Friday, June 16, 2017

Field Study 002 田野調查 preparation ==>

2017/6/16 8:59
Although it is supposed to be a course of teaching and learning without preparation, as a sample/experiment of chat-i-rum, or chattirum, I cannot help but trying to thing through something while waiting for some people to call for a lesson. 

What can we extend from the closing of the first lesson? Here are some that might trigger some new thoughts.
We can deal with some practical stuff in the Lesson 2. What comes to my mind is "how to capture on the spot if not using questionaire?"
The issues of "types of information to be gathered, or gatherable" will come along when we deal with the tools and the techniques.




我用符號、代碼來代表不同的人。 其實,弄錯人也無傷大雅,因為在這情況下,不在乎是誰講的。
分享對話過程在於傳播「對話式」跟「提問式」的教學法。這種教學法在台灣太少了。到國際上有點吃虧。 我們太習慣快速取得標準答案,記住,掏出來運用。遇到新難題時則不知所措。 進入田野,尤其是在野地,就是會遇到陌生的難題。在田裡,可能是秩序井然、有路可走的。

OK, I will start with how to capture the harvest in the field.  好,就來談談如何捕捉豐收所得。
 In a simple way, it is about document the findings in the field. 簡單說,就是如何收集、記錄在田野發現的事情。

Every field of knowledge and profession has unique types of findings and challenges in capturing and documenting.

The biologists and the archaeologists bring home the real objects that require special treatment, protection, and transportation.

The behavioral scientists tend to have nothing substantial.  They bring home information instead. The new image and sound technology makes it possible for the behavioral scientists to bring home products converted from their findings through photographing and recording.

What are the challenges in capturing the findings imaginable? 有關捕捉所獲,想像得到的困難有哪些?

Using questionnaire involve special considerations that require special sessions of instructions and discussion. They are available in the textbooks and articles in professional journals I guess. 使用問表牽涉到特殊的考量,需要另行陳述、解說、討論。我猜想那些訊息好像教科書跟專業期刊裡看得到。

So, what are left for us to chew on in this humble classroom? 在我們這個微不足道的課堂裡還有什麼可談呢?

Remembering that we all doing field work every day in many different fields, what challenges have we met in capturing what we learn? 記得我曾提到說我們每天都在不同的領域裡進行田野工作,我們曾經遭遇到哪些「記載所獲」的挑戰?

First of all, we can list all the methods, techniques, and tools we know. 首先,我們可以列出我們已經知道,可以用來記錄收穫的方法、技術、跟工具。 

開啟第二課XDD 田野調查時要如何建立信任?
可能是降低自己被拒絕的頻率XDD 或是如何讓雙方互有受惠
或許是讓對方(被調查人)有一種好像是跟自己(調查人)共同完成一件對彼此都很重要或者是彼此都有興趣的事情。 是否有具體方法來慢慢達成以上理想?

「信任」牽涉到什麼、包含什麼、有什麼現像、什麼好處、什麼成本? 「缺乏信任」有什麼壞處、徵兆、症狀?
這是第一時間內想到的。 現在需要就寢,明晚活動結束後再來扯些



聽起來好像有個前題,雙方互不認識。 其實認識也不保證互信。 合作關係的要素好像不只是信任。,,,是否認同研究題目及方法也會影響合作的品質。

陳文海 added 林于煖.

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