Thursday, July 20, 2017

Lead a Christian Worship Service as a liturgist

We can handle this subject in three levels: basic, intermediate, fluent.

  • Basic
  1. Appearance - avoid distracting the congregation from the liturgy to the person handling the liturgy.
  2. the sound - aiming at the people at the farthest location and limited ability of your languages
    1. volume of speaking - 
    2. volume singing - with confidence, sing into the microphone to play the role of a lead singer; otherwise, without confidence, stay away from the microphone to sing as one of the congregation. 
    3. enunciation - emphasize the consonant with clear attack that reflects the certainty of the intention
    4. tempo - properly slow for the non-primary users of the language as well as those with hearing difficulty

  3. Selection of liturgical writings: Using generic existing liturgical writings, published or not, try to apply properly. Be "generic", without specific reference to special days or special teachings.
  4. Enunciation:  focusing on loudness, flowing, rhythm, and clarity. 
  5. Minimize mistakes in sequences, timing, wording, pitches of sound, etc.
  • Intermediate
  1. Selection of liturgical writings: write your own liturgical statements
    1. from personal experiences in spiritual growth
    2. from Sunday School learning
    3. from the sermons in the past
    4. from other sources of inspiration, e.g. web sites
  2. Compensate for whatever going wrong
  • Fluent
  1. Selection of liturgical writings: write your own liturgical statements that reflect or facilitate the whole worship services, in sermon or other factors. 
    1. from the Scripture reading for the Sunday worship scheduled to be the liturgist. 
    2. from the sermon for the Sunday worship scheduled to be the liturgist. 
  2. Enhance the effect of worship avoiding perceived misconception of "showing off"

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