The first time the concept of "The words of gardeners" is announced publicly. 第一次公開提出「園丁的話」影音系列的構想

How would you rate the year 2018? 你怎麼衡量2018年的收穫/成就呢?
Have you seen the unique beauty of the Taiwanese building in St. Louis? Many of the beautiful scene in the building of Taiwanese Presbyterian Church of Greater St. Louis have been discovered in 2018, 27 years after the completion of the construction. Could you believe it? Have you seen it in this Christmas card? 你有沒有看過在新路意的台灣建築物所呈現的別緻美意呢? 這個台灣人建設在新路意的特殊建築物有不少特殊美景竟然是在完工 後27年的2018才被看出來。信不信由你。 你有沒有從這張聖誕卡看出來?
The Gardeners of Hope is planning to start something new before we enter 2019, would you like to be part of it? It would a special kind of video show in youtube to serve many functions. The key elements include but not be limited to the followings: 「希望園丁」在策劃進入2019年之前啟動一項新的活動。 你願意成為這歷史的一部份嗎?這是一種擺在 Youtube 的發揮許多功能的特殊影音節目。包括,但不限於,下列特點:
The Gardeners of Hope is planning to start something new before we enter 2019, would you like to be part of it? It would a special kind of video show in youtube to serve many functions. The key elements include but not be limited to the followings: 「希望園丁」在策劃進入2019年之前啟動一項新的活動。
- Everyone could play any important role in the show, including facilitator, speaker, camera operator, director, audience, ... whatever you could name it.
- Every episode could be and might be as short as five-minute long, with special focus. 每一集各有焦點,可能只有五分鐘的長度。
- Instead of showing knowledge and answer the show provide opportunity for learning and practicing the arts of expression and exposition. 影集避免提供知識與答案,而著重於提供於思考及表達的練習機會。
- The show would skip judgment on issues, organizations, or persons made with favoritism. 這個影集不展現針對議題、群組、個人,「基於個人好惡」
的價值判斷。 - There are many more key attributes to be observed and emphasized in this training-oriented activity 這樣以訓練/培育為目的的活動還有許多特質要開發、維護。
You are welcome to participate with any levels of involvements. Just reply privately to trigger individualized discussion. 歡迎以各種層次的負擔來參與。私下回信來啟動個別討論。
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