Saturday, January 12, 2019

Goa-Talk (Góa-Talk) 「我講」遊戲

Goa-Talk, jī-bīn ê ì-sù to-sī “Góa lâi kóng-ōe”, sī chi̍t-ê ui-tio̍h Sin-lū-ì Tâi-oân Tông-hiong-hōe beh tī 2019nî 2goe̍h 2 ji̍t chin-hêng ê “Sin-chhun chhan-hōe” khai-hoat ê thoân-thé iû-hì.
Goa-Talk, literally means Me-Talk, is a new game developed for the upcoming gathering of Lunar New Year celebration dinner of TAASTL, on February 2, 2019.

Chit-ê iû-hì ê chú-iàu bo̍k-te̍k chāi-tī “ēng sim-sek koh ū ì-gī ê gô͘-lo̍k lâi thiⁿ-móaⁿ chú-tê ián-káng kàu sòaⁿ-hōe chêng ê gû-hèng sî-kan.
The primary purpose of this game is to fill the time following the keynote speaker throughout the end of the gathering with fun and unforgettably meaningful recreation.

Chit-ê iû-hì ê kò͘-sióng sī tùi Hi-bāng Hn̂g-teng Ki-kim-hōe tī 2018 nî nî-té tú-chiah khai-sí gián-hoat ê G-Talk (Hn̂g-teng ê Ōe) lâi ê. Kî-si̍t, mā-sī tùi Sin-lō͘-ì Tâi-oân Tông-hiong-hōe kúi-nî-lâi tī chū-hōe tiong chhì pān lūi-sū ê hap-sian oa̍h-tāng lúi-chek ê keng-giām ián-pàin chhut-lâi ê.
這個遊戲的構想是從希望園丁基金會剛剛在去年年底啟動研發的G-Talk (園丁的話)衍生來的。其實,也是新路意台灣同鄉會數年來在聚會中嘗試過的類似的聊天遊戲所累積而衍生的。
This game is developed from the idea of G-Talk being developed by the Gardeners’ of Hope, beginning on the last day of 2018. Actually, it also emerges from the accumulation of similar activities tried over several years in the TAASTL events.

Chit-ê iû-hì ê tiong-sim sī hap-sian, á-sī kóng liâu-thian, bô-lūn sī ū kè-ōe ê á-sī lîm-sî puh chhut-lâi ê.
The core mechanisms of this game is “chatting”, improvised or not.

Ē-bīn sī soán-te̍k èng-iōng “hap-sian” ê lí-iû:
The chatting is selected for the reasons listed here:

  1. Hap-sian sī múi-chi̍t-êlâng lóng su-iàu, mā long su-iàu kè-sio̍k khai-hoat, ián-liān ê kì-khiáu.「聊天」是每個人都需要具有,且需要繼續開發、演練的技巧。It is a skill that everybody has and need to develop continuously.
  2. Hap-sian sī ē-sái su-sian chún-pī mā tio̍h-ài lîm-ki-èng-piàn ê oa̍h-tāng.「聊天」是可以是先準備或是(也需要)臨機應變的活動。It is an activity that can be carried out with preparation as well as on-the-fly.
  3. Hap-sian ē-sái tn̂g mā ē-sái té. Bô-siū sî-kan hān-chè.「聊天」的執行,可長可短,不受時間限制。It could be carried out with any length of time..

Ē-bīn sī soán-te̍k Goa-Talk ê lí-iu:選擇應用 Goa-Talk 的理由如下:The Goa-Talk is selected for the reasons listed here.
  1. Bô su-iàu jīm-hô châi-bū ū-soàn. 不需要任何財務預算。 It does not need any budget.
  2. Ē-sái hō͘ jīm-hô lâng chú-chhî, bô su-iàu jīm-hô kì-khiáu á-sī keng-giām. 可由任何人主持,不需具備任何技巧或經驗。 It could be hosted by anybody, without specific skills nor experiences.
  3. Ē-sái sûi-hèng chìn-hêng, bôit-tēng ài sū-sian chún-pī. 可以隨即興進行,不一定要事先準備。 It could be implemented without much preparation.
  4. Bô su-iàu jīm-hô te̍k-sû ê siat-pī á-sī khì-châi. 不需要準備任何特定設備或器材。 It does not require any special equipment.
  5. Chit-ê iû-hì ū “chhui-hòa tī chū-hōe tiong á-sī chū-hōe āu ê jîn-chè hō͘-tōng kap hō͘-siong sio-bat” ê kong-lêng. 這遊戲具有催化在聚會中或聚會後人際互動與互相認識的功能。It facilitates interactions and knowing-one-another in the gathering.
  6. Chit-ê iû-hì ū “chhui-hòa ‘pī-chiap-siū-kám’ á-sī ‘jīn-tông’ kám” ê kong-lêng.這遊戲具有催化「被接受感」或是「認同感」的潛在功能。It facilitates the sense of being accepted or “in”.
  7. Chit-ê iû-hì ū “chhui-hòa ‘hia̍p-chō͘ thoân-thé thàu-kòe cheng-chìn sêng-oân kan in-ūi hō͘-siong jīn-sek hoat-tián chhut-lâi ê gêng-chū la̍t (kiat-liân chò-hóe ê la̍t )’ ê kong-lêng.”這遊戲具有催化協助團體透過增進成員間互相認識而發展「凝聚力」的潛在功能。It helps the group develop coherence through an increased understanding of one another.

Chia ū kúi-hāng ki-pún goân-chek: 基本原則如下: The basic principles
  1. Kó͘-lē chham-ú chiá pī-bián kóng-chhut kūi-sū “kóng-liáu chin-hó”, “kò͘-sū kóng m̄-tio̍h lah”, téng-téng chò-chhut “kè-ta̍t phòaⁿ-toàn” ê giân-lūn. 鼓勵參與者避免講出,類似,「講得很好」、「故事講錯了」,等等,「價值判斷」的話語。Encourage the participants to refrain from making value judgments , e.g., that's a wonderful speech, that’s a wrong story, etc.
  2. Kó͘-lē chham-ú chiá pi-bián kóng-chhut “hián-sī ka-kī á-sī pa̍t-lâng ê sêng-chiū á-sī chhong-bêng châi-tiāu ê ōe-gú”. 鼓勵參與者避免講出顯示個人或其他某人的成就或聰明才智的話語。Encourage the participants to refrain from boasting own or others’ achievements or smartness.
  3. Kó͘-lē chham-ú chiá kóng-chhut pa̍t-lâng ê kòng-hiàn, bô-lūn ū chí-miâ á-sī bô chí-miâ long-hó.鼓勵參與者講出他人的貢獻,指名與否都可以。Encourage the participants to acknowledge contributions of others, named or not.
  4. Kó͘-lē chham-ú chiá sûi-hèng kong-khai kóng-ōe. (chiū-sī bô sū-sian chún-pī ê kong-khai kóng-ōe) 鼓勵參與者即興公開講話。(就是沒有事先準備的公開講話) Encourage the participants to speak without preparation.
  5. Kó͘-lē chham-ú chiá tī iok-tēng ê sî-kan hoān-ûi lāi ôa-sêng kóng-ōe. 鼓勵參與者在約定的時間(3-5分鐘)內講完話。 Encourage the participants to speak within time limit of 3-5 minutes.
  6. Kó͘-lē chham-ú chiá liān-si̍p “ín-khí lâng chù-ì, pang-chān lâng kì ē-tiâu” ê kì-khiáu. 鼓勵參與者練習開發「引人注意」、「促進聽者記住」的技巧。 Encourage the participants to develop skills of catching and retaining attention.
  7. Kó͘-lē chham-ú chiá hó-hó ūn-iōng lûn-tio̍h ê ki-hōe ka-kī liān-si̍p á-sī chò pa̍t-lâng ê sī-hoān, pī-bián chin-chhái èng-hù, lâi êng-chō kok-lâng ê siu-sêng. 鼓勵參與者善用輪到的機會,練習或是提供示範,避免打混輕易地應付過去,營造各自的收益。Encourage the participants to utilize the rotated opportunity, for exercises or giving examples, rather than skimping through it, for their own benefits.
  8. Kó͘-lē chham-ú chiá kin-kù “khó-lêng tī chit-ê tiûⁿ-ha̍p lāi khai-hoat sím-mi̍h khoán ê pêng-iú” lâi kóng-ōe. Phí-jū kóng, siūⁿ beh chhōe lú-iû koan-kong ê pengt-iú tō khó-lū ēng lú-iû chò ōe-tê kóng-ōe.鼓勵參與者根據「可能在這個場合內開發哪些類型、類別的朋友」而講話。比方說,想要找旅遊朋友,就考慮以旅遊為話題聊聊。Encourage the participants to speak based on what kinds of friends they would rather develop from the audience. For instance, to find friends who like to go sightseeing, one might talk about sightseeing.

Ki-pún ê thêng-sū: 基本的程序: The basic procedures:
  1. Jû-kó chit-ê thoân-thé m̄-bat ēng kòe chit-ê iû-hì, kiám-chhái thang tùi chú-chhî jîn khai-sí kóng-ōe. 如果這個團體沒有玩過這個遊戲,或許可由主持人帶頭先講。If the game is new to the group the host might speak first with a good example.
  2. Jû-kó chit-ê thoân-thé bat ēng kòe chit-ê iû-hí, iōng thiu-chhiam ê hong-hoat koat-tēng thâu chit-ê kóng-ōe ê lâng kiám-chhái ē khah chhì-khek koh hó-sńg. 如果這個團體玩過這個遊戲,隨機抽出開講的人或許會有刺激又好玩。If the game is not new to the group a random drawing could be exciting and fun.
  3. Thê-kóng chit-ê lia̍t-chhutōe-tê hō͘ lâng kéng ê toaⁿ ē-tàng  pang-chān “bô koàn-sì khui ōe-tê ê lâng” hoaⁿ-hí chham-ú. Hō͘ lâng kéng ê ōe-tê thang pau-hâm chiah-ê lē: 1) Chhiáⁿ lí mn̄g góa chi̍t-ê būn-tê hō͘ góa ìn; 2) kóng chi̍t-hāng lí hiān-chāi khòaⁿ-tio̍h ê tāi-chì á-sī mi̍h-kiāⁿ; 3)kā lâng kóng lí hiān-chāi só͘ chhēng ê saⁿ-khò͘ sī tī tò-ūi bé-ê; 4) kóng-chhut lí sī án-chóaⁿ koat-teng beh lâi chham-ka chit-ê chū-hōe (á-sī lâi kàu chit-ê siâⁿ-chhī, soán-te̍k lí hiān-chāi ê chit-gia̍p á-sī chū-thé, téng-téng). 提供一個話題選項單也許會幫助「不習慣啟動話題的講者」愉快參與。選項可能包括:1)請你問我一個問題讓我回答;2)講出一件你現在樂於看到的事情或物品;3)告訴其他人你現在穿的衣物是在哪裡買的;4)告訴我們你如何決定要參加這次的活動(或是來到這個程式、選擇現在的職業或住宅;等等。Provide a list of topics might help the speakers who did not feel comfortable with his or her own initiatives. The choices could include 1) please ask me a question; 2) say something about what you are glad to see now; 3) Tell others where to buy good clothes like those you are wearing now; 4) Tell us how did you decide to come to this gathering, (this city, the current job, current housing etc.)
  4. Ká-sú múi chi̍t-ūi kóng-ōe ê lâng su-iàu 5 hun-cheng, 10 ê lâng ê thoân-thé su-iàu 50 hun-cheng ôa-sêng chit-ê iû-hì, ká-sú beh hō͘ ta̍k lâng long ū ki-hōe kóng-ōe. 假設每位講者需要五分鐘,一個10人參加的聚集就可能需要有50分鐘完這個遊戲,如果要讓每個人都有機會講話。Assuming and estimating that each speaker needs 5 minutes, 50 minutes would be needed for a group of 10, if everyone needs that opportunity to speak..
  5. Sòa-lòe beh kóng-ōe ê lâng khó-lêng ēng kúi-nā chióng hong-sek sán-seng: 1) chhiáⁿ teh-beh kóng-ōe ê lâng tī khai-sí kóng-ōe í-chêng tāi-seng chí-tēng koh-kòe beh kóng-ōe ê lâng; 2) chhiáⁿ teh-beh kóng-ōe ê lâng tī khai-sí kóng-ōe í-chêng tāi-seng tùi iáu-bōe kóng-kòe ê lâng thiu-chhiam koat-tēng koh-kòe beh kóng ê lâng (ká-sú chham-ka kóng-ōe ê lâng bô chin-chē, ē-sái khó-lū hō͘ kóng-kòe ê lâng chham-ka thiu-chhiam; 3) hō͘ chú-chhî jîn chí-tēng á-sī thiu-chhiam (khahséng sî-kan). 「下一位講者」的產生可能1)由就要開始講話的人開講前指定;2)由正要講話的人從尚未講話的人當中抽籤決定(如果群體人數不多,可以考慮讓講過的人仍有機會講);3)由主持人指名或抽籤決定。The next speaker could be 1) appointed by the current speaker before his or her speech begins; 2) have the current speaker draw a name from the rest of the audience (those finished speaking could be exempted from drawing optionally if the group is large); 3) appointed or drawn by the host/hostess.
  6. Jû-kó chham-ka ê lâng-sò͘ ū-kàu chē, khó-lêng su-iàu sū-sian kóng-hó lóng-chóng ē-tàng hō͘ lōa-chē lâng kóng-ōe. Lâng-sò͘ nā bô chē, ta̍k-lâng long ū khó-lêng kóng kúi-nā piàn, ē-sái tāi-seng kóng-hó beh kóng káu tiâng-sî kiat-sok. 如果參與者人數夠大,可能需要事先講好只能有多少人上台。如果人數不多,每人都可能重複幾次,就可以考慮先設定結束的時刻。Set the number of speakers if the group is large, otherwise, set the ending time where speakers might be repeated drawn or appointed.
  7. Ká-sú sī tē-it-pái ēng chit-ê iû-hì, kiám-chhái chhiáⁿ chòe-āu kóng-ōe ê lâng sūn-soah kóng chhut tùi chit-ê iû-hì ê kám-sióng, pau-hâm iu-tiám kap khoat-tiám, thang chò í-āu ê chham-khó, mā-sī bē-bái. 在第一次玩這個遊戲的情況下,由最後一人分享玩這個遊戲的感想,包括優缺點做為日後改進的參考,或許不錯。It might be good, if the game is new to the group, to have the last person saying something about the game, pro and con.

Thang khó-lū ê chi̍t-hāng tāi-chì: Jû-kó thoân-thé bô chi̍p-thé kū-choa̍t, koh ū hō͘ kóng-ōe ê lâng ū ki-hōe kū-choa̍t, chiong si̍t-hóng lio̍k-iáⁿ khí-lâi khó-lêng ē-tàng chiâⁿ-chò kóng-ōeê lâng tin-kùi thoân hō͘ āu-tāi ê kì-lio̍kiphìⁿ, iā ē-thang hō͘ kóng-ōe ê lâng èng-iōng hoat-hui kî-tha ê hó-chhù. 可考慮選項:如果團體沒有集體拒絕,而且講者有機會表達不願意被錄影或錄音,實況錄影或錄音可能成為講者值得珍藏、為個人好處而應用的紀錄片。 Optional, if no objection is expressed from the group collectively, and the speakers are given opportunity to refuse and be exempted, the live recording could be a precious documentary that the speakers could use for their own benefits.

TAASTL is Taiwanese Association of America in St. Louis. 就是新路意台灣同鄉會。.
FAPAMO is the Missouri chapter of Formosan Association for Public Affairs. FAPAMO 就是「台灣人公共事務協會密蘇里分會」。

台灣同鄉會新路意分會要在二月二日下午五點半起,與台灣人公共事務協會密蘇里分會共同舉辦新春(過就曆年)餐會。詳情請見圖檔跟附件。TAASTL will hold, jointly with FAPAMO, the Lunar New Year dinner on February 2, 2019, from 17:30-21:00. See the attachment for detail.

在餐前,我們會有FAPAMO 安排的專題演講。餐後要推出新設計的「我講」遊戲。We will have a keynote speech arranged by FAPASTL before dinner and a new game of ice-breaking called Góa-Talk (Goa-Talk) after dinner.

附件是為你填好一部份資料讓你方便繼續的報名單。Attached please find the registration partially filled for your convenience.

由於場地容量限制,請及早填好報名單,附上支票寄到指定的收件地點,讓事情好辦。Due to the seating limitation, please mail the registration form along with a check as soon as possible.

盼望再見面,一起重新創造台灣同鄉會新路意分會的活力、新願景、和新式的活動。Hope to see you and have you working together to revive our TAASTL, with new vision and new types of activities/services.

Hisam So, 同鄉會董事會書記 secretary, 20:36 2019/1/8




The Goa-Talk game is a simple activity with multiple functions, e.g., entertaining, educational, training, hands-on experiencing, networking, etc. It utilizes the unusual gathering time to distribute the opportunity of one-to-many talking to as many participants as possible.

This way, we increase the number of people who demonstrate or exercise the skills of public speaking. The speakers could polish the skills of making long stories short at the same time exposing themselves to a larger number of people for a more in-depth acquaintance.

Those existing friends would have chances to know the speakers with newfound dimensions. Since this is a game with a new design, there will be a handout distributable at the gathering and perhaps through mailing beforehand, to help people understand and perhaps prepare in advance.

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