Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Hymn brief 0009 Great is they faithfulness for 2020/7/5

The hymn briefing is one of the new products out of the COVI-19 pandemic. It was suggested by Deacon Yu Hao as a way to enrich the online worship service due to the lockdown. It was initially suggested to be 30-minute long before the call to worship.

I was delighted to receive the suggestion and carry it ful-heartedly because I have been thinking about new ways of helping the congregations know and learn hymns beyond what we have in the hymnals. Actually, Pastor Aline, and I had started kicking around the idea without any concrete plan.

There are several boundaries we have to observe:

1.      We use the hymns to be sung that same Sunday in the online worship service. So far, we only sing one hymn after the sermon.

2.      The hymn of the day would be selected from a list provided by Pastor Aline, based on the availability of the existing slide set and the available time for making new presentation through

3.      The briefing has to cover the people using three major languages in the congregation: English, Mandarin, and Taiwanese. Therefore, the presentation is all visual without oral instruction except the demonstration of pronunciation and melody-singing.

4.      I added that the briefing would cover the lyrics and the music, the understanding, the extending imagination regarding culture and theology, and the methods of singing.

So far, in every issue, we ran across a new ideas or a new techniques and keep exploring and improving. The video files are posted in for further study and learning perpetually.

Due to the limitation of every video editing software I choose to use slide-making software, e.g., Powerpoint of Microsoft to create graphic images that contain both the music transcription, the lyrics of 4 written languages, and the short sentences in two languages for instruction, questions, extended interpretation, etc. The images of each slide page are exported to jpg files. The jpg files would be overlaying the video or audio track in the video. This way the page-turning would be built to support the flow of music.

The latest addition to the methods is the pause between verses for resting of the singers and the time for reading and responding to the sentences on the screen. Recording the demonstration of reading and singing is a big challenge because it is very easy to make mistakes at different points in the flow every time the recording is tried. Fortunately, the recording is for demonstration rather than performance. The reading and singing in the demonstration focus on the enunciation rather than beauty nor perfection.

Video clips are selected to form the web to show various ways of singing and presentation reflecting different ways of interpretation. The briefing on #708, Great is Thy Faithfulness, is more like a praise song than a conventional hymn for congregational singing in a worship service. This song is not included in the PCT hymnal for good reasons. The lyrics tell God what we know about Him, like a laundry list.

This song helps me think about what a hymn should be. At this moment I have not studied the definition and the criteria of hymn yet.

The majority of the recordings I found is sung by choirs rather than ordinary congregations. They are more for performance than singing in a worship service.


這首讚美詩寫於1986年,那年我畢業於哥倫比亞大學。它最初以國歌為生命,後來改編為讚美詩。據記載,《無盡讚美詩》的作曲家兼作家娜塔莉·史里斯的靈感來自詩人艾略特·T·S·艾略特(T. S. Eliot)的一句台詞:“我的結局是我的起點。”完成後不久,提交人的丈夫被診斷出患有癌症,並在葬禮上演唱了原版的國歌。直到1990年代初至中旬的某個時候,當我參加弗吉尼亞州長老會牧師的葬禮並第一次聽到這首歌時,我才意識到這首讚美詩。它的優美,簡單以及歌詞中包含的聲音神學立即讓我震驚。








----- 7:11 2020/7/11

This week I would try to insert some paragraphs of interpretation between the demonstrated verses of singing. This way we can increase the depth and the width of the learning.


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