Friday, October 4, 2019

recording the activities of a social organization

Nowadays, recording can be done with audio-only recorder or the video recorder that captures both sound and images.

The sound recording can be monophonic or stereo. The cost of stereo recording is not any more than the mono ones. The stereo recording provide better sound quality for playing back.

The recording could be done in a studio-like environment where noise and interference can be managed and the undesirable result could be improved by doing them over, or in wherever the actions are going on and the environment might be out of control.

In the case of the live recording of an event, such as a public speech, the sound is the primary concern and the environment might be sacrificed bring the microphone as close to the source of sound as possible. This becomes a challenge when there is open discussion and the sound come from everywhere.

To maintain the quality of images it is better to place the camera firmly on something, such as a tripod.

If the speech and the content of the speech are the primary concern of the recording, minimize the scenes to maximize the lip movements that help the comprehension when listening. Of course where gestures or visual aids are important it is desirable to zoom out to capture the helpful images.

If the speaker tends to move around with gestures it is desirable to zoom out for a sufficient coverage, sacrificing the focus on lip-movements.

Avoid fast movement of the focus and the scope of view. When changing the direction is desired zoom out as the motion of changing direction is going on. Zoom in again after the changing of direction is settled. (16:16 2019/10/04)

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