Monday, July 30, 2018

New ways for reviving TAA-STL 復興「新路意台灣同鄉會」的新路

Chia sī siu-chi̍p iú-koan Sin-lō͘-ì ho̍k-heng Tâi-oân Tông-Hiong-Hōe ê sin hong-hoat ê só͘-chāi. 這是「復興新路意台灣同鄉會」的新方法的收集站。This is a repository of new ways for reviving Taiwanese Association of America in St. Louis.

Chit-ê sin ê ló-le̍k sī tī 2018nî 7goe̍h 29ji̍t, tī Sin-lō͘-ì Tâi-oân Lâng Tiúⁿ-ló Kàu-Hōe tiong-chhan āu kap Chiam Chiân-li̍p Iûⁿ Bí-hōng hu-hū hap-sian í-āu khai-sí ê. It started on July 29, 2018, after some brief discussion with James and Ruby Chan at TPCSTL after lunch. 這個新的努力是在2018年7月29日在新路意台灣人長老教會午餐後,與詹前昱楊美鳳夫婦聊天後開始的。This new effort started after some chatting with James and Ruby Chan at the Taiwanese Presbyterian Church of Greater St. Louis, after agape lunch, on July 29, 2018.

Chú-iàu sī beh chhōe sin ê hong-hoat thang-hó hō͘ tī chia, Sin-lō͘-ì, ê Tâi-oân Tông-hiong hōe hôe-ho̍k goân-khì kap kong-lêng. 主要是要找新的方法好讓這裡,新路意,的台灣同鄉會回復元氣與功能。This is mainly for finding new methods that resume the energy and functions of the Taiwanese Association of America in St. Louis.
Chú-iàu ê hong-hoat chi it sī kiông-hòa chì-kang ê ho̍k-bū kiam "cheng-ka sū-gia̍p lêng-le̍k" ê si̍t-si̍p thang-hó kiàn-li̍p chio lâng tàu-tīn kap pān oa̍h-tāng ê ki-chhó͘ kap lí-iû. 主要的方法 是強化志工的 服務兼「促進事業技能的實習」以便建立大家聚集以及辦活動的基礎與理由。One of the main lines of thinking is to strengthen the services / practica for advancing career skills of volunteers in order to build the foundation and reasons for gatherings and activities. (10:35 7/30/2018)

(12:37 2018/9/6)
Ū kúi-nā hāng tāi-chì su-iàu hó-hó su-khó, thàm-thó, kè-ōe:
  1. Bo̍k-te̍k, bo̍k-phiau, chhek-lio̍k 目的、目標、策略
  2. Í-keng chûn-chāi ê hiān-siōng kap goân-in 已經存在的現象、和原因 (13:00 9/7/2018)
  3. Pō͘-sò͘, hong-sek, thêng-sū, kì-su̍t 步數、方式、程序、技術
  4. Hong-àn, khì-he̍k 方案、企劃
  5. Jîn-châi, jîn-le̍k人才、人力
  6. Iú-in 誘因
  7. liû-thêng 流程 

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