Friday, December 28, 2018

Hn̂g-teng ê ōe 園丁的話 002 "GroH Talk" / Gar Talk or The words of gardeners (in case of a gardener) 原則 principles


Here are some attributes: 這裡列出一些特質:
  1. This special video show is an attempt of the Gardeners of Hope Foundation exploring some new methods to help people by providing opportunity and platform with the purposes and objectives listed in other paragraphs: 這個特殊的「影音展示」是園丁基金會的一項「透過『提供機會與平台』探尋幫助人的新方法」嘗試。目的與目標另段提出。
  2. Participation is open to all who are interested and care enough to spend the time and energy. 
  3. Every episode could be and might be as short as within-five-minute long, with special focus. 每一集各有焦點,可能只有五分鐘以內的長度。
  4. The talking in gardeners' style emphasizes the sharing of information which are not judgmental nor instructive but encouraging and inspiring at the same time providing senses of companionship. 園丁模式的「透過講話分享」強調的不是評論或是教導,而是在提供同伴感的同時,發揮訊息的「鼓勵」和「引思掰」(催出靈感)功能。
  5. Instead of showing knowledge and answer the show provide opportunity for learning and practicing the arts of expression and exposition. 影集避免提供知識或答案,而著重於提供於思考及表達的練習機會。
  6. The show would skip judgment on issues, organizations, or persons made with favoritism. 這個影集不展現針對議題、群組、個人,「基於個人好惡」的價值判斷。
  7. There are many more key attributes to be observed and emphasized in this training-oriented activity 這樣以訓練/培育為目的的活動還有許多特質要開發、維護。
purposes 目的
  1. Explore special ways for "learning to express through speech". 探討「透過講話練習表達」(There is another project for "learning to express through writing" 另有一個方案又要探討「透過寫作練習表達」)
  2. Help people develop and grow career skills and the related information 助人開發發展事業所需的技巧、與訊息
  3. Help people compile, organize, and expose their inventory of knowledge, skills, and other attributes. 協助人彙整、展現他們在知識、技巧、以及其他特質上的庫存
  4. Help people acquire the knowledge and experiences in project managements as well as methods of exploration, self-study, and promotion 協助人獲得有關「經營方案」、探尋、自習、跟推廣/開拓市場知識和經驗
objectives 目標

  1. Facilitate awareness of the needs for and the feasibility of developing skills of speaking. 促進對於開發講話技巧的需求與可行性的認知。(使人知道需要練習講話,而且講話的技巧是可透過練習而進步的。)
  2. Increase the number of ordinary people who might not consider giving public speech otherwise to start learning and practicing. 使「可能根本不想當眾講話的人開始學習並練習」的人數增加。
  3. Increase the number of people who have been speaking in public to improve their arts of expression. 使「一項當眾講話而越講越好」的人數增加。
  4. Document and provide the new methods to the public 記錄並提供新的學習法跟練習法給大眾使用
  5. Collect and accumulate the video clips for attracting new participants and for the future participants to learn from the previous experiences. 收集並累積影音檔以便吸引尚未參加的人並讓未來參加的人從以往的經驗學習。 
Participation and involvements: 參與及涉入
  1. No monetary exchange is required for participation. 參加者不需付費
  2. Everyone could join or leave at any time at individual's convenience, regardless of location. 每個人都可以根據個人所需以及個人的方便因素隨時加入或退出
  3. Everyone could play any important role in the show, including facilitator, speaker, camera operator, director, audience, ... whatever you could name it.每個人都可以透過扮演任何活動所需的相關的角色,包括而不限於「協調者」、「講話者」、「操鏡者」、「導演」、「旁觀者」、「場記」、「撰稿者」、「品管者」、工具、材料、與成品的收藏者與管理者、企劃者、簿記者、會計者、總經理、...

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