Saturday, August 26, 2017

Ministry through Churchseeing 觀光宣教

It would be beneficial to find ways to contribute to the society at large, as a church of immigrants with multiple culture and multiple races/ethnicity . (This is the same directions in my quests for re-engineering the Taiwanese Association of America in St. Louis. )

One of the easiest things to do is to develop ministry through sightseeing. I try to call it specifically "churchseeing" for the special connotation different from general sightseeing.  The goal is to encourage visitations and sharing of testimonies from the members of the host society through our congregational services that facilitate one another to learn the art of testimony-sharing, which is essential in career development. Guiding the visitors is a very fundamental skills in the job market as well as a fundamental skill of working with the Lord by the Christians.  

Not only can we realize and vitalize our faith through the activities of churchseeing-ministry we can also mobilize the community at large, including the other churches of the Presbytery to participate in active life of witnessing the gospel.

The keys might include "what to manifest" and "how to manifest" 關鍵在於可能呈現什麼與如何呈現。(12:31pm - 12:45 2018/6/21)
As a church of immigrants with multiple culture and multiple races/ethnicity, we need to find ways to contribute to the society at large . (This is the same directions in my quests for re-engineering the Taiwanese Association of America in St. Louis. )

One of the simplest things to do is to develop ministry through sightseeing. I try to call it specifically "churchseeing". The goal is to encourage visitations and sharing of testimonies from the members of the host society at the same time through our services that facilitate others to learn the art of testimony-sharing. Guiding the visitors is a very fundamental skills in the job market as well as a fundamental skill of working with the Lord by the Christians.  

Not only can we realize and vitalize our faith through the activities of churchseeing-ministry we can also mobilize the community at large, including the other churches of the Presbytery to participate in active life of witnessing the gospel.

The keys might include "what to manifest" and "how to manifest" 關鍵在於可能呈現什麼與如何呈現。(21:49 2017/9/8)
The following news article mentions a chocolate factory has made a living through making a life. 下列這篇報導所提到的巧克力工廠可以說是透過觀光活動服務「因著活出來,促成活下去」

不可思議!這家公司倒閉了,450萬人搶著捐款,硬生生給救活了! - 壹讀


現在 2017/9/6 5:03 增加一項實案。

另一個案例:2017/9/8 21:20

a great case in Tâi-tang, (Taitung, 台東) 

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