Saturday, May 25, 2019

G001 story management 01 Introduction (Writing in general) (English)

2018/9/17 10:11

The least desirable class hours in my college days were the first hour of every course of "Introduction",  They were boring and difficult to understand. It always took a few weeks before I begin to appreciate the "introduction."

In a study course outside the framework of a college, is it necessary to start with the introduction at the beginning? In fact, especially in an experimental course, you can try many different ways. For example, start a course of study with the followings alternative ways:
  1. Talk about the conclusions of the whole course, including the benefits, shortcomings, uses, usages, etc. of the knowledge. Hold any of the content of the course temporarily to generate curiosity. 
  2. Start with just one point in the introduction, just any point, as a beginning, instead of the whole bird's view.
  3. List the outline and ask students to voluntarily propose any topic that they want to know first to start talking about the introduction. (The key is to invite students to participate in the context of the introduction through participation)
  4. Utilize some forms that are easy and accessible, such as stories, questions, news, history, movies, jokes, and so on. The key is to touch and stop at one point, and it is not necessarily in every detail with perfect thoroughness. Take "lead to some doubts and topics with questions hanging" as the main function of the introduction. (The key is to generate learning motivation through the introduction.) This party may include the use of right and wrong questions (or multiple choice questions) to present the focus of the introduction, that is, including some wrong statements, inviting students to correct or choose.
It seems that I can use these temporary methods to draft this introduction. The key is "not necessarily complete, not necessarily correct." This can be said to be the cornerstone of the entire "methodology of story management" 10:25 2018/9/17

2018/9/18 11:25 (drafted in Chinese)

This title is written as "Introduction to Writing." In fact, at the beginning of a program and training course, we need to introduce the whole activity to let everyone know the scope and the outline to cover, and whether the learners satisfy enough conditions to participate in the whole process. In an activity outside the school system, there is a good chance that someone will not be able to complete the process or miss some process. Therefore, there is also a need to mention remedies for those who might miss some points in the process. (translated 23:19 2019/5/25)

Ok, now I would try to draft a brief overview.

  1. [Yes/No] The method of this activity is very rigorous and you must not mess up any steps.
    (This activity is always an experiment perpetually, even if it is a step of exercise already repeated several times, it can not exist without the attributes of an experiment. Everyone is expected to think about the nature of "experiment", some simple rules whether right, wrong, or reasonable. Write them down quickly and share them with one another generously.)
  2. [Yes/None] In order to avoid wasting everyone's time, the exercises should be written very carefully and carefully proofread before they can be raised.
    "Write it down quickly and share it generously" is one of the main characteristics of this activity. "Try and error" is the oldest and most important basic method of learning and that of science. On the other hand, this activity must try to prevent "value judgment" on any person and any matter, that is, to avoid saying "good" or "not right", etc.

  1. [是/非] 這個活動的方法很嚴謹,絕對不可弄錯任何步驟。
    [是/非] 為了避免浪費大家的時間,練習題要很認真寫,仔細校對才可提出來。

  2. 「快速地寫下,大方地分享。」是這個活動的主要特質之一。「嘗試與錯誤」是最古老的,也是最主要的基本學習法與科學方法。相對地,本活動必須設法防止對任何人、任何事情的「價值判斷」,也就是說要避免講出「講得好」、「不對」,那類的話。
  3. [是/非] 學習的順序很重要,若是跳過某個步驟可能前功盡棄。

  4. [是/非] 老師,或是這個活動的帶領人在講話時絕對禁止插嘴。等到開放發言時才可提出問題。

  5. [是/非] 寫故事是專家在作的事情。
  6. [是/非] 有些事情沒有市場,不值得寫
  7. [是/非] 寫出來的文字被修改是「見不得人」的事情。
  8. [是/非] 寫故事一定要文筆流暢
好,暫停在此。以後伺機補充、修改。這是寫作練習的基本原則之一。不必要求「一步登天」、「一槍斃命」、「立竿見影」11:53 2018/9/18

2018/10/08 3:30 開始寫講義:




  • 請學員們在三分鐘內各自寫下故事的用途,天花亂墜不必擔心寫錯。
  • 三分鐘後輪流講出每個人寫出來的用途,即使別人已經講過也沒關係,都要用自己的話講出來。(這是第一次的方想訓練,記得不必計較對錯、好壞。養成習慣才是重點。)實際所需的時間因學員數字而異。上課前既然已經知道學員數就要先估計三分鐘是否太長。(若人數多,也可考慮事先公告這個練習,讓大家在上課前就寫好,舖上網,或是現場提交紙本。方式不拘,關鍵在於打造出一個放心分享的環境)
  • 不必作出有關故事用途的結論。事後彙整公告在網頁或是佈絡閣裡。若沒有佈絡閣,可以把副本張貼讓大家看。這些故事用途可能在事後改寫成衣篇文章投稿。可以鼓勵大家彙整後各自投稿。當作練習。
  1. 怎麼解釋「什麼是寫作」,現場有哪些不大一樣的定義。談談不同的定義可能產生什麼不同的效益。
  2. 請一、兩位學員志願舉例說明寫作
  3. 「寫作的必要條件」
  4. 「寫作的核心條件」
  5. 「寫作的充分條件」
  6. 「寫作的邊際條件」(不在邊界內就不算是寫作了)
  7. 什麼看似寫作其實不是。
  8. 辨識得出「是不是寫作」有什麼用?(避免無謂的失望、洩氣)


      4:01 2018/10/8

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