Saturday, August 26, 2017

Video recording of personal testimonies of faith and faith journeys

As the technology, the tools, and platforms of video recording and internet applications become affordable and popular, the video recording of Christian witnesses become the best way of spreading the gospel because it works beyond the limit of time, space, and culture. 當影音記錄和網際網路的科技、工具、平台都變成許多人負擔的起而且普遍被接受之後,基督徒的見證影片已經成為最好的佈道媒介之一,因為超越時間、空間、和文化的界限了。

Here is a consent form that I have adjusted from an old form used in 2009 in Washington, Missouri.
The Word file is available for download and revision as needed.  誰都可以下載這個文書檔來更改、使用。

We, the undersigned, were given sufficient instructions about the purposes, the effects, of exposing personal testimonies for video recording as a form of personal memorabilia as well as a medium for helping the spiritual growth in or outside the church and the risks of being misinterpreted or abused. 我們下列簽署者已經接收到足夠有關展露出個人見證錄影下來,做為「個人紀念品、同時幫助教會裡外他人在靈性上成長」的目的、效果、以及風險的說明,
We understand that anyone involved in the recording has the rights and opportunity to remain silent, stop the processing, leave, or asking to erase what have been recorded for any reason; should any uneasiness emerges in the process; the recording operator, Anthony H. Su, of 956 Chesterfield Villas Circle, Chesterfield, Mo. 63017, accessible through telephone number 314-888-5258 or 314-488-5150, would stop the recording and help to ease the discomfort; without our authorization the video product would remain our private possession with exclusive rights of viewing; while the memory devices, camcorder, and computers are utilized the recorder/editor, Anthony H. Su, would exercise his ethical, spiritual, and professional judgment to protect the privacy, our personal rights and benefits; there is no monetary obligation of our part involved in this exercise. 我們知道每一位牽涉到這場錄影的人,一旦在過程中感覺不平安,都有權利和機會以任何理由不講話、停止錄影、離開現場、或要求刪除已經錄好的部分;而操作錄影者,住在956 Chesterfield, Villas Cir, Chesterfield, Mo. 透過 314-888-5258 or 314-488-5150 聯繫得到的蘇希三,會停止錄影、幫助我們解除焦慮;已經錄好的成品在沒有我們授權情況下是我們的私人只有我們有權觀看;他會根據工作倫理、靈性考量、及專業判斷維護那些記錄影像的工具以便適度地保護我們們的隱私、個人權利、和利益;我們沒有義務為這場錄影負擔任何金錢。
With the above understanding we voluntarily agree to provide our personal testimonies to be recorded on _____________________, at _____________________ _______________________________________________________ for the ministries of the Taiwanese Presbyterian Church of Greater St. Louis. Our agreements also cover the minors with ages noted below. 根據前述的認知,我們志願同意於 (時間日期)  在 (地點)提出個人見證做為聖路易地區台灣人長老教會錄影宣教之用。
May God bless these special efforts of participating in the Great Commission and let our testimonies help spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth. 願上帝祝福格外出力參加祂的大使命,而讓福音傳到地極的人。
The wording as well as the content of the consent form will be revised and improved continuously, even retrospectively.
Here is an outline to help the preparation of the sharing: 下面是一個簡單的大綱,或許能幫助你想出一些話

  1. My growing up 我的成長過程 
  2. Becoming a Christian 我如何成為基督徒
  3. Special points of faith in my life and the evolution, as a Christian, of these points 我的生命過程中,做為基督徒,信仰上的重大要點及其轉變、成形過程
  4. my occupation, profession, and the evolution of them -- how I make a living 我的職業、專業以及演化過程 (我是如何活下去的)
  5. Testimonies of how I make a life (mine or others) 我「活出來」的見證
  6. Special interests concerning my life 我生命裡的特殊趣點
  7. My visions and/or plans regarding the followings: 我有關下列事項的願景/計畫
    • my family 我的家庭
    • persons around me 身邊的人
    • the world around me (short and/or long-term views) 身邊的世界(短程/長程的觀點)

1 comment:

  1. 我们所有人都意识到,任何积极参与记录的人都有权力和机会英文 代 写保持安静,停止实际的消化,离开或甚至请求,以便准确地删除刚刚记录的事件 任何原因 在过程中应该有任何不安。
