Saturday, July 29, 2017

Church Information

Every organization cannot live without information
There are many areas and lessons to be developed and learned regarding church information.
There are many issues to be addressed regarding the usage, application, management, and archiving of church information. 有關教會資訊的使用、應用、經營、保存牽涉到許多議題需要探討、論述。
  1. The sources - the information in the Bible and from the Bible 聖經--基督信仰的源頭訊息以及源自聖經的相關訊息
  2. The Sermons 講道
  3. The hymns and the hymnals 聖詩和聖詩集
  4. The liturgy 禮拜用資訊(包括宣召、祈禱文...)
  5. The Church Bulletin 教會週報或禮拜順序單
  6. The church newsletter  教會週報
  7. The church letters (added 19:55 2017/7/31) 信件
  8. The church bulletin board.佈告版
  9. The church library圖書室
  10. The church announcement and flyers 教會傳單
  11. The rosters 名冊
  12. The minutes of meetings and decisions. 會議紀錄及決策記錄相關的文件
  13. The records and statistics of activities 活動的紀錄和統計
  14. The financial books 財物帳冊
  15. The reports of all kinds, including the ones for the annual membership meeting 各樣報告書
  16. Testimonies of the members (added 0:06 2017/8/26) 會員/會友見證
2017/7/31 There could be some major informological dimensions/factors crossing all the categories. Generally, in the data management profession the followings have been itentified:

  1. creator and the authorizer of data / information 資訊的製作者、授權者
  2. steward and stewardship of data / information 資訊的保管者
  3. rights to view / use 使用權限
  4. rights to modify / correct 更改的權限
  5. sources 資訊源頭
  6. transferring agents, if any 移轉者
  7. retention periods 保存期限
  8. rights to dispose and the methods of disposition 拋棄的權限及方法
  9. information types - e.g. drafts, announcement, news forecast / report, minuets, literal writing, legal document, original/duplicate/translation, etc.  資訊的種類
  10. effectivity with start-stop dates 效用及效期
  11. ...

Generally speaking, the control and the management of information require the attention to the following areas 一般而言,管理與經營資訊時需要顧及下列數項:(也需要持續更新這些項目)

  1. the unit of information: single word, string of word, paragraph, chapter, book, page, line, article,  資訊的單位: 單字、字串、段落、章節、書、頁、行、文章、等等
  2. the sources of information , including the original maker those with rights to correct or update, the required ability/rights of the original maker of the documents and the consequential maintainers 資訊來源:包括最初製作者;有權更正、更新者;原始文獻製作者與更新者的條件與訓練
  3. the form and formats of the information and the media: words, sound, images, single sheet, book, magazine, certificate, electronic file, optical disc, photograph print, audio tape, video tape, etc. 資訊型態與媒體:文字、聲音、影像、單章、書冊、期刊、證書、電子檔、光碟片、像片、錄音帶、錄影帶、等等
  4. The attributes of the information: numeral, characters or alphabets, image, etc.資訊本質:數字、文字、圖像、等等
  5. the rules and regulations for the making and updating of the information 製造與更新的規矩與規範
  6. major and/or the original usage 主要/最初用途
  7. extended usage (known / potential ) 延伸用途(已知與潛在)
  8. Period of storage: required by the laws, for historical value, the time limit when in use, the gaps of accessibility when in use (inactive for update or maintenance) 保存期限:法律規範的期限、歷史價值的期限、使用中的可取擷期限及休息(更新/維修)期限
  9. The needs for protection: personal privacy, business privacy, management privacy, propriety copyright, rights of writership 保護需求:個人隱私、商業隱私、管理隱私、著作財產權、著作人格權、原貌及媒體功能

  • informology is a term I frame to mean the knowledge of and about information. 「資訊學」是我自創的名詞,意指有關「資訊」的知識。

Here is a sample of how a pastor might inspire, lead, and teach through writing. 下面是一個範例,展現出牧者可能如何透過寫作引發、領導、教導
The original letter is in Chinese. 原文是中文。
Try to list the key elements of writing in the letter. 試著列出信裡的寫作元件看看。
Subject: 最後機會,請趕快報名暑期營會 The last opportunity, hurry to sign up for the summer events.
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2017 02:02:13 +0000
From: Mei-Hui Lai <>
To: PCUSA Asian

親愛的牧長兄姐收信平安:Peace be with you, dear sisters, brothers, and the pastors,

近日一些事工帶來許多鼓舞歡欣,與你們分享。I would like to share with you some the encouraging experiences in my ministry.

The workshop for studying the "study edition of the letters to the Galatians" in Chicago is like a weekday Bible study class gathering all participants together. It took place in the newly remodeled fellowship hall of the Chicago church (Taiwanese church assumed?). Almost every family involved has bought an 8-volume set of the study edition brought to the site by a Pakistani pastor. Everybody was excited about utilizing the set in the future Bible study activities.

隔天我跑去參加菲裔教會主日禮拜,下午該教會韓裔牧師帶領十位長執,巴基斯坦牧者也帶來六位長執,一起來台灣教會參加芝城地區的教會牧長聯合事工研討會。大家有非常美好的事工研討與交流,預定八月中將一起前往參與菲裔教會的郊外野餐活動,十二月初則參與巴基斯坦教會的音樂文化活動,並往後的其他事工交流。好不熱絡!The next day I went to join a Sunday worship of a congregation of Philippine heritage. In the afternoon, the pastor, an Korean, of that Philippine church brought ten of their church officers, along with the Pakistani pastor with six of his church officers, attended the joint ministry study of the Taiwanese congregations in the Chicago area. We had wonderful sharing and study. We also planned to participate in the picnic of the Philippine congregation in August and the cross-cultural music sharing at the Pakistani church in December, and many other activities to come. What a warm feeling!

轉往紐澤西參加了佳壇教會接待的日本中學生的手鐘團演奏會,吸引了滿堂附近台灣同鄉們的熱情參與與掌聲,真是盛夏的一大美好饗宴!週末則參加了東區聯合靈修會,除了紐約紐澤西各教會的踴躍出席,還首次迎來費城教會牧者兄姐的參加!接受陳中潔牧師老當益壯的信仰挑戰!好多青年的與會,好多不同的講堂,讓老中青歡聚一堂,真是無比的精彩歡樂!I turned to New Jersey to join the Taiwanese Presbyterian Church of NJ in greeting the high school bell choir from Japan. The choir receive the warm reception and appraisal from the Taiwanese in the community where the church locates. That was a beautiful feast in the hot summer! During the weekend, I participated in the joint retreat of the Eastern Taiwanese Presbyterian Churches. In addition to the enthusiastic attendance from the churches in New York and New Jersey, we greeted the participants from Philadelphia for the first time.  We encountered the "older-and-stronger" challenges of faith from the Rev. Tiong-kiat Tan,  There were many young people in the retreat and many concurrent sessions to bring the people of different generations together. That was wonderful joy unparalleled.

主日我參訪了在紐約的六間亞裔長老教會,在兩間華人教會遇見兩位年輕新牧者,在巴基斯坦教會則遇見熱情歡迎,他們熱鬧的詩歌音樂充滿歡欣愉悅。泰國教會青年說想進神學院,帶他與中會總幹事見面分享,真是充滿新希望的一天!Sunday, I visited 6 Presbyterian churches of Asian heritage and met two young pastors at two Chinese churches and encountered warm and enthusiastic welcome at the Pakistani church full of pleasant joy. I took a young man at the Thai church expressed the desire of studying theology. I took him to meet the Presbyter to share the vision. That was a day full of hope!

禮拜一開車抵費城,在日本教會女牧師的家則遇見一位熱情的菲裔青年,說他正收集預備資料,準備到日本東京參與人口販賣蒙難者之救援工作,參訪費城中會,他們正在慶祝三百週年的宣教。Monday, I drove to Philadelphia and met a young Philippine man at the home of the pastor of a Japanese church. He shared with me his preparation for participating in the rescue work for victims of human trafficking in Japan. I visited the Presbytery center where a celebration of the three-hundred-year anniversary of ministry was going on.

禮拜二來到Charlotte,年輕的緬甸牧師所服務的Providence長老教會正慶祝兩百五十週年,見識到東岸有著眾多會友的長老教會,海內外宣教歷史悠久而熱情持續;也去參訪了Billy Graham Library與BBC總部,學習到運用媒體的巨大影響力與凝聚力道,捐款以少聚多都以百萬美金計算,在全世界所作的多語言福音傳播無遠弗屆,許多有心的工作者長年在此默默耕耘!令人讚嘆!I arrived Charlotte where the Providence Presbyterian Church, served by a young Burmese pastor, was celebrating 250th anniversary.  I had some first-hand exposure to the East Coast where population of Presbyterians is high with both domestic and foreign mission work has long history and is continuing. I also visited the Billy Graham Library and the headquarter of BBC and learned something about the influential and cohering power of mass media and the effect of small donation, .

這個週末也有Charlotte地區性的亞裔聯合事工研討會,之後我將沿路探訪,開車南下前往佛州參加有色婦女集會與新移民女牧者之聚會。There is a joint seminar on Asian ministry in the Charlotte area, this weekend. After that I will drive southward to Florida for gatherings of the colored women and the gathering of the female pastors of new immigrants and continue visitation on the way.

不久即將在亞特蘭大舉行的研習會,敬請把握最後機會報名哦!歡迎參加!We will have seminar in Atlanta. Remember to catch the last opportunity for singing up. You are welcome to join!

長老會的歷史:改革與不斷改革 The history of Presbyterian Church: reformed and reforming continuously

在美國建立多文化和包容性教會的挑戰和應許 The challenges and promises of establishing multi-cultural and inclusive congregation.

2017 牧長信徒研習會,8月14-18 日在哥倫比亞神學院舉開。Christian seminar for the pastor, and the lay, August 14-18, 2017 at Columbia Seminary.

好多人在問詢與報名,請趕快報名。詳見報名表 Many people are inquiring and registering. Hurry up! see the registration form.

各項暑期營會,請爭取機會與會,請勿錯過,加油再出發!There are many summer activities available. Don't hesitate and miss. Refuel, re-energize, and re-start.

盼不久相見!Hope to see you soon!

平安 peace

美蕙 Mei-huei

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