Monday, July 17, 2017

Unofficial introduction to the church building of Taiwanese Presbyterian Church of Greater St. Louis

  1. The church is built on a land given by the Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy. 這個禮拜堂建在一塊由長老教會中會所提供的土地上。
  2. The land was originally a farm land purchased for new church development. It satisfies the minimum required size of 5 acres.這塊土地原本就是中會為開拓新教會而買的,因此這土地面積符合中會的最低標準 — 5 英畝。
  3. The site was considered not suitable for the convenience of transportation to and from where the majority of the founding members live when first introduced by the Presbytery. 這塊土地最初被認為不適當,因為距離大部分創會會員的住家較遠。
  4. It was after the construction of highway 141 was announced and the building committee gave up many potential plots we started to re-consider this lot. 公告建設141快速道路之後,建堂委員會放棄幾十個地點後才覺得這塊地可以成為有效的選項。
  5. The building committee ran a special workshop over a weekend led by a church architect from Taiwan to learn the arts and the methods of church design and construction.建堂委員會請台灣專門設計、建築禮拜堂的建築師來進行一次週末的研習會,一起學習設計及建築禮拜堂的方法。
  6. A local architect, who, with experiences in 250+ cases of designing and constructing church buildings and a member of neighboring Bonhomme Presbyterian church, was recommended by the Presbytery。中會推薦一位有250件建堂經驗的建築師。他是鄰近斑濃長老教會的會員。
  7. The building committee found out that the innovative design reflected the concepts of the building committee very well. 建堂委員會發現建築師所提出的設計很快就跟委員會提出的概念非常貼切。
  8. The primary innovation is in the space that facilitates the teaching of Jesus, cited by the committee,  “…go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.” (Matthew 5:24) 創意主要在使空間支持建堂委員所提,實踐耶穌所說:「…先去與弟兄和好,然後才來獻你的供物」。
  9. The design guides the participants into the open fellowship hall before entering the sanctuary or any spaces of other functions and re-enter the common space to live up the lessons learned. 這設計引導人們在進入禮拜廳或其他用途的空間之前先進入開放的共用大廳,然後回到公共大廳去實踐所學。
  10. The open fellowship hall makes it possible to see everyone entering the church and easy for new comers to feel at home by seeing everything without waiting for guides. 開放的交誼廳使新來的人很容易就受到關注,立刻覺得自在,因為一目瞭然,沒有神秘感,不必等人引導。
  11. This addresses the needs of an immigrants' congregation where a unified theology might not flow and variant and complicate cultures and possibly contradicting interests could be common scenes. 這反映台灣人移民教會的特殊情境 —單一神學不存在,而差異、複雜、甚至互相抵觸的利益卻可能是常態。
  12. The fellowship hall, like the front yard in the traditional Taiwanese residence, is the most used space that consumes more energy than the surrounding rooms except the kitchen. The design call for every room to contribute lighting and aesthetic view in addition to the innovative vertical skylight that minimizes direct sun burn.
  13. Flexibility and multiple functions have been a priority in the original design to remind that Christians perform multiple functions for the Lord rather than being limited to single functions.設計時優先考量彈性與多功能。這提醒我們基督徒要為上帝發揮許多功能,而不拘限於單一功能。
  14. The lighting in the common hall utilizes direct sun light and those passing through the surrounding rooms. This reminds that every component of the church contributes to the commonality of the church. 交誼廳的光線包含直接的日光與各個周邊房間所傳輸的光線,提醒大家,教會的各單位都要對共同體提出貢獻。
  15. At the pulpit the preacher is constantly alert of what's going on beyond the protected sanctuary because of the see-through glass. 透明的玻璃,使得講道者隨時會注意到庇護中的禮拜廳之外還有世界。
  16. As Jesus mentioned that worshipping God is not limited to form or location, those serving in the hall can see, hear, and participate in the worship services. 回應耶穌所說,敬拜上帝不拘形式與地點,這個設計使得留在大廳服事的人在禮拜進行中仍能看見、聽到、參與禮拜的進行。
  17. The building has designed intentionally without columns and corridor to make every inch of spaces functional in multiple ways.故意使整個建築物裡面看不到柱子與走廊。這表示每個單位都需要派上用場發揮多元用途。
  18. There is no wall for hanging portraits, common in many church buildings. A sign at the entry displays the pledge to glorify God rather than individuals, such as those donated for the stained glasses that upgrade the building. 到處沒有牆壁可掛許多教會建築物裡看得到的人像。大門旁有顯示要將榮耀歸於上帝,而不是任何個人,如,特別捐贈追加免窗簾、免清理的彩色玻璃而使建築升格的人。

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