Monday, July 17, 2017

Smart Guy Syndrome 高手症候群

A syndrome is a set of medical signs and symptoms that are correlated with each other. The word derives from the Greek σύνδρομον, meaning "concurrence".[1] In some instances, a syndrome is so closely linked with a pathogenesis or cause that the words syndrome, disease, and disorder end up being used interchangeably for them. 

I have talked about 電腦高手症候群 since 1995 when I taught "Introduction to Computer" in Taiwan.
Now, July 17, 2017, I ran across this web page using the same term talking about something slightly different. - 黑暗執行緒

The syndrome of a smart guy that I have observed include the followings: (21:25 July 17, 2017)
  1. The smart guys learn with the depth, the width, the timing, or the tempo of learning exceeding that of the peers.
  2. The smart guys might not be the favorite choices of working partners because the not-as-smart partners might end up appearing to be less qualified and feeling embarrassed.
  3. The smart guess might become targets of attacks from the less smart partners. 
The smart guys could prevent the ill-effect of the syndromes by doing the followings:
  1. Patiently share the knowledge with the less-smart people.
  2. Provide timely help  to the less-smart people without asking for payment.
  3. Acknowledge the contributions of the less-smart people and share the gain with them.

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