Monday, July 31, 2017

Study sermons

TPCSTL-all July 23, 2017
  1. How could we approach a sermon before we actually hear it? 我們能夠如何接觸一篇還沒有聽到的講道?I mean as soon as the title and the related Scripture are available, the study could start. This is what I need when I try to forecast the sermon in the newsletter sent out before Sunday.

    Right now I am trying the question-based-question-oriented method of learning. 目前我在嘗試「基於疑問、指向疑文」的學習法。

    From the title:
    1. how to translate into English properly? 如何恰當地譯成英文?"The rules in the home of God", "the rules applicable in God's home?",... is it about the home or the family... 這是在談住家還是家庭呢?
    2. who are the maker and the interpreters of the rules? 規矩是由誰訂定、解釋的呢?
    3. how the violations are recognized and prosecute? 犯規怎麼看出來,怎麼起訴?
    4. is everyone qualified to make judgmental ruling? 每個人都具有審判的資格嘛?
TPCSTL-all July 9, 2017
  1. One of the foundation for studying and learning from sermon is to put aside judgmental urge and hypothesize that the sermon carries profound messages for us to ponder for the rest of our life. Never try to think that the sermon is good or bad. 研讀講道跟從講道學習的基本功夫之一就是把論斷的衝動擺一邊,假設正在處理的講道包含一些奧秘,足以讓我們搞一輩子。不要嘗試去判斷一篇講道好或是不好。
  2. Christians are characterized by continuous learning and growing rather than memorizing many dos and donts. 基督徒的特質在於不斷地繼續學習、繼續成長,而不是背誦許多「誡命」。
A case of sermon and the following studies - "Family" at TPC-STL in English.
live recording
Stages/levels of sermon study as suggested in the Sunday School class called Wilderness at TPCSTL:
  1. Compare "What I hear as I remember".
  2. Compare "What I understand as I hear and remember".
  3. Compare "What I understand as what the preacher means"
  4. Compare "What I guess that the preacher skip for me to figure out."
  5. Compare "My questions about what I hear".
  6. Compare "My guessed answers to the questions".
  7. Derive the theology and the faith-related issues based on what we hear and guess.
  8. Interpret what we hear and guess for application in life.

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