on hope.
  3. While the people are endowed with hope by nature, or so-called "by the creator God" the hope might be easily lost, deprived, or stop growing and losing the function.
  4. One of the key factors in Christianity is hope and the Christians are supposed to live with hope and helping one another with hope and cultivating hope.
The basic applications of hope:
  1. People need the ability and the methods of identifying hope, the source of hope, and the roads to having, maintaining, and growing hope.
  2. People can help one another dealing with hope.
  3. Nurturing and nourishing hope is a foundation of all kinds of helping.
  4. By helping with the nourishment of hope the helpers would gain the perspectives, the strength, and the methods of dealing with his or her own hope and challenges.
  5. The Gardeners of Hope Foundation as a non-profit organization exists to study, promote, train, accompany, and cultivate the growth of hope for those in need of help by guiding them to play the roles of the gardeners of hope.
  6. The Gardeners of Hope movement invents and utilizes all kinds of methods to facilitate companionship which is essential to everyone's existence, growth,  and problem-solving.
  7. The Gardeners of Hope Foundation might raise funds to provide mechanisms that are helpful but not in existence, such as a simple acquisition/provision system for people to have some taste of managing activities and visualize the potentials both in benefits and in deficiency.
  8. Chat with individuals or groups to participate in the development of some careers.
  9. The basic actions of a gardener include 1) listening to or reading of others ideas or plan 2) raising questions to help expanding or deepening the thinking of others 3) providing sentences of encouragement, without judgment such as "good", by utilizing "I message" 4) providing ideas to help stretching the thinking 5) providing words or letters of recommendation with a special methods, using the methods of "lab report", to be disclosed in this blog.


  1. This looks very interesting! I would like to learn more.

    1. Everyone is welcome to jump in with words or actions to be a developer of this system.

  2. Thanks to Rev. Aline Russell by including this foundation of the Gardeners of Hope in the sermon on Sep 29, 2019, "109. The thing the rich man never understood was that if he had helped Lazarus, it would have been a blessing to him as well." 那位財主一項不知道「幫助拉撒路,其實也是提供幫助的人自己獲得的福氣」。
