Friday, October 27, 2017

Making a visitors' guide for TPC-STL and then for every church

2017/10/27 9:29
Basic principles:
  1. Visitors get to comprehend a church via literature, photographs, video, church website, or church building. 教會訪客可能透過文章、相片、影片、網站、建築物來認識或瞭解一個教會
  2. Visitors might be frequent participants trying to expand their knowledge or understanding of a church, e.g., a new officer need to advance his or her knowledge of the church to fulfill the new responsibility.訪客們可能是已經經常參加該教會但是希望進一步認識一個教會的人,比如說,新上任的教會任職者需要深入認識並瞭解教會以便履行新的任務。
  3. Visitors might have never been in any church activity or church building before and have no idea about what a church is. 訪客可能是完全沒有參加過教會活動或是踏入過任何教會一步的人,而「完全不知道教會」是什麼的人。
  4. Making a generic visitors' guide, without specific target visitors, need to consider all types of visitors and provide hints and threads for further exploration rather than containing everything at every level in one guide. 沒有特定對象而致做一般性的訪客導覽需要提供線索引人逐步探討各個特定區塊,而不是在一個導覽裡涵蓋全部細節。
  5. The first step of making a generic visitors' guide is to identify and describe the elements and key points of all that might help the visitors. 製作訪客導覽的第一步就是要列出各個覽項的基本因素、成分、與重點。
  6. Every software points need to have associated hardware points.The making of visitors' guide start with hard points as foundation to attract and facilitate the watching and studying of the software points 每一件軟體景點都有相關的硬體景點。製作訪客導覽時需要有硬體景點來引人關注軟體景點。
Basic elements (what are worth watching and studying) : 基本覽項(值得觀賞或研讀的項目)分類  
  1. Viewpoints - /the viewpoints for seeing and studying this church 用來觀察並研讀這個教會的觀點 
  2. Hardware 硬體
  3. software 軟體
  4. History 歷史
  5. Visions, feasibility, and plans - the inspiration/imagination, the prospects, and the plans for the future 願景、遠景的可行性、與計畫
Viewpoints for TPCSTL:
  1. A congregation of PC(USA) self-started by the Taiwanese immigrants 由台美移民啟動的全美長老教會的一個堂會
  2. A congregation of Taiwanese in America 由台美人經營、運用的一個堂會
  3. A congregation in St. Louis, especially, Ballwin, a spot in the West St. Louis county. 在聖路易地區,尤其是指 西郡 Ballwin 的一個堂會
  4. A congregation of multiple culture without any long-term kinship attachments 包含多種文化但是沒有「長期的親族關連」的一個堂會 
  5. A congregation of people with limited root locally.由 缺少在地紮根基礎的人所組成的一個堂會
  6. A congregation of people living at a distance from the church site. 大部分參加者沒有住在禮拜堂附近的一個堂會
  7. A congregation of people with various denominational background 參加者包含多種宗派背景的一個堂會
  8. A congregation of people with limited exposure to Christian heritage and culture. 許多參加者對基督教傳統與文化所知相當有限的一個堂會。
  9. A congregation of people with limited experiences in democracy and group living 許多參加者對民主與團體生活的經驗相當有限的一個堂會。
  10. A congregation of people accustomed to individualized efforts in advancement. 許多參加者習慣於「各自努力求進步」的一個堂會。
  11. A congregation of people who are accustomed to institutionalized education and standard answers. 許多參加者「習慣於制式教育和標準答案」的一個堂會。
  12. A church building with innovative concepts and theology designed and built by the Taiwanese in St. Louis in the early 1990's. 充滿創意與神學思考的教堂由聖路易台灣人在1990年代所設計、建築而成
The substantives on the site (living organism and Hardware) 存在現場的實體物質(生物及硬體):
  1. plants 植物
  2. living creatures 非植物性的生物
  3. Land 土地
  4. building 建築物 
  5. facility - i.e. sign, fence, poles, lighting, pavement, etc.  設施 - 如、招牌、圍籬、柱子、燈台,地面覆蓋層,等等
The interior of the building 建築物內部
  1. partition and the separated spaces 隔離設施及隔間
  2. equipment 設備
  3. decoration 裝飾
function and usages 功能與運用
  1. Gathering 聚集
  2. worship 禮拜
  3. education 教育
  4. training 訓練
  5. serving 服事
  6. testimony 見證
  7. administration and management 管理與經營
  8. maintenance 維護
partition and the separated spaces 隔離設施及隔間
  1. Entrance: gates and windows 出入口:門與窗
  2. fellowship hall as the first access point in the building 入門後的第一個接觸點就是交誼廳
  3. the sanctuary is separated from the rest with direct visibility  禮拜廳在建築物的一側,與社交場所區隔但是視線互通
  4. classrooms surround the fellowship hall providing two-way lighting and visibility with the common ground for functioning as overflow sitting areas. 教室環繞著公共區,與公共區互相提供日光與人造光,並保持雙向視線以便扮演「延伸座位」的功能。
  5. the classrooms have see-through glass on the doors to minimize blind spots that hide unmentionable scenes. 教室的門都有透明玻璃以便避免視線死角,可能降地出現「見不得人」的事情 
  6. Two of the classrooms has built-in partition for separating the room into two rooms occasionally.  One of the classroom has a separated space used as storage area for keeping the folding tables and chairs along with other stuffs.
  7. The classroom next to the kitchen also serves as a meeting room.
  8. A kitchen is close to the entrance for easy moving of supplies and serving food.
  9. The washroom is obvious recognizable by the drinking fountain and easily accessible. People can find it without asking around.
  10. There is a toddlers' washroom in the classroom.
  11. There is a shower room for occasional usage.
  12. There is a toilet in the pastor's office for easy access before the worship services or other gatherings that need the leadership of the pastor.
  13. The office has a window for observing the dynamic at the main entrance.
  14. The common area, the fellowship hall is separated from the sanctuary with see-through glass so that the area can be over-flow sitting area for the activities in the sanctuary.
  15. ....
  16. There is no visible column, nor hallway just for walking. Every space is designed to be multi-functional just like everyone in a church is encouraged to learn and do many different tasks and serve the Lord in many different ways.

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