Subject: 歡迎訂購待降節靈修 2017 Advent Devotional
Date: Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 7:48 PM
From: Mei-Hui Lai
很歡喜跟你們分享,黃芯芯教授的一篇作品,剛剛登上美國長老教會 OUTLOOK雜誌,歡迎下載閱讀!
2017年的待降節靈修英文與西文版已出版, 我們的亞裔翻譯本正在製作中,歡迎開始訂購,預定11月中, 會寄給大家。12月3日第一待降主日開始直到聖誕節, 每日一小篇的靈修,讓我們與全美國長老教會會友們一起讀經、 禱告、靈修,準備心迎接聖誕節期!
請email給我數量,寄件地址、姓名,每份$1.50,註明訂 購:英文版、中文版、簡體字版、印尼文、泰文、越南文、或Miz o文,並請為尚未完稿的義工翻譯者代禱!
"Always with US?-What Jesus Really Said About the Poor"
推薦給你這本書,談論耶穌所說,常有窮人與我們在一起, 這句話的真意。
去年就任之新任總書記Rev. J. Herbert Nelson II 發起的Hand and Feet運動,讓我們一起來付出行動,爭取公義和平、 對抗種族歧視、經濟剝削,解決窮苦的問題。
Dear Friends:
We are the beloved!

Please feel free to forward to your friends.
Hand and Feet News and Articleshttps://handsandfeet.pcusa. org/about/
Here's Dr. Hsin Hsin Huang's article Identity Matters just got published.
Please feel free to forward to your friends.
The piece is featured on the Presbyterian OUTLOOK website today:
Guest commentary by Hsin-hsin Huang “Who am I?” This question is not only asked by teenagers in search of identity, it is also asked by all of us in a world facing rapid changes. Having a clear identity anchors us in an age of diversity, enabling us to know how to be our own persons in relation to others. There are four important types of identity to consider as one pursues self-definition: Christian, personal, racial and ethnic. Christian identity As Christians, our first and foremost identity is that of a beloved child of God. We are the beloved, and God is…
2017 Advent Devotional
Published by Presbyterians Today. Dual English-Spanish edition.
Let love speak: words and actions to pave the way of the Lord
Deja que el amor hable: Palabras y acciones para preparar el camino del Señor
During this holy season of Advent, we are invited to contemplate the powerful words of the Psalms. The Scriptures — and Jesus, the Word Incarnate — impel us to speak and act in more just and loving ways, especially towards the strangers and foreigners among us.Magdalena I. García, PC(USA) minister of Word and Sacrament and hospital chaplain for Vitas Healthcare in Chicago, has put together a collection of challenging daily reflections and prayers based upon the Psalms to help us experience the promise and power of Christ’s coming.
Perfect for congregations, families and individuals, each day provides a Psalm excerpt, meditation and prayer to deepen the Advent experience.

Let love speak: words and actions to pave the way of the Lord
Deja que el amor hable: Palabras y acciones para preparar el camino del Señor
During this holy season of Advent, we are invited to contemplate the powerful words of the Psalms. The Scriptures — and Jesus, the Word Incarnate — impel us to speak and act in more just and loving ways, especially towards the strangers and foreigners among us.Magdalena I. García, PC(USA) minister of Word and Sacrament and hospital chaplain for Vitas Healthcare in Chicago, has put together a collection of challenging daily reflections and prayers based upon the Psalms to help us experience the promise and power of Christ’s coming.
Perfect for congregations, families and individuals, each day provides a Psalm excerpt, meditation and prayer to deepen the Advent experience.
The 2017 Advent Calendar is available for ordering now. Indonesian translation has been competed. Please pray for all other 5 languages translators, they will complete soon. We will provide Asian congregations the copies of Vietnamese, Thai, Taiwanese, Mizo, Indonesian, Chinese languages. You may download from website to print or read by yourself for free. If order paper copy from Asian office, each copy is $1.50.
Our fall retreat of Racial Ethnic & Women Ministries have read and discussed together the book:
"Always with US?-What Jesus Really Said About the Poor"
Recommend for you to read.
ST. LOUIS – Participants at Big Tent gathered July 7 to hear Denise Anderson and Jan Edmiston, the co-moderators of the 222nd General Assembly, offer their ideas on ...
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